- Apgar Score
- Survival Index in Low Birthweight Infants
- Nutrition Score
- Perinatal Risk Inventory
- Dubowitz Score
- Ballard Score
- New Ballard Score
- Sheffield Birth Score
- Method of Narayanan et al for Estimating the Gestational Age of a Newborn Infant
- Neonatal Morbidity Scale
- Morbidity Assessment Index for Newborns (MAIN)
- Neonatal Outcome Prediction for Extremely Low Birthweight Infants
- Neonatal Medical Index (NMI) for Preterm Infants
- Nursery Neurobiologic Risk Score
- Estimating Gestational Age in a Premature Infant Based on the Grading System of Hittner et al for the Anterior Vascular Capsule of the Ocular Lens
- Terms Used to Classify a Premature Infant
- Cerebral Function Monitoring (CFM) Score of Burdjalov et al for Evaluating Brain Maturation in a Neonate
- Modified Early Neonatal Neurobehavioral Scale (ENNS) of Scanlon et al
- Predictors of Beaino et al for Severe Cognitive Deficiency in a Very Preterm Infant
- Predictors of Tan et al for Neonatal Admission After Labor Induction at Term
- Composite Neonatal Outcome Score of Prior et al
- Volume of Subaponeurotic Hemorrhage in Newborn
- Diagnosis of the Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Risk Factors of Karartekin et al for the Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- The Anogenital Ratio for Detecting Fetal Virilization in Newborn Female Infants
- A Score Based on Plain Abdominal Radiographs for Separating Meconium Plug Syndrome, Meconium Ileus and Hirschsprung's Disease in the Neonate
- Risk Factors for Neonatal Hypothermia
- Risk Factors of Usta et al for the Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- Risk Scale of Letts et al for Neonatal Vascular Insufficiency
- Identifying Neonates to Screen for Hypoglycemia
- Clinical Findings in a Neonate Born to a Mother with Gestational Diabetes
- Clinical Features of Renal Vein Thrombosis in a Neonate
- Risk Factors for Dehydration in a Neonate Secondary to Insensitive Water Loss
- Features of Potter's Sequence in a Neonate with Oligohydramnios
- Ratio of Immature to Total Neutrophil Count in a Neonate
- Risk Factors for an Adverse Outcome in a Neonate with an Abdominal Wall Defect
- Clinical Features of the Amnion Rupture Sequence (Amniotic Band Syndrome)
- Harlequin Color Change in a Neonate
- Distinguishing Gastrointestinal Bleeding from Swallowed Maternal Blood in a Neonate Using the Apt Test for Fetal Hemoglobin
- Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis of the Newborn
- Evaluation of a Neonate Following Vacuum-Assisted Delivery
- Transient Intoxication of the Neonate from a Local Anesthetic Administered to the Mother Prior to Delivery
- Traumatic Lesions to the Nose in Infants Receiving Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy
- Clinical Features of the Twin Embolization Syndrome (TES)
- Clinical Features of Early Onset Neonatal Hypocalcemia
- Clinical Features of Late Onset Neonatal or Infantile Hypocalcemia
- Clinical and Laboratory Features of Vitamin D Deficiency in a Neonate
- Models of Tyson et al for Predicting Outcomes for an Extremely Premature Infant
- Clinical Features of Polycythemia in a Neonate
- Clinical Findings in a Neonate with Hypoglycemia
- Mean Anal Diameter of a Newborn
- Differential Diagnosis of Feeding Problems, Aspiration and Respiratory Distress in a Neonate or Infant
- Criteria of Mishra et al for Apnea of Prematurity (AOP)
- Differential Diagnosis of Apnea in a Neonate
- Transient Hyperammonemia of the Neonate (THAN, TNH)
- Evaluating a Neonate Born to a Mother with Asthma
- Causes of Hydrops Fetalis
- Simplified Age Weight Score (SAWS) of Rosenberg et al for Predicting Mortality in Low Birth Weight Infants in a Low-Resource Setting
- Differential Diagnosis of a Failure to Pass Meconium
- Meconium Ileus
- Meconium Peritonitis (MP)
- Small Left Colon Syndrome
- Meconium Plug Syndrome
- Renal Tubular Acidosis in a Neonate Born to a Mother Who Inhales Toluene
- Stiff Baby Syndrome (Neonatal Hyperekplexia, Neonatal Startle Disease)
- Risk Factors for Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)
- Diagnosis of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)
- Early Hypocarbia in a Preterm Infant
- Ophthalmia Neonatorum (Gonococcal Conjunctivitis of the Newborn)
- Criteria of Bang et al for Identifying a Neonate with Sepsis or Pneumonia
- Fetal Inflammatory Response Syndrome (FIRS)
- Differential Diagnosis of Rectal Bleeding in a Neonate
- Neonatal Asphyxia (Asphyxia Neonatorum) Associated with Bilateral Choanal Atresia
- Fetus in Fetu
- Classification of Kamata et al for Ultrasound Findings Associated with Meconium Peritonitis (MP)
- Meconium Embolism
- Evaluation of a Neonate Whose Placenta Shows a Single Umbilical Artery (SUA)
- Neonatal Necrotizing Tracheobronchitis
- Causes of Neonatal Myocardial Infarction
- Transient Bullous Dermolysis of the Newborn (TBDN)
- Classification of Lazar et al for a Neonate's Airway at Birth
- Blueberry Muffin Baby (Neonatal Violaceous Skin Lesions)
- The Fussiness Score
- Pediatric Symptom Score
- Age Correction in Prematurely Born Infants
- Developmental Quotient (DQ)
- The Charlop-Atwell Scale of Motor Coordination in Young Children
- Infant Behavioral State
- Method of Poole et al for Evaluating an Infant with Acute, Unexplained and Excessive Crying
- Criteria of Poole and Doerck for Infantile Colic
- Screening Questions of McRae and Vickar for Evaluating a Child with Speech Delay
- Significance of Wormian Bones in the Skull X-Ray
- Neuropsychiatric Assessment in an Infant with Infantile-Onset Cerebral Folate Deficiency Syndrome
- Teething
- Differential Diagnosis of an Infant with Erythroderma ("Red Baby")
- Identifying a Child Who Is At Increased Risk for Mental Retardation
- Breath-Holding Spells
- Conditions Associated with Toe Walking
- Score of Ambalavanan et al for Predicting Rehospitalization for an Extremely Premature Infant
- Dermatitis in an Infant Secondary to Zinc Deficiency
- Umbilical Granuloma
- The Baby Check Scoring System
- Assessment of the Sick Child 2 Months to 5 Years of Age With Cough Using Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
- The Pediatric Risk of Admission (PRISA) Score
- Yale Observation Scales
- Prediction of Bacteremia in Febrile Infants Using the Criteria of Crain and Shelov
- Scoring System of Oyediran et al for Sick Children
- Risk of Bacteremia in Febrile Children 3 to 36 Months of Age Using the Equation of Isaacman et al
- Rochester Criteria for Management of Nontoxic Febrile Infants 1 to 3 Months of Age
- The Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) Guidelines for Sick Children in Developing Countries
- Clinical Criteria for Identifying Hypoxemia in Infants from Developing Countries
- Guidelines of El-Radhi and Carroll for When to Call a Pediatrician About a Febrile Child
- The Canadian Acute Respiratory Illness and Flu Scale (CARIFS) for Pediatric Respiratory Infections
- Prognostic Scores of Berkley et al for Sick Children in Kenya
- Criteria of Brook for Identifying Children Less Than 3 Months of Age With Fever and No Focus of Infection Who Are Low Risk for Serious Bacterial Infection
- When to Immediately Return with a Sick Child to the Hospital After Being Released
- Warning Signs in an Infant with Recurrent Vomiting
- Indications for the Medical Evaluation of a Child with Acute Diarrhea
- Indications to Hospitalize a Sick Child with Acute Diarrhea or Severe Dehydration
- Signs of Severe Illness in Pediatric Outpatients from the WHO Sick Child Charts
- Risk Factors of Spooner et al for Children with Pneumonia in Papua New Guinea
- Clinical Features of Diabetes Mellitus in an Infant
- Predictors of Kuppermann et al for Occult Pneumococcal Bacteremia in a Febrile Child 3 to 36 Months of Age
- PRISA II (Pediatric Risk of Admission) Score of Chamberlain et al
- Clinical Features of the PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Cervical Adenitis, FAPA) Syndrome
- Risk Factors for Rupture of the Urinary Bladder in a Neonate or Infant with Urinary Ascites
- Prediction Rule of the Young Infants Clinical Signs Study Group for Severe Illness in a Neonate and Infant Up to 2 Months of Age
- Common Presenting Findings in Children with HIV Infection
- Evaluation of a Pediatric Patient with Bloody Diarrhea
- Traffic Light Risk Classification of Risk for a Child Less Than 5 Years Old with a Febrile Illness
- Indications for When a Parent Should Immediately Bring a Child Back for Assessment According to the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
- CART Analysis of van den Bruel et al for Evaluating a Sick Pediatric Patient
- Clinical Features Suggesting a Diagnosis Other Than Viral Gastroenteritis in a Sick Child with Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
- Risk Factors for Dehydration in a Sick Child
- Causes of a Pediatric Patient Showing a Failure to Thrive
- Signs of Inflammation in Children That Can Kill (SICK Score)
- Markers of Olaciregui et al for a Serious Bacterial Infection in an Infant Less Than 3 Months of Age with Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO)
- Decision Levels of van den Bruel et al for Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in the Evaluation of a Febrile Child for Serious Infection
- Laboratory Risk Index Score (Lab Score) of Lacour et al for Identifying a Severe Bacterial Infection in a Child With Fever But Without Source
- Risk Score of Brent et al to Identify a Child with a Serious Bacterial Infection (Serious Bacterial Infection Score, SBI Score)
- Clinical Signs of Opiyo and English Identifying Severe Illness in a Neonate or Infant Younger Than 2 Months of Age in a Developing Country
- Respiratory Index of Severity in Children (RISC) for a Young HIV-Negative Child with Respiratory Infections in South Africa
- Respiratory Index of Severity in Children (RISC) for a Young HIV-Positive Child with Respiratory Infections in South Africa
- The Pain Observation Scale for Young Children (POCIS)
- Modified Objective Pain Score (MOPS)
- Toddler-Preschooler Postoperative Pain Scale (TPPPS)
- The Douleur Aigue du Nouveau-ne (DAN) Acute Pain Rating Score for Neonates
- Postoperative Pain Score (POPS) for Infants of Barrier et al
- The FLACC Behavioral Scale for Postoperative Pain in Young Children
- Modified Behavioral Pain Scale (MBPS) in Infants
- Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS)
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CHEOPS) in Young Children
- Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) of Robieux et al
- Riley Infant Pain Scale (RIPS)
- Pre-Verbal, Early Verbal Pediatric Pain Scale (PEPPS)
- Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP)
- The CRIES Scale for Neonatal Postoperative Pain Assessment
- Postoperative Pain Measure for Parents in Children 7-12 Years of Age
- Douleur Enfant Gustave-Roussy (DEGR) of Gauvain-Piquard et al for Pain in Children from 2 to 6 Years of Age
- Objective Pain Scale (OPS) of Hanallah et al for Postoperative Pain Assessment
- Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS) for Pain Evaluation in Newborn Infants
- Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale for Children 3 Years or Older
- Children's and Infants' Postoperative Pain Scale (CHIPPS)
- Neonatal Pain, Agitation, and Sedation Scale (N-PASS) of Hummel and Puchalski
- Cardiac Analgesic Assessment Scale (CAAS) for Assessing Pain in a Child After Cardiac Surgery
- Nepean Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Pain Assessment Tool of Marceau (NNICUPAT)
- Pain Assessment Tool (PAT) of Hodgkinson et al for Measuring Pain in a Neonate
- Photographic Screening Tool for the Fetal Alcohol Facial Phenotype
- Criteria of Stoler et al for the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Fetal Alcohol Behavior Scale (FABS)
- The Symptom Score of Majewski et al in Alcohol Embryopathy (AE)
- When to Evaluate a Pediatric Patient for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- The Injury Behavior Checklist
- The Framingham Safety Survey for Children 1-5 Years of Age, Part 1
- Preventing Injuries in Children Related to Backpacks
- Risk Factors of Fallat et al for Pediatric Injury
- Risk Factors of Bradbury et al for Unintentional Injuries in School-Age Children
- Superhero-Related Injuries in Children
- Biting Injury in Small Children
- Risk Factors of Berg et al for Recurrent Febrile Seizures
- Risk Factors for Development of Epilepsy in a Child with a History of Febrile Seizures
- Risk Factors of Annegers et al for Identifying Recurrent Febrile Convulsions in a Child
- Indicators of Sadleir and Scheffer for Referring a Child with Febrile Seizures
- Febrile Status Epilepticus
- Vulnerable Child Scale of Culley et al
- Risk Factors of Green and Solnit for the Vulnerable Child Syndrome
- Impact on Family Scale
- Risk Factors of Osberg et al for Work and Financial Problems in Families of Children with Brain Injury
- Fever Phobia
- Risk Factors of Barnard et al for Fear of Hypoglycemia in a Parent of a Young Child with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Impact of a Child's Disfiguring Facial Hemangioma on a Parent
- Indirect Test Weighing (ITW) for Estimating Overnight Breast Milk Intake By Infants
- Factors of Neifert and Seacat Suggesting Inadequate Breastfeeding by an Infant
- Criteria of van Dammelen et al for Detecting Hypernatremic Dehydration in a Breastfed Neonate
- Classification of McBride and Danner for Sucking Disorders in Neurologically Impaired Infants
- Clinical Features of Heiner's Syndrome (Pulmonary Hemosiderosis Associated with Hypersensitivity to Cow's Milk)
- Reasons to Suspect Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum in a Pediatric Patient with Feeding Difficulties
- Late Onset Group B Streptococcal Sepsis Associated with Infected Breast Milk
- Identification of the Cause for Bedwetting
- Factors Associated with Difficulty Using an Enuresis Alarm in the Management of Bedwetting
- Indications of Robson for Referring a Child with Enuresis to a Specialist
- Dropout (Early Withdrawal from Treatment) in a Patient with Enuresis
- Tanner Stages for Boys During Puberty
- Algorithm of Chalumeau et al for Central Precocious Puberty in Girls
- Indications for Investigation of a Child Showing Precocious Puberty
- Clinical Features of Pseudoprecocious Puberty in a Girl
- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (Factitious Disorder by Proxy)
- Features Distinguishing Pediatric Condition Falsification from Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in Young Children
- Features of the Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome
- Warfarin Embryopathy and Other Adverse Effects of Oral Anticoagulants
- Features of Isotretinoin (Accutane) Embryopathy
- Effects of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors on the Fetus and Newborn
- Effects of Thalidomide on the Fetus and Newborn
- Effects of Finasteride or Dutasteride on a Male Fetus
- Effects of Excessive Vitamin A Intake During Pregnancy on the Fetus
- The Fetal AIDS Syndrome Scoring System of Marion et al
- Clinical Features of Toluene Embryopathy
- Clinical Features of the Fetal Valproate Syndrome
- Minimizing the Risk of Malformations in an Infant Born to a Diabetic Mother
- Congenital Malformations Reported in Infants Born to Mothers with Diabetes Mellitus
- Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) Fetopathy
- Effects of Carbamazepine on the Fetus and Newborn
- Effects of Etretinate and Its Metabolite Acitretin on the Fetus
- Congenital Malformations Associated with Poorly Controlled Maternal Phenylketonuria
- Reducing Fetal and Neonatal Problems Associated with the SSRI Antidepressant Paroxetine HCl (Paxil)
- Teratogenic Effects of an Herbal Remedy
- Criteria for Implicating Acute Intrapartum Hypoxia As the Cause for Cerebral Palsy
- Findings Suggesting Another Cause for Cerebral Palsy Other Than Acute Intrapartum Hypoxia
- Scoring System of Portman et al for Predicting Morbidity Secondary to Perinatal Asphyxia
- Classification of Low et al for Intrapartum Fetal Asphyxia Based on Neonatal Findings
- Risk Factors of Lee et al for Perinatal Arterial Stroke (PAS) in the Neonate
- Neuromuscular Score at 3 Months (NMS-3) of Hajnal et al for Predicting Developmental Abnormalities at 1 Year
- Early Motor Pattern Profile (EMPP) of Morgan and Aldag for Evaluating an Infant for Cerebral Palsy
- 2006 Consensus Definition of Cerebral Palsy
- Subtypes of Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Risk Factors of Raju et al for Ischemic Perinatal Stroke (IPS)
- MRI Findings of Martinez-Biarge et al That Are Predictive of Outcomes in a Term Infant with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)
- Diagnosis of Perinatal Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS)
- Prevention of Diaper Dermatitis
- Symptom Score of Ferrazzini et al for Diaper Dermatitis
- Failure of an Infant to Respond to Treatment for Diaper Dermatitis
- Clinical Severity of Acute Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Dysfunction (BIND Score)
- Bilirubin to Albumin Ratio for Evaluating the Risk of Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Dysfunction (BIND)
- Clinical Findings Which May Indicate That Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia Is Secondary to Another Disorder
- 1994 Management Recommendations for Hyperbilirubinemia in a Healthy Term Newborn Infant from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Predicting Significant Hyperbilirubinemia Based on the Hourly-Specific Total Serum Bilirubin Zones of Bhutani et al
- Calculating the Rate of Increase in Total Serum Bilirubin for an Infant with Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
- Probability of a Reduced IQ Following Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
- Acute and Chronic Clinical Features of Kernicterus
- Bronze Baby Syndrome Following Phototherapy for Neonatal Jaundice
- Clinical Features of Early Onset Feeding-Related Jaundice
- Clinical Features of Late Onset Breast Milk Jaundice
- Common Risk Factors Associated with Severe Hyperbilirubinemia in a Neonate
- Risk Factors for Failing to Detect Kernicterus in a Neonate Based on a JCAHO Root Cause Analysis
- Risk Score of Newman et al for Predicting Severe Hyperbilirubinemia in an Infant Without Early Jaundice
- Partial Risk Score of Newman et al for Predicting Hyperbilirubinemia in an Infant Without Early Jaundice
- Grading Scheme of Kramer for Neonatal Jaundice Based on Clinical Extent
- Risk Model of Keren et al for Predicting Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
- Risk Factors of Kuzniewicz et al for Severe Hyperbilirubinemia in a Neonate with an Elevated Serum Bilirubin
- Impact of Drug-Induced Bilirubin Displacement from Albumin in a Neonate with Kernicterus
- Nomogram of Varvarigou et al for Predicting Significant Hyperbilirubinemia in a Neonate Using Transcutaneous Bilirubin
- Risk Factors of Chang et al for Early Onset Hyperbilirubinemia in a Breast-Fed Infant
- Indications of Ansley and Cunningham for Specialist Removal of Foreign Bodies from the External Auditory Canal of Children
- Contraindications for Removal of a Foreign Body in the External Auditory Canal by Irrigation
- Removal of a Live Insect from the External Auditory Canal
- Removal of a Nasal Foreign Body
- Benign Sleep Myoclonus in Infancy
- Screening for the Different Types of Sleep Problems in Young Children
- Risk Factors of Corbo et al for Snoring in Children Aged 9 to 15 Years
- General Technique of Needle Placement for Intraosseous Infusion
- Monitoring a Child Receiving an Intraosseous Infusion for Complications
- Contraindications for Placement of an Intraosseous Infusion Needle
- Risk Factors for Complications Associated with an Intraosseous Infusion
- Model of Guggisberg et al for the Probability of Occult Spinal Dysraphism Based on the Type of Lumbosacral Midline Cutaneous Lesions
- Prognostic Factors of Date et al for a Patient with an Occipital Encephalocele
- Prognostic Factors of Bannister et al for a Fetus with an Encephalocele
- Perineal Sensation and Outcome in a Patient with Open Spina Bifida
- Split Notochord Syndrome (SNS, Posterior Spina Bifida)
- Anatomic Classification of Spencer for Conjoined Twins
- Complications of Thumb or Finger Sucking
- Habits of Children Related to the Lips
- Clinical Findings in a Child with Pectus Excavatum
- Pectus Severity Index
- Clinical Features of a Patient with Pectus Carinatum
- Clinical Features of Growing Pains
- Classification of John et al for the Different Types of Toddler's Fracture
- Findings in a Child with Musculoskeletal Complaints Suggesting an Occult Malignancy
- Risk Factors of Thurber and Walton for Homesickness
- Criteria for Discharging a Term Neonate to Home
- Criteria for Discharging a Premature Neonate to Home
- Growth Impairment Associated with the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- Unexpected Pregnancy in an Adolescent Female
- Diagnostic Approach of Laugel et al for Neonatal Hypotonia
- Features of McGuire et al for Early Onset Systemic Infection in a Preterm Neonate
- Features of McGuire et al for Late Onset Systemic Infection in a Preterm Neonate
- Nosocomial Sepsis Risk Score of Rosenberg et al for Preterm Infants
- Weighted Clinical Score (WCS) of Singh et al for Late Onset Neonatal Sepsis
- Decision Tree of Metsvaht et al for Predicting Failure of Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis Based on Data Available at 24 Hours After Birth
- Decision Tree of Metsvaht et al for Predicting Failure of Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis Based on Data Available at 72 Hours After Birth
- Risk Factors of Kayange et al for Positive Blood Cultures and Mortality in Neonates with Sepsis
- Hematologic Scoring for Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
- Clinical Score of Griffin et al for Neonatal Sepsis
- Late-Onset Neonatal Sepsis Score of Okascharoen et al
- Risk Factors and Clinical Features of Fanaroff et al for Late Onset Sepsis in Low Birthweight Infants
- Risk Factors of Salem et al for Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis
- Neutrophil CD64 and Absolute Neutrophil Count for Identifying a Neonate with Sepsis
- Clinical-Biological Score of Labenne et al for Diagnosing Early-Onset Neonatal Infection (EONI) in a Preterm Infant
- Diagnostic Criteria of Labenne et al for Early-Onset Neonatal Infection (EONI) in a Preterm Infant
- Complications of Kuppala et al Associated with Prolonged Empirical Antibiotic Therapy for Early-Onset Sepsis in a Preterm Infant
- Risk Factors for Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis with Group B Streptococcus
- Predictive Score of Selimovic et al for Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS)
- Maternal Antepartum Risk Factors of Puopolo et al for Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis
- When to Perform a Lumbar Puncture in a Neonate with Possible Sepsis
- Recommendations of Polin et al for Managing an Asymptomatic Infant >= 37 Weeks of Gestation with Maternal Chorioamnionitis
- Recommendations of Polin et al for Managing an Asymptomatic Infant >= 37 Weeks of Gestation with Risk Factors for Sepsis Other Than Chorioamnionitis
- Recommendations of Polin et al for Managing an Asymptomatic Infant < 37 Weeks of Gestation with Risk Factors for Neonatal Sepsis
- Criteria for Early Discharge of an Infant Following Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis Against Group B Streptococcus (GBS)
- Predictors of Lacourse et al for Deviant Peer Group Affiliation During Childhood or Early Adolescence
- Features of a Bully
- Signs That May Indicate That a Child or Adolescent Is Being Bullied
- Risk Factors for a Child or Adolescent to Be Targeted By a Bully
- Parenting Styles of Baumrind
- Meconium Pleuritis (Meconium Thorax)
- LUMBAR Syndrome (PELVIS Syndrome, SACRAL Syndrome)
- Score of Atakouma et al for Screening a Pediatric Patient in Africa for AIDS
- Clinical Features of a Congenital Portosystemic Shunt (CPSS)
- TOPRS Clinical Score of Bains and Soni for Evaluating a Pediatric Patient in the Emergency Department
- Transient Hyperphosphatasemia of Infancy and Early Childhood (THI)
- Alder Hey Triage Pain Score (AHTPS) of Stewart et al
- Breastfeeding Keratosis of Kiat-Amnuay and Bouquot
- Basic Examination of Vande Walle et al for a Child with Enuresis
- Pseudoprecocious Puberty in a Patient with Severe Primary Hypothyroidism (Van Wyk-Grumbach Syndrome)
- Nomogram of Bekhof et al for Late-Onset Sepsis in a Preterm Infant
- Thrombocytopenia of Perinatal Asphyxia
- Reflux Finding Score for Infants (RFS-I) of van der Pol et al for Evaluating an Infant for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)
- Diagnostic Approach of Kelly et al for an Infant with a Bloody Nipple Discharge
- Attacks of Apnea As an Indicator of Seizures in a Young Child
- Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy (AHEI)
- Wernicke?s Encephalopathy in an Infant with Thiamine Deficiency
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Algorithm for Managing Common Skin Conditions in Fiji
- Iron Deficiency and Febrile Seizure
- Oral Feeding Desaturation and Swallowing Dysfunction in Very Low Birthweight Infants
- Nomogram of Pathak et al for Significant Hyperbilirubinemia in a North Indian Neonate
- Classification of Willital et al for Chest Deformities
- Risk Factors of Lain et al for Readmission of an Infant For Jaundice Following Early Hospital Discharge
- Fetal Risk Assessment Score (FRAS) of Ott for Predicting Neonatal Outcome for a Growth Restricted Fetus
- When to Suspect Congenital Nasal Obstruction in a Neonate
- Cardiovascular Profile Score (CVPS) of Huhta for Fetal Congestive Heart Failure
- Neonatal Skin Condition Score (NSCS)
- Stages of Quintero et al for the Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Cardiovascular Score for Twin-Twin Transfusion
- Criteria of Marom et al for Quick Identification of a Febrile Neonate with a Low Risk for Serious Bacterial Infection
- Risk Factors for Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN)
- Clinical Features of Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN)
- Spontaneous Pneumothorax or Pneumomediastinum in a Neonate with Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV) or Urinary Tract Malformations
- Predictors of Kumar et al for Poor Prognosis for an Infant with a Fetal Renal Anomaly (Malformation)
- Screening Criteria of Baker et al for Serious Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Infant 1 to 2 Months Old (Philadelphia Criteria)
- Occult Pneumonia
- Head Entrapment for a Young Child
- Chemical Burns from Isopropyl Alcohol in Neonates
- Nasal Trauma from Nasal Prongs for Oxygen Delivery
- Signs and Symptoms of an Anterior Encephalocele
- Types of Anterior Encephaloceles
- Psychosocial Risk Markers of To et al for Poor Developmental Attainment in a Young Child
- Risk Factors for a Youth Becoming a Runaway
- Hazards Faced by a Runaway Youth
- Perinatal Ascites or Hydrops Associated with Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis
- Clinical Features of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) in a Neonate
- Sick Neonate Score (SNS) of Rathod et al
- Michelin Tire (Tyre) Baby Syndrome (MTBS, Circumferential Skin Folds Syndrome)
- Criteria for an Apparent Life-Threatening Events (ALTE)
- Criteria for Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE)
- Paediatric Emergency Triage (PET) Score of George et al from the Fluid As Expansive Supportive Therapy (FEAST) Trial
- Paediatric Emergency Triage (PETaL) Score of George et al from the Fluid As Expansive Supportive Therapy (FEAST) Trial
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Lymphadenopathy
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Fever or Infection
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Central Nervous System (CNS) Findings
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Orthopedic Complaints
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Intra-abdominal and Genital Findings
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Nonspecific Symptoms
- Red Flags of Fragkandrea et al for Cancer in a Pediatric Patient: Skin and Mucous Membranes
- Clinical Features of the Diencephalic Syndrome Presenting as Failure to Thrive
- Red Flags of Thompson et al for a Serious Infection in Children
- Score of Nielsen et al for the General Condition of a Sick Child
- Pediatric Illness Severity Index (PISI) of Nelson
- Evaluation of a Pediatric Patient in the Emergency Department (ED) with Hyperpyrexia
- Findings of Armon et al for When to Consider a Diagnosis Other Than Viral Gastroenteritis in a Child with Acute Diarrhea With or Without Vomiting
- Signs of Dehydration Associated with Gastroenteritis in a Young Child from the NICE Criteria
- Differential Diagnosis of Increased Urinary Frequency in a Child
- Tumors Associated with Precocious Puberty
- Predictors of Gibreel et al for Reoperation Following Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum (MIRPE)
- Screening Questions of Vasilopoulou et al for Growing Pains in a Child with Leg Pain
- Transient Adrenocortical Insufficiency of Prematurity (TAP, TAIP)
- Neonatal Hypovitaminosis A
- Classification of Congenital Microcephaly
- Predictors of Louis et al for Mortality in a Neonate with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
- Step-by-Step Approach for Managing a Febrile Infant
- When to Consider Hypopituitarism in a Child with Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Predictors of Harteman et al for Perinatal Arterial Ischaemic Stroke (PAIS) in a Full-Term Neonate
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Chang et al for Rebound Hyperbilirubinemia After Inpatient Phototherapy
- Model of Sarici et al for Identifying a Neonate with ABO Incompatibility and Hyperbilirubinemia
- Model of Kaur et al for Predischarge Prediction of Significant Hyperbilirubinemia in Term or Late Preterm Indian Neonates
- Equation of Bental et al Correlating Transcutaneous Bilirubin Concentration to Serum Total Bilirubin
- Risk Factors for Bilirubin Neurotoxicity
- Modified Clinical Risk Index of Kuzniewicz et al for a Neonate with Hyperbilirubinemia
- NICE Instructions for Parents or Caregivers of a Neonate After Discharge
- NICE Criteria for Clinical Assessment to Detect Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS)
- WHO Windows of Achievement for Gross Motor Milestones
- Causes of Thromboembolism in a Neonate
- Rome IV Criteria for Infant Colic
- Newcastle-Birmingham-Liverpool (NBL) Algorithm for a Child with Fever and Petechial Rash
- 2005 Dysmorphology Scoring System of Hoyme et al for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
- 2016 Dysmorphology Scoring System of Hoyme et al for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
- Checklist of Hoyme et al for Screening a Pediatric Patient for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
- Criteria of Hoyme et al for Documented Alcohol Exposure During a Pregnancy
- Conditions in the Differential Diagnosis of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
- Criteria of Hoyme et al for Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD)
- Criteria of Hoyme et al for Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND)
- Criteria of Hoyme et al for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Tanner Stages of Girls During Puberty
- Minipuberty of Infancy
- Clinical Signs and Symptoms Associated with Causes of Delayed Puberty in an Adolescent
- Causes of Delayed Puberty Associated with Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Causes of Delayed Puberty Associated with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Presentations of a Presumed Perinatal Ischemic Stroke (PPIS) During Infancy
- Outcomes for a Neonate with Acidemia and a 5-Minute Apgar Score >= 7
- Transient Adrenal Insufficiency of Prematurity with Refractory Hypotension
- Impact of 3 Neonatal Morbidities on Late Death or Disability in a Very Low Weight Infant
- Disease Severity Score of Rubio-Gomez et al for a Neonate with Collodion Membrane
- Neonatal Compartment Syndrome in an Extremity
- ROHHAD and ROHHADNET Syndromes
- Criteria of Nguyen et al for Low Risk of Invasive Bacterial Infection in a Child with Fever and Petechiae
- ILL Criteria of Brogan and Raffles for Significant Bacterial Sepsis in a Pediatric Patient with Fever and Petechiae
- Presentations of a Pediatric Patient at Risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Decision Rule of Walsh et al for Identifying an Infant with Bronchiolitis Who Is At Risk for Central Apnea
- Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy and Young Children (Acute Infantile Hemorrhagic Edema, AHEI, AIHE, AHOI, Finkelstein-Seidlmayer Purpura)
- Febrile Seizures Associated with an SCN1A Mutation
- Signs, Symptoms and Red Flags for Feeding Difficulties in a Child
- Recommendations of Kerzner et al for Feeding a Child
- Feeding Fear in a Child
- Teratogenic Effects of Maternal Phenylketonuria (PKU, Maternal Phenylketonuria Syndrome)
- Predictive Factors of Puopolo et al for Identifying an Extremely Premature Neonate at Low Risk for Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS)
- Predictors of Vorwerk et al for Identifying a Pediatric Patient with Severe Bacterial Infection Presenting to the Emergency Department
- Pseudosepsis Associated with Human Parechovirus Infection in Neonates, Infants and Young Children
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Kuppermann et al for Identifying a Febrile Infant at Low Risk for a Serious Bacterial Infection
- Feeding Selectivity in a Child
- Differential Diagnosis of a Limited Appetite in a Child
- Carbimazole and Methimazole Embryopathy
- Spontaneous Perforation of the Extrahepatic Bile Duct (SPBD)
- Causes of the Neonatal Hepatitis Syndrome
- Serum Interleukin Concentration for the Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
- Conditions Associated with Poor School Performance
- Blood Aspiration Syndrome
- Criteria of Theodosiou for Ruling Out Significant Bacteremia in a Well-Appearing Pediatric Patient
- Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) Composite Pain Scale for Children
- Differential Diagnosis of Nocturnal Polyuria in a Pediatric Patient Receiving Desmopressin
- Recommendation of Vande Walle et al for Managing a Pediatric Patient with Enuresis Based on the Patient Diary
- Clinical Clues to Nocturnal Polyuria in a Pediatric Patient with Enuresis
- Risk Categories of Puopolo et al for Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis in a Neonate Born at <= 34 6/7 Weeks Gestation
- Use of the PaO2 to FIO2 Ratio to Evaluate a Neonate with the Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
- Predictors of Hernandez et al for Prolonged Ventilation After Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
- Predictors of Schmidt et al for Poor Outcome for an Extremely Low-Birth-Weight (ELBW) Infant
- Complications of Hyperviscosity Associated with Neonatal Polycythemia
- Predictors of Natarajan et al for Cognitive Impairment in Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW)
- Predictors of Bassler et al for Poor Outcome for an Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant
- Screen of Schena et al for Congenital Heart Defect in a Neonate
- Predictors of Beltempo et al for Severe Neurologic Injury in a Preterm Infant
- Predictors of Karabayir et al for the Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
- Predictors of Shah et al for the Recipient Twin Outcome in the Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
- Complications of Corticosteroid Exposure in Neonates
- Cardiovascular Score of Rychik et al for Fetuses with Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
- Criteria of Tieder et al for Lower Risk Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE)
- Step-By-Step Approach of Mintegi et al to the Evaluation of a Young Febrile Infant
- Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)
- RePEAT Score of Gorelick et al: ED Intervention Model
- RePEAT Score of Gorelick et al: Hospital Admission Model
- RePEAT Score of Gorelick et al: Combined Model
- Criteria of Scott et al for Evaluating a Pediatric Patient for Sepsis
- Model of Scott et al for Predicting Pediatric Septic Shock in the Emergency Department
- Model of Aronson et al for Identifying a Febrile Infant <= 60 Days Old Who Is at a Low Risk of Invasive Bacterial Infection (IBI)
- Predictive Model of Bachur and Harper for a Serious Bacterial Infection in an Infant Less Than 3 Months Old (Boston Criteria)
- Model of Oostenbrink et al for Predicting Pneumonia in a Child with Fever and Cough
- Indications of Gomez for Performing Blood Cultures on Infant Less Than 3 Months Old with Fever Without Source
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Nagase et al for Acute Encephalopathy in Children with Complex Febrile Seizures in Japan
- Indications of Millichap and Millichap for Performing a Lumbar Puncture in a Patient with a Febrile Seizure
- Macrolide Embryopathy
- Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) Fetal Toxicity
- Modified BIND (M-BIND) Score of Radmacher et al
- Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia Associated with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
- Simplified Prediction Model of Chang and Newman for Rebound Hyperbilirubinemia
- Scalp Hair Collar and Tuft Signs Associated with Cerebral Dysraphism
- Dermal Sinus Associated with Neural Tube Dysraphism
- Differential Diagnosis of the Floppy Infant Syndrome (Infantile Hypotonia)
- Risk Categories of Escobar et al for Early-Onset Sepsis (EOS) in a Neonate >= 34 Weeks of Age
- Extended Sick Neonate Score (ESNS) of Ray et al
- Tongue-Based Airway Obstruction (TBAO) in a Neonate
- Delivery Room Risk Factors of Liu and Harrington for Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
- Updated West Virginia Perinatal Risk Score
- Models of Bleeker et al for Diagnosis of Serious Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Child Without Source: Original Clinical Score
- Models of Bleeker et al for Diagnosis of Serious Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Child Without Source: Original Laboratory Score
- Models of Bleeker et al for Diagnosis of Serious Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Child Without Source: Revised Clinical Score
- Models of Bleeker et al for Diagnosis of Serious Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Child Without Source: Revised Laboratory Score
- Risk Factors of Jakhar et al for a Poor Outcome in a Child Under 5 Years of Age with Severe Pneumonia
- Risk Factors of Blackmore et al for a Hospital Admission for Respiratory Illness in a Patient with Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Zhang et al for Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy (ABE) in a Neonate
- Ecchordosis Physaliphora
- Consensus Definition of Beune et al for Growth Restriction in a Neonate
- Criteria of Khalil et al for the Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS)
- Breast Enlargement in a Neonate (Neonatal Mastauxe)
- Severe Adverse Neonatal Outcomes (SANO)
- Prediction Model of Hagedoorn et al for an Invasive Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Child
- Clinical Prediction Model of Nijman et al for Identifying a Febrile Child in the Emergency Department with a Serious Bacterial Infection (SBI)
- PERCH (Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health) Severity Score for Pediatric Pneumonia
- Teratogenicity of Clomiphene
- Oral Clefts in Fetuses Exposed to Topiramate During Pregnancy
- Nomogram of Kuo et al Pneumonia in a Patient with Cerebral Palsy
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Chang et al for Rebound Hyperbilirubinemia After Discontinuation of Inpatient Phototherapy
- Pseudosepsis in a Neonate Associated with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
- Predictors of Palatnik et al for Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis or Death for a Premature Neonate Born at Less than 32 Weeks of Gestation
- Risk Factors for and Complications of Thrombocytopenia in Neonatal Sepsis
- Modified Sick Neonate Score (MSNS) of Mansoor et al for a Resource-Limited Setting
- Clinical Score of Lee and Lee for Predicting Extensive Resuscitation of a Very Low Birth Weight Infant at Birth
- Model of Park et al for Predicting In-Hospital Mortality After 24 Hours in a Very Low Birth Weight Infant (Korean Neonatal Prediction Formula)
- Prognostic Criteria of Holte et al for Monitoring a Neonate Being Resuscitated After Delivery
- Red Diaper Syndrome
- Criteria of Rabiner et al for Low Risk of Serious Bacterial Infection in a Febrile Infant Less Than 2 Months of Age
- Enuresis and Constipation
- Vitamin K Deficiency Embryopathy
- Clinical Features Distinguishing Peripheral and Central Hypotonias
- Neonatal Hypotonia Associated with Aminoglycoside Therapy
- Neonatal Hypotonia Associated with Hypermagnesemia
- Neonatal Hypotonia Associated with Hyperkalemia
- Pathway of Paro-Panjan and Neubauer for Evaluating a Neonate with Hypotonia
- Hematologic Scoring System (HSS) of Rodwell et al for Neonatal Sepsis
- Cord Blood-Hematologic Scoring System (CB-HSS) of Annam et al for Neonatal Sepsis
- Screening Tool of Walker et al for Late-Onset Neonatal Bacteremia
- Neonatal Resuscitation and Adaption Score (NRAS)
- Prognostic Model of Manktelow et al for a Very Preterm Infant
- Hassan Neonatal Morbidity Composite Scale
- NMR-2000 Score of Medvedev et al for Predicting Mortality for a Neonate with Low Birthweight
- Neonatal Assessment Manual Score (NAME) of Manzotti et al
- Prognostic Score of Mediratta et al for Neonatal Mortality in Ethiopia
- Prognostic Risk Score of Gebremariam et al for Predicting Early Neonatal Mortality in Ethiopia
- Prediction Model of Li et al for Mortality in a Neonate with Pulmonary Hemorrhage
- Neonatal Mastitis
- Risk Factors for Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy (NBPP)
- Model of Srivastava et al for Predicting Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke (PAIS) in a Term Neonate
- Causes of Cerebral Palsy
- Risk Factors of Baczynski et al for Mortality in a Preterm Neonate with a Bloodstream Infection
- Neonatal SOFA Score (nSOFA) for Evaluating a Septic Neonate
- Caput Succedaneum
- Neonatal Iatrogenic Pharyngeal Perforation
- Cephalohematoma
- Subgaleal Hemorrhage (SGH) in the Neonate
- Predictors of Khan et al for an Intracranial Space-Occupying Lesion (ICSOL) in a Toddler
- Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) Embryopathy
- Methotrexate Embryopathy (Fetal Methotrexate Syndrome)
- Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) Embryopathy
- Early Signs of Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Screening a Term Infant for Risk Factors Associated with Cerebral Palsy
- Model of Rouabhi et al for Predicting Cerebral Palsy in a Term Neonate
- Indications of Monica et al for Screening a Neonate or Young Infant for Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Indications of Monica et al for Screening an Older Infant or Toddler for Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Handedness in Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Risk Factors of Karampatsas et al for Late-Onset Invasive Group B Streptococcal Disease (LOGBS)
- Protocol of Stocker et al for Ruling Out Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS) Using Serial Serum CRP and PCT Measurements
- Models of Tesfa et al for Predicting Birth Asphyxia: Logistic Regression Model
- Models of Tesfa et al for Predicting Birth Asphyxia: Simple Risk Score
- Score of Franklin et al for Predicting Intensive Care for an Infant with Bronchiolitis
- Modified Boston and Philadelphia Criteria of Lyons et al for an Invasive Bacterial Infection in a Well-Appearing Infant
- Model of Haggie et al for Identifying Severe Pneumonia in a Pediatric Patient
- Risk Factors of van der Velden et al for Bacterial Infection in a High-Risk Child with a Febrile Illness
- Using the Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) to Rapidly Triage a Sick Child
- Revised FLACC Behavioral Scale of Malviya et al
- Postnatal Risk Score of Bernes et al for Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
- Hour-Specific Nomogram of Bahr et al for a Neonate >= 35 Weeks Gestation
- Prediction Model of Neal et al to Screen for Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS)
- Clinical Predictors of de Baat et al for Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis in Malawi
- Evaluation of Ruan et al for Use of Procalcitonin, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Presepsin in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
- Irish Children's Triage System: Comorbid Condition
- Irish Children's Triage System: Triage Categories
- Irish Children's Triage System: Abdominal Pain or Isolated Abdominal Trauma
- Irish Children's Triage System: Airway or Breathing Difficulty
- Irish Children's Triage System: Abnormal Blood Glucose or History of Diabetes
- Irish Children's Triage System: Back or Neck Pain or Injury
- Irish Children's Triage System: Burns or Scalds
- Irish Children's Triage System: Chest Pain and Isolated Chest Injury
- Irish Children's Triage System: Dental Problems
- Irish Children's Triage System: Ear or Nasal Problem
- Irish Children's Triage System: Eye Injury or Problem
- Irish Children's Triage System: Foreign Body, Non-Inhaled
- Irish Children's Triage System: Genitourinary Problems
- Irish Children's Triage System: Head-Related Problem
- Irish Children's Triage System: Limb Problem
- Irish Children's Triage System: Major Trauma
- Irish Children's Triage System: Overdose or Poisoning
- Irish Children's Triage System: Psychosocial Problem and Self-Harm
- Irish Children's Triage System: Skin Rash
- Irish Children's Triage System: Seizure, Absence Episode or Collapse
- Irish Children's Triage System: Testicular Pain (Male Genital Problem)
- Irish Children's Triage System: Throat Problem
- Irish Children's Triage System: Unwell Child
- Irish Children's Triage System: Unwell Infant
- Irish Children's Triage System: Vomiting or Diarrhea
- Irish Children's Triage System: Wound or Signs of Local Inflammation
- Irish Children's Triage System: Levels of Pediatric Dehydration
- Irish Children's Triage System: High-Risk Major Trauma
- Irish Children's Triage System: Grading Respiratory Distress
- Irish Children's Triage System: Heart Rate for Age
- Irish Children's Triage System: Respiratory Rate for Age
- Irish Children's Triage System: Systolic Blood Pressure for Age
- Combined Apgar Score of Rudiger et al
- Congenital Nasal Pyriform Aperture Stenosis (CNPAS) and Neonatal Nasal Airway Obstruction
- Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation (SIP) in a Premature Neonate
- Classfiication of Narakas for Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury
- Shoulder Evaluation of an Infant with Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury
- Model of Wu et al for Predicting Bacterial Meningitis in a Young Infant from 1 to 3 Months of Age
- Diagnostic Flow of Schlapbach et al for a Sick Child with Possible Sepsis Using the Phoenix Criteria
- MISSEP Score of Hernandez-Garcia et al for Differentiating Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in a Child (MIS-C) from Sepsis
- Febrile Infants Risk Score at Triage (FIRST) Score of Chong for Early Identification of a Serious Bacterial Infection
- Febrile Infants Risk Score after Triage and Consultation (FIRST+) Score of Chong for Early Identification of a Serious Bacterial Infection
- Model of Shao and Yu for Prediction of Diaper Dermatitis
- Alkaline Disc Battery in the External Auditory Canal or Nares
- CRP to Platelet Ratio and CRP to Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) Ratio in Neonatal Sepsis
- Classification of Goldberg et al for Clinical Signs in a Neonate Being Evaluated for Late-Onset Sepsis
- Neonatal Physical Maturity Score of Krishnan et al
- Risk Factors of Jiang et al for Brain Injury in Premature Neonates with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- NICU Admission Hyperthermia in a Preterm Neonate
- Differential Diagnosis of Congenital Stridor in a Neonate
- Nomogram of Hailemeskel and Tiruneh for Predicting Mortality of a Preterm Neonate in Ethiopia
- Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUE) Prediction Rules of Nama et al
- Boston Febrile Infant Algorithm 2.0 of Dorney et al
- Boston Criteria of Baskin et al for a Febrile Infant from 28 to 89 Days of Age
- Clinical Progression Scale - Pediatrics
- Algorithm of Horvat et al for Predicting Mortality in a Pediatric Patient with Sepsis
- Predictors of Hartman et al for Mortality in a Child Less Than 5 Years Old with Severe Diarrhea
- Nomogram of Wang et al for Predicting Transition to Epilepsy for a Child with Febrile Seizures
- Predictive Model of Cheng et al for Febrile Seizures in a Child
- Models of Shao and Yu for Predicting Recurrent Febrile Seizures in Children
- Models of Peaceman et al for Predicting Cerebral Palsy or Death for a Preterm Infant
- Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for a Preterm Infant
- Model of Chen et al for Predicting Mortality of a Neonate with Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis (EONS)