- Calculus Surface Index
- Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN)
- Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index
- Gingival Bleeding Index of Carter and Barnes
- Gingival Bone Count
- Navy Plaque Index
- Navy Periodontal Disease Index
- Oral Hygiene Index
- Periodontitis Severity Index
- Periodontal Treatment Need System (PTNS)
- Quigley and Hein’s Plaque Index, as Modified by Turesky et al
- Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI)
- Gingival Index of Loe and Silness
- Periodontal Index of Russell
- The Periodontal Disease Index (PDI) of Ramfjord
- The Plaque Formation Rate Index (PFRI) of Axelsson
- The Bleeding Index (BI) of Edwards
- The Columbia Gingival Index (GI) for Gingivitis
- Jaw Symptom Questionnaire for Evaluating Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
- Activity Limitation Scale for Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
- Clinical Stages of Internal Derangement in the Temporomandibular Joint
- 1988 Diagnostic Criteria of the Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society for Temporomandibular Joint Disease
- Indications and Contraindications of Going for Arthroscopic Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disease
- Jaw Claudication
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Involving the Temporomandibular Joint
- Intra-Articular Disk Derangement Disorder of the Temporomandibular Joint
- Chondrocalcinosis (Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition, Pseudogout) of the Temporomandibular Joint
- Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Disease of the Temporomandibular Joint
- Contraindications to Performing Periodontal Osseous Resective Surgery
- Healing Index of Landry, Turnbull and Howley
- Handicapping Labio-Lingual Deviation (HLD) Index
- The California Modification of the Handicapping Labiolingual Deviation [HLD(CalMod)] Index
- The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN)
- The Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI)
- The Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) Index
- Grading Scheme of Gottlieb for Evaluating the Results of Orthodontic Treatment
- Classification of Angle for Dental Occlusion
- Systems for Dental Notation
- Using a Simple Classification System in Planning the Surgical Management of Maxillomandibular Asymmetry
- Diagnosis of the Long Face Syndrome
- Vertical Indicator (VI) of Miyajima et al for Patients with Class III Malocclusions
- Gnathic Index (Alveolar Index)
- Criteria for the Diagnosis of Xerostomia
- Questionnaire of Moutsopoulos et al for Identifying Xerostomia in Patients with Sicca (Sjogren's) Syndrome
- Drugs and Other Risk Factors for Xerostomia
- Management of a Patient with Xerostomia
- Risk Factors for Caries Development
- Severity Grades of Root Surface Caries
- Root Caries Index (RCI) of Katz
- Risk Factors for Root Caries in the Elderly
- Clinical and Radiographic Scoring of Dental Caries
- Diagnostic Criteria of Moller and Poulsen for Dental Caries
- Four Point Scale of Axelsson for Predicting Caries Risk Based on PFRI Score and Streptococcus mutans Levels
- Descriptive Classification of DePaola et al for Dental Root Surface Caries
- Mandibular Fracture Score
- Risk Factors for Dental Trauma
- Evaluation of a Patient for Complications After Mandibular Fracture
- Clinical Findings Associated with Mandibular Fracture
- Traumatic Macroglossia Secondary to Massive Lingual Hematoma
- Clinical Features of a "Parade Ground" Fracture
- Classification of Carinci et al for Mandibular Fractures
- Estimation of the Possibility to Restore a Positive Overjet in Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
- Evaluating the Outcome of Surgical Repair for a Cleft Lip and Palate Using the Nasolabial Attractiveness Scale of Asher-McDade et al.
- Ultrasound Classification of Nyberg et al for Fetal Cleft Lip With or Without Cleft Palate
- LCP Classification and Staging System for Oral Leukoplakia
- Criteria for the Diagnosis of Oral Hairy Leukoplakia
- Prognostic Markers of Sudbo et al for Oral Leukoplakia, Including DNA Content
- Estimating Adenoidal Obstruction of the Nasopharyngeal Airway in Children (Nasal Obstruction Index of Paradise et al)
- Clinical Indicators of the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
- Outcome Measures of the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
- Grades of Friedman et al for Tonsillar Size
- Tonsilloliths and Tonsillolithiasis
- Grades of Brodsky for Tonsillar Size
- Indications of Harley for Tonsillectomy in a Child with Asymmetric Tonsillar Enlargement
- Reasons for a Tonsil Being Absent
- The Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI)
- The Child Dental Neglect Scale
- Importance of Dental Behaviors Questionnaire
- Clinical Evaluation of Halitosis
- Indications That the Mouth May Be the Source for Halitosis
- Halitophobia
- Odors on the Breath
- Differential Diagnosis of Tooth Discoloration
- Enamel Fluorosis
- Tetracycline-Associated Tooth Discoloration
- The Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis (TSIF)
- Calculating the Daily Dose of Fluoride from the Drinking Water
- Tooth Stain Index of Macpherson et al (Modified Tooth Stain Index of Lobene)
- Erythrodontia in Porphyria
- Darkening of a Dead (Nonviable) Tooth
- Identification of Pseudomacroglossia
- Clinical and Cephalometric Features of Macroglossia
- Calculating Tongue Volume on an Imaging Scan
- Classification of Vogel et al for True Macroglossia
- Changes in the Tongue Associated with Neurologic Disorders
- Clinical Features of a Lingual Thyroid
- Causes of a Cleft or Bifid Tongue
- Sublingual Varices
- Black Hairy Tongue
- Fissured Tongue
- Geographic Tongue
- Atrophic Glossitis (Smooth or Bald Tongue)
- Furred Tongue (White Furry Tongue)
- Median Rhomboid Glossitis
- Herpetic Geometric Glossitis
- Ankyloglossia
- Ulceration of the Tongue in a Neonate or Infant Due to Dental Trauma (Riga-Fede Disease)
- Measurements of Mouth Opening
- Mandibular Mobility Index of Helkimo
- Equation of Stephan and Henneberg for Predicting Mouth Width from the Inter-Canine Width
- Algorithm for Evaluation of Bentz et al for Masses of the Salivary Gland Region in Children
- Gustatory Sweating (Frey Syndrome, Auriculotemporal Nerve Syndrome) After Parotidectomy
- Pneumoparotid
- Postoperative Pneumoparotid (Anesthesia Mumps)
- Sialadenosis of the Parotid Glands
- Pseudo-Enlargement of the Parotid Glands Associated with Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy
- Bilateral Enlargement of the Parotid Glands in Bulimia
- Uveoparotid Fever (Heerfordt Syndrome) in Sarcoidosis
- Enlargement of the Salivary Glands in Sarcoidosis
- Management Options for a Patient with Reduced Flow of Saliva
- Clinical Features of Recurrent Parotitis in Children
- Clinical Features of Mucus Escape Reaction (Mucocele, Ranula, Mucus Retention Cyst)
- Benign Lymphoepithelial Parotid Lesions and Hyperplastic Cervical Lymphadenopathy in an HIV-Positive Patient
- Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
- Algorithm of Fritsch for Managing a Patient with a Parotid Stone
- Algorithm of Fritsch for Managing a Patient with Stenosis of the Parotid Duct
- Algorithm of Fritsch for Managing a Patient with a Stone in the Submandibular Gland
- Selection Criteria of McGurk et al for Minimally Invasive Removal of Salivary Calculi
- Red Flag Signs of Mehanna et al for a Salivary Gland Mass
- The Dental Anxiety Scale of Corah
- Consequences to the Patient of a Fear of Dental Care
- Risk Factors of Maxwell and Braly for Incomplete Tooth Fracture
- Evaluation of the Patient with a Cracked Tooth
- Predisposition Index of Braly and Maxwell for Tooth Fracture
- Classification of Dental Traumatic Fractures
- Guidelines for Dental Extractions in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy With Myelosuppression
- Oral Care Guidelines of Seto et al for a Patient After Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Drug-Induced Gingival Hyperplasia
- The Gingival Overgrowth Index (GOI) of Seymour et al
- Gingival Hyperplasia (Gingival Enlargement) Not Due to Drugs
- Linear or Diffuse Gingival Discoloration (Burton Line, Lead Line, Bismuth Line)
- Dental Erosion Grading Scale of Eccles and Jenkins
- Steps to Prevent Dental Erosions Associated with Gastric Acid Reflux
- Classification of Aine et al for Dental Erosions in Children Associated with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Tooth Wear Index of Smith and Knight
- Features of Pathological Tooth Wear
- Individual Tooth Wear Index of Ekfeldt et al
- Risk Factors of Jarvinen et al for Dental Erosions
- Clinical Features of Bruxism (Grinding of the Teeth)
- Risk Factors of Ohayon et al for Sleep Bruxism
- Oral Changes in Tobacco Chewers and Snuff Dippers
- Oral Changes in Betel Nut (Areca Nut) Chewers
- Oral Submucous Fibrosis (SF) in Betel Nut Chewers
- Semi-Quantitative Clinical Examination of Warnakulasuriya for Patients with Oral Submucous Fibrosis
- Oral and Dental Changes in a Cocaine Addict
- Oral and Dental Changes in a Methamphetamine Addict (Meth Mouth)
- Risk of Complications Following Mandibular Fracture in a Substance Abuser
- Smoker's Palate (Smoker's Patch, Smoker's Keratosis, Stomatitis Nicotina Palati)
- Oral Effects of Reverse Smoking
- Oral Changes Associated with Chronic Gutka Use
- Oral Changes Associated with Chronic Marijuana Use
- Dental and Facial Findings in Patients with Congenital Syphilis
- Questionnaire of Haraldson et al for Evaluating Patients with Dentures
- Questionnaire of Carlsson et al to Determine How Well a Patient Has Adapted to Dentures
- Clinical Exam of Carlsson et al for a Patient with Complete Dentures
- When an Alternative to Dentures Should Be Considered
- Denture Sore Mouth (Denture Stomatitis) Associated with Candida Albicans
- Management of a Patient with Denture Sore Mouth
- Prognostic Factors of Critchlow and Ellis for Patient Satisfaction with Conventional Complete Denture
- Modified Newton Classification for the Severity of Denture-Related Stomatitis
- Clinical Features of a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- Indications of Radkowski et al for Performing a Thyroid Scan Prior to Surgery for a Possible Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- Clinical Features of Remnants of the Second Branchial Pouch and Cleft
- Clinical Features of a Parathyroid Cyst
- Clinical Features of a Cervical Bronchogenic Cyst
- Congenital Preauricular Pits and Other Remnants of the First Branchial Arch, Pouch or Cleft
- Clinical Featurs of Remnants of the Third Branchial Pouch and Cleft
- Burning Mouth Syndrome (Glossodynia, Stomatodynia, Oral Dysaesthesia)
- Deafferentation Dental Pain
- Non-Odontogenic Toothache (Atypical Odontalgia)
- Oral Galvanism (Oral Electricity)
- Phantom Tooth Pain (PTP)
- Clinical Features of Peri-Implant Infections
- Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy (CIST) Severity Classes for Peri-implant Infection
- Classification of Lekholm and Zarb for Bone Shape and Quality Relevant to Dental Implant
- Clinical Features of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (Hereditary Opalescent Dentine)
- Taurodontism
- Single Maxillary Central Incisor (SMCI, Solitary Median Maxillary Central Incisor, SMMCI)
- Indications for the Use of a Stainless Steel Crown to Restore a Tooth
- Evaluation of a Patient with Self-Biting
- Diseases Associated with an Increased Risk for Severe Periodontitis
- Evaluation of a Patient with HIV Disease for Risk Factors Associated with Periodontitis
- Linear Gingival Erythema (HIV Gingivitis)
- Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (Vincent's Angina)
- Risk Factors for Periodontitis and Caries in a Patient with Down's Syndrome
- Dry Socket Syndrome (Postextraction Alveolitis, Alveolar Osteitis, Fibrinolytic Alveolitis)
- Indications of Poswillo for Surgical Removal of the Third Molars
- Risk Factors of Renton and McGurk for Lingual Nerve Injury During Mandibular Third Molar Surgery
- Indications of Peterson for Removal of an Impacted Third Molar
- Factors of Renton et al Predictive of a Difficult Mandibular Third Molar Extraction
- Dental Extraction in a Patient Taking Warfarin (Coumadin)
- Evaluation of a Patient with the Numb Chin Syndrome
- Evaluation and Management of a Patient with a Odontogenic Keratocyst
- Differential Diagnosis of an Odontogenic Cyst
- Fissural Cysts of the Maxilla
- Cherubism
- Clinical Features of Aphthous Ulcers
- Types of Aphthous Ulcers
- Factors That May Trigger a Recurrence of Aphthous Ulcers
- Modified Diagnostic Tree of Scully et al for a Patient with Recurrent Oral Ulcerations
- Oral Ulceration Associated with Nicorandil Therapy
- When to Suspect That Oral Ulcerations May Represent Paraneoplastic Pemphigus (PNP)
- ELS (Extent, Location, Severity) Oral Mucosal Lesion Quantification System of Flint et al
- Important Features of Coleman and Nelson of an Oral Ulcer
- S-C-D System of Compilato et al for Long-Standing Oral Ulcers: Initial Assessment
- S-C-D System of Compilato et al for Long-Standing Oral Ulcers: Simple Ulceration (S)
- S-C-D System of Compilato et al for Long-Standing Oral Ulcers: Complex Ulceration (C)
- S-C-D System of Compilato et al for Long-Standing Oral Ulcers: Destructive Ulceration (D)
- Differential Diagnosis of van der Meij et al for an Ulcerated Mass of the Oral Mucosa in an Infant
- Emphysema of the Oral Mucosa
- Adverse Effects of Chewing Gum
- Osteonecrosis of the Mandible or Maxilla Associated with Bisphosphonate Therapy
- Phosphorus Necrosis of the Jaw (Phossy Jaw)
- Clinical Stages of Osteonecrosis Associated with Bisphosphonate Therapy
- Rule of 7 for a Patient with a Neck Mass
- Clinical Patterns of Oral Lichen Planus
- Root-Crown (R/C) Ratio of Permanent Teeth
- Risk Factors of Holtta et al for Disturbed Dental Root Development Associated with Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation
- Defect Index (DeI) of Holtta et al for Defects in Permanent Dentition
- Short Root Anomaly
- Risk Factors of Islas-Granillo et al for Edentulism in Elderly Mexican Adults
- Histologic Differentiation of an Inflammatory Nasal Polyp from a Nasal Polyp in a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis
- Evaluation of a Nasal Glial Nodule
- Clinical Features of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
- Features of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma on Imaging Studies
- Staging System of Fisch for Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
- The S5 Score of Garbutt et al for Evaluating a Child with Acute Sinus Disease
- Criteria of the AAO-HNS for Rhinosinusitis
- Clinical Features of Allergic Rhinitis
- Temporal Classification of the AAO-HNS for Adult Rhinosinusitis
- Criteria of Lund and Mackay for Staging Rhinosinusitis
- Findings of Brandt and Bernstein Suggesting Nonallergic Vasomotor Rhinitis
- Clinical Findings in Primary Atrophic Rhinitis (Ozena)
- Clinical Features of Rebound Rhinitis (Rhinitis Medicamentosa)
- Food-Induced Gustatory Rhinitis or Rhinorrhea
- Posttraumatic Gustatory Rhinorrhea
- Risk Factors for Sinusitis
- Conditions Associated with Rhinitis
- Conditions Associated with Secondary Atrophic Rhinitis
- Nonallergic Rhinitis with Eosinophilia Syndrome (NARES)
- Hormonal Rhinitis in a Woman (Menstrual, Contraceptive, Pregnancy Related)
- Conditions in the Differential Diagnosis of Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis
- Criteria of Dykewicz and Hamilos for Recurrent Acute Rhinosinusitis
- Criteria of Dykewicz and Hamilos for Chronic Rhinosinusitis with or without Nasal Polyps
- Criteria of Dykewicz and Hamilos for Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis (AFRS)
- Criteria of deShazo et al for Allergic Fungal Sinusitis (AFS)
- Perforation of the Nasal Septum
- Indications for Correction of a Deviated Nasal Septum
- Clinical Features of the Empty Nose Syndrome (ENS)
- Clinical Features of a Saddle Nose
- Classification of Daniel and Brenner for Saddle Nose
- Conditions Associated with Saddle Nose
- Perforation of the Nasal Septum Associated with Bevacizumab Therapy
- Causes of Discolored Oral Mucosa
- Clinical Features of Amalgam Tattoo of the Oral Mucosa
- First Aid for a Nosebleed
- Possible Causes of a Nosebleed
- When to Consider a Sinonasal Neoplasm in a Patient with Epistaxis
- Managing a Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) and Frequent Nosebleeds
- Classification of Mahoney and Shapshay for Nasal Vasculature Patterns in Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
- Classification of Mahoney and Shapshay for the Severity of Epistaxis in a Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
- Criteria of Mahoney and Shapshay for Response to Laser Therapy by a Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
- Epistaxis Severity Score (ESS) of Hoag et al for a Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
- Varices of the Oropharynx and Pharynx (Sublingual Varices, Other)
- Ischemic Damage to the Tongue (Lingual Infarction)
- Clinical Features of the Adenoid Facies
- Facial Features of a Patient with Thalassemia
- Clinical Features of the Myopathic Facies
- Clinical Features of the Hippocratic Facies
- Mask-Like Face of Parkinson's Disease
- Leonine Facies (Leontiasis)
- Clinical Features of the Myasthenic Facies
- Asymmetric Crying Facies (Cardiofacial Syndrome, Cayler Syndrome)
- Habsburg Jaw, Nose and Lip
- Facial Features of Turner Syndrome
- Radiographic Classification of Yoshino et al for the Frontal Sinuses
- Maxillary Sinus Septa
- Clinical Features of Oral Pemphigoid
- Oral Changes Associated with Crohn's Disease
- Strawberry Gums and Other Oral Changes Associated with Wegener's Granulomatosis
- Oral Findings in a Patient with Celiac Disease
- Pyostomatitis Vegetans
- Oral Psoriasis
- Vegetable (Pulse) Granuloma
- Clinical Features of Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome
- Clinical Features of Orofacial Granulomatosis
- Indications for Referral of a Patient with Cerumen Impaction to a Specialist
- Potential Complications After the Use of an Ear Candle
- Causes of Otorrhea
- Oral and Dental Complications of Osteoporosis or Osteomalacia
- Risk Factors for Sialorrhea
- Factors Contributing to Sialorrhea for a Patient with Parkinson's Disease
- Combined Drooling Ranking of Thomas-Stonell and Greenberg
- Predictors of Thomas-Stonell and Greenberg for Control of Drooling in a Pediatric Patient
- Drugs and Toxic Exposures Associated with Excessive Salivation (Ptyalism, Sialorrhea)
- Eagle's Syndrome (Stylohyoid Process Syndrome, Calcified Stylohyoid Ligament Syndrome)
- Conditions Associated with Lhermitte's Phenomenon
- Lhermitte's Phenomenon and Its Variations
- Oral Complaints in Diabetes Mellitus
- Complications of a Tongue Barbell
- Complications of Dental Nerve Block Analgesia
- Dental Disorders Associated with Barodontalgia
- Odontecrexis (Tooth Explosion) Associated with Barodontalgia
- People At Risk for Experiencing Barodontalgia
- Granuloma Gravidarum (Pregnancy-Associated Gingival Pyogenic Granuloma)
- Observations Associated with Masticatory Dysfunction in a Patient with Down's Syndrome
- Clinical Findings Associated with Masticatory Dysfunction in a Patient with Down's Syndrome
- Oral and Dental Changes Associated with Hereditary Epidermolysis Bullosa
- Foreign Body Ingested or Aspirated During Orthodontic Treatment
- Drug-Induced Changes in Taste or Smell
- Differential Diagnosis of a Loss of Smell
- Decreased Sense of Smell in a Patient with Dementia or Parkinson's Disease
- Photic Sneeze Reflex (Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome, ACHOO)
- Pharyngonasal Reflux
- Causes of Anterior Diastema
- Clinical Features of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH)
- Risk Factors Associated with Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH)
- Causes of Ankylosis of the Temporomandibular Joint
- Conditions Associated with Condylar Resorption of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
- Risk Factors Associated with Post-Tonsillectomy Hemorrhage
- Hospital Discharge of a Patient Following Tonsillectomy
- Tongue Involvement in a Patient with Hemochromatosis
- Drug-Induced Parotitis
- Minor Salivary Gland Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Hemochromatosis (NH)
- Clinical Features of a Cervical Rib
- Dental and Oral Defects Associated with X Chromosome Aneuploidy
- Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Associated with Anti-Angiogenetic Targeted Therapy (Sunitinib, Bevacizumab, etc)
- Probable Site of Origin for a Process Causing an Enlarged Lymph Node in the Neck
- Clinical Features of Sinonasal Sarcoidosis
- Criteria of Braun et al for Sinonasal Sarcoidosis
- Differential Diagnosis of Sinonasal Sarcoidosis
- Urofacial Syndrome (Ochoa Syndrome)
- Oral Changes in a Patient with Primary Hypogammaglobulinemia
- Differential Diagnosis of a Red Ear
- Criteria of Lambru et al for Primary Red Ear Syndrome (RES)
- Teacher Drool Scale
- Risk Factors of Reid et al for Drooling in a Child with Cerebral Palsy
- Causes of a Metallic Taste
- Hazards of Mouth-to-Mouth Kissing
- Occlusal Index of Helkimo
- Algorithm of Chen et al for Evaluating a Patient with Bilateral Partoid Enlargement
- Ramon Syndrome (Gingival Fibromatosis, Cherubism, Epilepsy and Mental Retardation)
- Diagnostic Criteria of Nixdorf and Moana-Filho for Persistent Dento-Alveolar Pain (PDAP) Disorder
- Recommendations of Gealh et al for Avoiding Fracture of an Osteointegrated Dental Implant
- Rhinosinusitis Associated with ANCA-Associated Vasculitis
- Criteria of deShazo et al for Sarcoidosis of the Sinuses
- Nasal Septal Hematoma
- Desquamation and Sloughing of the Oral Mucosa Associated with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in a Dentifrice
- Identifying a Patient with Osteoporosis Who Is at Risk for Periodontitis
- Impact of a Taste Disorder on Diet and Body Weight
- Clinical Features of a Patulous Eustachian Tube
- Risk Factors Associated with a Patulous Eustachian Tube
- Masked Patulous Eustachian Tube
- Foaming at the Mouth
- Grades of Lochbuhler et al for Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
- Cinammon-Induced Allergic Stomatitis
- Lingual Raynaud Phenomenon (Raynaud Phenomenon of the Tongue)
- Traumatic Ulcerative Eosinophilic Granuloma with Stromal Eosinophilia (TUGSE)of the Tongue
- Craniopharyngeal Canal
- Impact of Lead Poisoning on Oral Health
- Signs and Symptoms of a Dental Abscess or Other Localized Dental Infection
- Signs and Symptoms of a Spreading Dental Infection
- Differential Diagnosis of a Nasopharyngeal Mass
- Indications of Ah-See and Evans for Referral of a Patient with Rhinosinusitis to a Specialist
- Drug-Induced Rhinitis
- Oral Verruciform Xanthoma (OVX)
- Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy or Facial Hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg Syndrome)
- Clinical Features of Otoacariasis (Intra-Aural Tick)
- Complications of Maheu-Robert et al for a Tongue or Lip Piercing
- Hypochlorite Dental Accident
- Oral Conditions in Patients on Calcium Channel Blocker Therapy
- Differential Diagnosis of Palatal Necrosis
- Torus Palatinus (Benign Palatine Exostosis)
- Temporal Tendonitis (Temporal Tendinitis)
- Clinical Features of the Pierre Robin Sequence
- GILLS Score for Evaluating a Patient with Pierre Robin Sequence Prior to Creation of a Tongue-Lip Adhesion (TLA)
- First Bite Syndrome (Parotid Pain Associated with the Start of Salivation)
- Dermoid Cyst (Hairy Polyp) of the Head and Neck
- Nasal Vestibular Furunculosis with the Positive Rudolph Sign
- Neck Tongue Syndrome (NTS)
- Dental Changes of Chronic Hypoparathyroidism
- Risk Factors for Taste Loss Associated with Terbinafine Therapy
- Taste Dysfunction in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy in Sickle Cell Anemia
- Bristol Tongue Assessment Tool (BTAT) of Ingram et al for Tongue Tie
- Uremic Stomatitis
- Non-Dental Orofacial Pain Associated with Sickle Cell Disease
- Risk Score Algorithm of Yu et al for Persistent Apical Periodontitis (Deterioration Risk Score, DRS)
- Discharge, Inflammation, and Polyps/Edema (DIP) Score of Durr et al for Sinonasal Endoscopy
- Criteria of Oka et al for Eosinophilic Chronic Rhinosinusitis (ECRS)
- Endoscopic Staging System of Philpott and Javer for Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis
- Priapism of the Nasal Turbinates in Sickle Cell Anemia
- Maxillary Silent Sinus Syndrome (SSS, Imploding Antrum Syndrome)
- Complications Associated with the Use of a Cotton Tipped Applicators (Q-Tips) in the External Ear Canal
- Index of Chewing Ability of Leake
- Criteria of the International RDC/TMD Consortium Network and OPSIG for Myalgia as the Cause of Temporomandibular Pain
- Conditions Associated with Enlargement of the Lingual Tonsil
- Clinical Consequences Associated with an Enlarged Lingual Tonsil
- Swansea Classification of Costello et al for Lingual Tonsil
- Grades of Hwang et al for Hypertrophy of the Lingual Tonsil
- Endoscopic Lingual Tonsil Hypertrophy Grading Scale
- Red Flags of Pynnonen et al for Malignancy in an Adult with a Neck Mass
- Clinical Findings of Pynnonen et al That Suggest an Underlying Malignancy in an Adult with a Neck Mass
- Algorithm of Pynnonen et al for Evaluating an Adult with a Neck Mass
- Criteria of Bent and Kuhn for Allergic (Reactive) Fungal Rhinosinusitis
- Risk Scores of Ebell and Hansen for the Diagnosis of Acute Rhinosinusitis in an Adult in Primary Care
- CART Model of Ebell and Hansen for the Diagnosis of Acute Rhinosinusitis in an Adult in Primary Care
- Pinocchio Nose (Vascular Tumor at the Tip of the Nose)
- Femoral Hypoplasia - Unusual Facies Syndrome (FH-UFS, Femoral-Facial Syndrome. FFS)
- Olfactory Changes (Desiderosmia or Cravings, Hyposmia) in Iron Deficiency
- Differential Diagnosis of Thin Vermillion Border to the Upper Lip
- Definition of a Flare-Up in Endondontics
- Causes of a Flare-Up in Endodontics
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Function in Scleroderma
- Discoloration of Teeth and Tongue Associated with Linezolid Therapy in Children
- Blue Tongue
- Risk Factors of Sakka et al for Early and Late Dental Implant Failure
- Features of Sakka et al for a Successful Dental Implant
- Hematoma of the Floor of the Mouth After Dental Implant
- Diagnostic Criteria of Albandar for Aggressive Periodontitis
- Predictors of Martinez-Canut for Tooth Loss in a Patient with Periodontal Disease
- Actinic Lichen Planus (ALP) of the Lip
- Tooth Mobility Scale
- Nasal Septal Abscess
- Nasal Partition Ratio (NPR)
- Differential Diagnosis of a Blue Nose
- Dysmorphic Facial Features Associated with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Orofacial Features of Scleroderma (Including Mona Lisa Face, Fish Mouth, Chicken Tongue)
- Olfactory Hallucination (Phantosmia)
- Changes in Smell Perception in Pregnancy
- Paraneoplastic Dysgeusia
- Pneumocephalus After Blowing the Nose
- Conditions Associated with a Smooth Philtrum
- Differential Diagnosis of a Mass in the Floor of the Mouth of a Pediatric Patient
- Differential Diagnosis of a Mass in the Floor of the Mouth of an Adult
- Palatal Myoclonus (Palatal Tremor)
- Failed Root Canal
- Actinic Cheilitis (Solar Cheilosis)
- Classification of Poitevin et al for Actinic Cheilitis
- Lip Lickers Dermatitis
- Lip Fullness Grading Scale of Carruthers et al
- Clinical Diagnosis of Angular Cheilitis
- Differential Diagnosis of Angular Cheilitis
- Clinical Features of Exfoliative Cheilitis
- Early Childhood Caries (ECC, Baby Bottle Syndrome)
- Risk Factors for Dental Enamel Hypoplasia (EHP) or Developmental Defects
- Adenoidal Obstruction Score of Bitar et al
- Differential Diagnosis of Parotitis
- Saline Nasal Lavage (Saline Nasal Irrigation)
- Oral Lichen Sclerosus
- Questionnaire of Tjio et al to Screen for a Coagulopathy in a Patient with Epistaxis
- Causes of Premature Loss of the Primary Teeth
- Drug-Induced Dental Caries
- Parotitis Associated with Noninvasive Mask Ventilation
- Postoperative Parotitis
- Cervical Ganglioneuroma
- Differential Diagnosis of a Goiter
- Epistaxis Associated with Rupture of a Traumatic Intracranial Aneurysm
- Oral and Dental Complications of Sickle Cell Disease
- Dental Problems Associated with Thalassemia
- Nomogram for Kim et al for the Classification of Temporomandibular Joint Disk Perforation
- Early Wound Healing Score (EHS) of Marini et al Following Periodontal Surgery
- Dental Caries in Sjogren's Syndrome
- Storage of a Dislodged/Avulsed Permanent Tooth Prior to Replantation
- Risk Factors for Traumatic Damage to the Teeth
- Uremic Fetor
- Fetor Hepaticus
- Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) of the Tongue
- NYU Tongue-Tie (Ankyloglossia) Case Definition (TTCD) of Katz et al
- Gingival Hirsutism
- Periodontitis Staging Criteria of Tonetti et al
- Periodontitis Grading Criteria of Tonetti et al
- Dental Self-Extraction
- Oral Disease Severity Score (ODSS) for Oral Pemphigus Vulgaris
- Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Associated with Methamphetamine or Cocaine Abuse
- Nasal Midline Dermoid Cyst
- Cold-Induced Rhinitis or Rhinorrhea (CIR, Skier's Nose)
- Criteria of Lund et al for Chronic Sinusitis
- Oral Fordyce Spots
- Recommendations of Hartley and Axon for Managing Epistaxis with a Foley Catheter
- Score of Schellingerhout et al for Predicting Persistent Neck Pain in a Patient with a Nonspecific Neck Pain
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Cleland et al for Success of Thoracic Spine Manipulation in Treatment of Neck Pain
- KNGF Grades for Neck Pain
- Causes of a Deviant Recovery for a Patient with Neck Pain
- Red Flags for a Patient with Neck Pain
- Stylohyoid Complex Syndrome (Hyoid Bone Syndrome)
- Models of Kovacs et al for a Patient with Neck Pain: Improvement in Neck Pain
- Models of Kovacs et al for a Patient with Neck Pain: Improvement in Arm Pain
- Models of Kovacs et al for a Patient with Neck Pain: Disability Improvement
- Carotidynia
- Hyponasal Speech (Rhinolalia Clausa, Closed Rhinolalia)
- Hypernasal Speech (Rhinolalia Aperta, Open Nasality)
- 2004 Criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)-Related Headache
- Postcraniotomy Temporalis Muscle Dysfunction
- Aspiration of an Avulsed Tooth After Facial Trauma
- Displaced Tooth Embedded in the Soft Tissues of the Lip
- Submucous Cleft Palate and Clinical Score of Smyth
- Classification of Veau for Cleft Palate
- Risk Factors for Oronasal Fistula Follow Palatoplasty for Cleft Palate
- Phenotypic Classification of Smith and Senders for Pierre Robin Sequence
- Nasopharyngoscopy Classification of de Sousa et al for Pierre Robin Sequence
- Clinical Grading Classification of Cole et al for a Neonate with Pierre Robin Sequence
- Nasal Outcome Score for Epistaxis in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (NOSE HHT)
- Criteria of Lecler et al for Transient Perivascular Inflammation of the Carotid Artery (TIPIC Syndrome)
- Criteria of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) for Masticatory Muscle Myospasm
- Criteria of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) for Masticatory Myofascial Pain
- Criteria of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) for Masticatory Muscle Myalgia
- Revised Diagnostic Criteria of Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) for Myofascial Pain
- Glickman's Classification of Furcation Involvement
- Classification of Pilloni and Rojas for Furcation Involvement
- CSF Leak Following the Insertion of a Nasal Swab or Nasal Packing
- Quincke's Disease (Uvular Angioedema)
- Bifid Uvula (Cleft Uvula)
- Idiopathic Condylar Resorption (ICR)
- Enamel Defects in Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA)
- Diagnostic Decision Tree of Mortazavi et al for Oral White Lesions
- Morsicatio Buccarum, Morsicatio Labiorum, Morsicatio Linguarum and Morsicatio Mucosae Oris (Biting Trauma of the Oral Cavity)
- Psoriasis and Geographic or Fissured Tongue
- Geographic Tongue Area and Severity Index (GTASI) of Picciani et al
- Simple Index of Zawawi et al for Maximum Mouth Opening
- Periodontitis Associated with Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis
- Pregnancy-Associated Periodontal Disease
- Conditional Inference Tree of Dang et al for Predicting the Need for Multiple Surgeries for a Patient with a Severe Odontogenic Infection
- Non-Traumatic and Non-Iatrogenic Facial Numbness (Trigeminal Neuropathy)
- Bednar Aphthae (Oral Palantine Ulcers) in an Infant
- Diatom-Associated Granulomas of the Oral Cavity
- Symptoms of Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD)
- Predictors of Atherton et al for Persistent Neck Pain After Whiplash Injury
- Oral and Dental Changes Associated with Acromegaly
- Tongue Splitting (Cosmetic Tongue Bifurcation)
- Oral Manifestations of Rett Syndrome
- Olfactory Dysfunction After Head Trauma (Post-Traumatic Olfactory Dysfunction)
- Infratemporal Fossa Sign for Eustachian Salpingitis
- Differential Diagnosis of Macrocheilia (Swollen Lips)
- Triad of Torticollis, Photophobia and Epiphora Associated with Posterior Fossa Tumor
- Differential Diagnosis of Acquired Torticollis
- Congenital Muscular Torticollis (CMT)
- Ocular Torticollis
- Red Flags for a Child with Torticollis
- Sandifer Syndrome (Gastroesophageal Reflux-Related Torticollis)
- Television Torticollis
- Temporomandibular Joint Internal Derangement Score (TIDS) of Kowalchuk et al
- Score of de Araujo Nobre for Risk of Dental Caries in an Adult Patient
- Dental Problems Associated with Oral Buprenorphine
- Clinical Decision Rule of Charalambous et al for Mandibular X-Rays Following Mandibular Trauma
- Manukau Salivary Symptoms Score
- Oral Complications of Qat (Khat) Chewing
- Peri-Implant Disease Risk Score of De Araujo Nobre et al
- Risk Score of De Araujo Nobre et al for Periodontitis
- Odontogenic Cutaneous Fistula (OCF)
- JESREC Score for the Diagnosis of Chronic Eosinophilic Rhinosinusitis
- Oral Secretion Scale (OSS)
- Hazards of Excessive Oral Secretions and Need for Oropharyngeal Suctioning
- Dental and Craniofacial Features Associated with Cystinosis
- Palate Hyperpigmentation Due to Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine
- Allergan Lip Fullness Scale of Werschler et al
- Risk Factors of Bilgin et al for a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder in Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Drug-Induced Tongue Disorders: Drugs Causing an Increase in Tongue Volume
- Drug-Induced Tongue Disorders: Drugs Causing a Change in the Color of the Tongue
- Drug-Induced Tongue Disorders: Drugs Causing Neurological Changes
- Drug-Induced Tongue Disorders: Drugs Causing Ulceration
- Nodular Colloid Degeneration of the Tongue
- Gingival Vasculopathy in Juvenile Dermatomyositis
- Oral Manifestations of Secondary Syphilis
- Conditions Associated with a Prominent Supraorbital Ridge
- Dysmorphic Facial Features in Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS)
- Algorithm of Indu et al for Oral Amyloidosis
- Gingival Healing Index (GHI) of Trombelli et al
- Classification of Miyazaki et al for Halitosis
- Eosinophilic Sialodochitis
- Classification of Deeban et al for Tooth Surface Loss (TSL)
- Aesthetic Impact Classification of Deeban et al for Tooth Surface Loss (TSL)
- Risk Factors of Kaddas et al for Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Dehiscence (PSTD)
- Pathology Associated with a Titanium Dental Implant
- Risk Factors of Sandhu et al for Bleeding After a Dental Extraction in a Thrombocytopenic Patient
- Risk Factors of Kumar et al for Identifying Oral Lesions of Pemphigus Vulgaris That Are Treatment Refractory
- RHU Scoring System of Wu et al for Monitoring a Patient with Oral Lichen Planus
- Clinical Scoring System of Malhotra et al for Oral Lichen Planus
- Scoring System of Escudier et al for Mucosal Involvement in Lichen Planus
- Index for Facial Angiofibromas (IFA)
- Facial Angiofibroma Severity Index (FASI)
- Signs and Symptoms Associated with Cerumen (Ear Wax) Impaction in the External Auditory Canal
- Risk Factors for Cerumen (Ear Wax) Impaction
- Contraindications to Ear Irrigation (Syringing) for Removal of Impacted Cerumen (Ear Wax)
- Contraindications for Manual Clearance of Cerumen (Ear Wax) Impaction
- Discoloration of the External Ear in Ochronosis (Alkaptonuria)
- Photonumeric Grading Scale of Rossi et al for Assessing Lip Thickness and Volume
- Nutritional Cheilitis
- Classification of Lugovic-Mihic et al for Cheilitis
- Causes of Abnormal Head Movements: Nodding and Tremors
- Bobble-Head Doll Syndrome (BHDS)
- Edentulous Orodyskinesia (ED)
- Formula Otorrhea in a Pediatric Patient with a Cleft Palate
- Chronic Otitis Media with Hearing Loss in a Patient with Cleft Palate
- Ultrasonographic Prediction Model of Peng et al for a Salivary Gland Mass
- Classification of Martinoli et al for Vascularity of a Salivary Gland Mass Using Color Doppler Sonography
- Predictors of Kamiya et al for Significant Cervical Lymphadenopathy
- Complications of a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- Risk Factors of Song et al for Hypesthesia Following Repair of a Facial Fracture
- Inflammatory Proliferative Remodeling (IPR) Scale for Monitoring Wound Healing After 1 Surgical Third Molar Extraction
- Osteonecrosis of the External Auditory Canal Associated with Sunitinib or Sorafenib Therapy
- Predictors of Kshirsagar et al a Malignant Neck Mass in an Adult
- Sonographic Score of Liao et al for Evaluating Cervical Lymph Nodes
- Score of Chung et al for Evaluating Lymphadenopathy in a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC)
- Ectopic Supernumerary Tooth in the Palate or Nose
- Nasal Congestion Index (NCI) of Kjaergaard et al
- Nomogram of Jiang et al for Predicting Control of Chronic Rhinosinusitis
- Sinonasal Sarcoidosis
- Periodontal Risk Score (PRS) of Saleh et al
- Miller-McEntire Prognostic Index for Molar Periodontal Disease
- Risk Factors of Field et al for Malignant Transformation in Oral Dysplasia
- Nomogram of Cai et al for Prediction of Malignant Transformation of an Oral Lesion
- Combination Syndrome (CS) in a Partially Edentulous Patient
- VA Dental Implant Risk Assessment Scorecard: Medical and Dental History
- VA Dental Implant Risk Assessment Scorecard: Clinical Examination and Contraindications
- Odontogenic Infection Severity Score of Flynn et al
- Facial Dysmorphism Associated with Congenital Rubella
- Text Neck Syndrome