- Rules of Thumb for Using Temperature to Determine Time of Death
- Equation of De Saram for Determining Time of Death from Temperature
- Method of Green and Wright
- Method of Fiddes and Patten
- Method of Al-Alousi and Anderson
- Vitreous Humor Potassium and Estimated Time Since Death
- Patterns of Post-Mortem Electrical Excitability of Skeletal Muscle
- Complement Cleavage and Time Since Death
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Lactate and Time of Death
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Potassium and Time of Death
- Dating Fracture Healing in Children
- Thermal Burn (Scalding) from Hot Water Exposure
- Dating of Bruises Following Injury
- Risk Factors of Shugarman et al for Abuse of a Geriatric Person
- Common Features of Injuries Caused by Domestic Violence
- Abuse Severity Measure of Leserman et al
- Screening for Domestic Violence with the HITS (Hurt, Insulted, Threatened, Screamed) Interview Tool
- Risk Factors for Abuse of a Demented Patient
- Equation of Wells et al for Predicting Intentional Head Injury in Children Younger Than 3 Years of Age Presenting With Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Pediatric Injury Flow Chart for Screening for Child Abuse in Primary Care
- Burn Profile of Hight et al for Identifying Possible Child Abuse
- Screening for Domestic Violence with the SAFE Questionnaire
- Screening Questionnaire of Siegel et al for Use in a Primary Care Pediatric Practice
- Montreal Children's Hospital Accident Scan to Detect Possible Child Abuse
- Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) for Physical Abuse During Pregnancy
- Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA)
- Partner Violence Screen (PVS) for Detecting Partner Violence in Primary Care
- Checklist of Dubowitz and Black to Evaluate a Child for Neglect
- The Conflict Tactic Scales (CTS) Husband or Wife Form A
- Clinical Findings That May Indicate Possible Elder Abuse
- Family Dynamics That Foster Abuse
- Bride Burning or Mutilation
- Bruising Patterns of Maguire et al Suggestive for Physical Child Abuse
- Categories of Elder Abuse and Maltreatment
- Pseudo-Abuse in a Geriatric Patient
- Common Findings in a Person Who Commits Elder Abuse
- Risk Factors of Hindley et al for Recurrence of Child Maltreatment
- Screening Checklist of Hamilton and Browne for Predicting the Risk of Rereferral of a Child for Abuse
- Risk Factors of Kyriacou et al for a Woman Being Injured As a Result of Domestic Violence
- Neglect of a Geriatric Patient
- Probability of Physical Abuse of a Child Based on the Type of Fracture
- Ophthalmologic Changes Following Abusive Head Trauma
- Causes of Retinal Hemorrhages in a Child Other Than Abusive Head Trauma
- Causes of Subdural Hematoma in a Child Other Than Abusive Head Trauma
- Causes of a Fracture in a Child Other Than Physical Abuse
- Features of Piercecchi-Marti et al for Malnutrition in a Neglected Child
- Scoring System of Dunstan et al for Evaluating Bruise Patterns in Children
- Clinical Decision Rule of Pierce et al for Evaluating Bruising Characteristics in a Young Child
- Skin Conditions in Children That May Be Misinterpreted As Abusive Burns
- Pseudo-Abuse Associated with Cutaneous Lesions of Porphyria
- Screening Index for Physical Child Abuse (SIPCA) of Chang et al
- Risk Factors of Erickson et al for Dating Violence Affecting Adolescent Females
- Domestic Maid Abuse
- Classification Tree Diagram of Mash et al for Evaluating a Child with Failure to Thrive for Medical Abuse
- Screening a Patient with Possible Physical Abuse for a Bleeding Disorder
- Estimating Distance from Gun to Victim
- Identification of Shotgun Pellet from Size and Weight
- Classification of Sherman and Parrish for Shotgun Wounds
- Estimation of Effective Shotgun Range from Wound Radiograph
- Dimensions of Gunshot Pellets Made from Different Metals
- Formula for Relating Diameter and Number in Numbered Shot
- Shored (Reinforced) Exit Wound
- Equation of Mattoo et al for the Depth of Shot Penetration Based on the Energy to Area of Presentation Ratio (E/a)
- Estimating a Shotgun Pellet's Velocity at the Time of Impact
- Classification of Ordog et al for Bullet Velocity
- Indications of Kemper et al for Performing a CT Scan in a Patient with a Shotgun Wound
- Findings Associated with a Ricochet Bullet
- Causes for the Absence of Rifling Marks on a Bullet
- Stippling and Tattooing in a Gunshot Wound
- Russian Roulette
- Pseudo-Gunshot Wounds
- Lead Snowstorm
- Bullet Fragmentation Associated with an Impact During Flight
- Muzzle or Barrel Imprint Mark of a Contact Gunshot (Werkgartner's Mark)
- Determining the Location of a Shooter
- Criteria for Coroner or Medical Examiner Postmortem Examination
- Indications and Criteria for Performing a Hospital Autopsy
- Criteria for a Private Autopsy
- Criteria for Valid Permit to Postmortem Examination
- Indications for Performing the Exhumation of a Corpse
- Effects of Embalming on a Postmortem Examination
- Situations in Which Autopsy Can Provide Significant Diagnoses
- Less Invasive Alternatives to a Complete Autopsy
- Infant Body Length Estimates from Length of the Long Bones
- Pearson's Formulas for Estimating Adult Body Height from Length of Long Bones
- Equations of Munoz et al for Estimating Adult Body Height from the Length of Long Bones in a Spanish Population
- General and Stature Group Specific Equations of Can Pelin and Duyar for Estimating Height from Tibia Length in a Turkish Population
- Equations of Boldsen for Predicting the Height from Long Bones of the Lower Extremity in Europeans
- Equations of Kanchan et al for Estimating Height From Foot Length and Breadth
- Equations of Agnihotri et al for Estimating Body Height from Foot Length
- Equations of Agnihotri et al for Estimating Body Height from Hand Length and Breadth
- Equations of Patil and Mody for Estimating Body Height from the Maximal Cephalometric Length of the Skull
- Equations of Hauser et al for Estimating Body Height from the Length of the Femur in Polish Adults
- Equations of Sanli et al for Estimating Height of an Adult Turk from the Length of the Hands and Feet
- Equation of Menezes et al for Estimating the Height of a South Indian Male from the Length of the Sternum
- Equations of Giles and Vallandigham for Estimating Height from Foot Length in Young Americans
- Foot Length As Percent of Height
- Estimation of Age Based on the State of Dental Eruption
- Estimation of Age in Chinese Females from Measurements of the Sternum
- Age Estimation from Histologic Examination of the Rib and Clavicle
- Age Estimation from the Closure of Cranial Sutures
- Age Estimation from Examination of the Pubic Symphysis
- Estimation of Age Using the Method of Singh and Gunberg for the Quantitative Histology of Bone Fragments
- Estimation of Age Based on the Ratio of the D to L Enantiomers of Aspartic Acid in Decalcified Collagen from Human Dentin
- Method of Lamendin et al for Age Estimation Based on the Adult Dentition
- Method of Liversidge and Molleson for Age Estimation Based on Permanent Tooth Length
- Method of Cameriere et al for Estimating the Age of Slovenian Children Using Radiographs of the Wrists
- Equation of Babshet et al for Estimating the Age of an Indian from the Pulp to Tooth Area Ratio
- Determination of Gender from Measurements of the Radius
- Determination of Gender from Measurement of the Ulna
- Determination of Gender from Measurements of the Scapula
- Determination of Gender from Measurements of the Clavicle
- Determination of Gender from Measurement of the Calcaneus
- Determination of Gender from Measurement of the Sternum
- Determination of Gender Using the Ischiopubic Index
- Determination of Gender from Measurement of the Femur
- Determination of Gender from Measurements of the Metacarpal and Phalangeal Bones
- Determination of Gender from Measurement of the Hipbone and Femur Using the Method of Albanese
- Determination of Gender From Measurement of the Supero-Inferior Femoral Neck Diameter in Adult Europeans Using the Equation of Alunni-Perret et al
- Determination of Gender From Measurement of the Femoral Epicondylar Breadth of White French Adults Using the Equation of Alunni-Perret et al
- Equation of Gualdi-Russo for Determining Gender of Physical Remains Based on Measurements of the Talus
- Equations of Aye for Determining Gender from Armspan and Wrist Circumference
- Distinguishing Race Based on the Intercondylar Shelf Angle in the Distal Femur
- Antemortem Sources of Genetic Material for Identification Studies
- Identification Using DNA from Saliva-Containing Items
- Weathering of Bones
- Mummification of Human Remains
- Factors That Can Accelerate Body Decomposition
- Stages of Canid-Associated Scavenging of Human Remains
- Changes to Human Bones Made by Carnivores
- Identification of Tool Marks in Bone and Method of Body Dismemberment
- Use of Long Bone Radiographs to Identify Human vs Animal Remains
- Actual Size of a Foreign Body Seen in X-Rays
- Concordance in Radiographic Features
- Risk Factors for Torture
- Hooding and Its Variations
- Dating Intrauterine Fetal Demise Based on Gross Examination
- Estimating Gestational Age from Histology of Fetal Skin
- Decision Tree of Keeling et al for the Modified Wigglesworth Classification of Perinatal Death
- Classification System of Gardosi et al for Relevant Condition(s) at Fetal Death (ReCoDe)
- Dating Intrauterine Fetal Demise Based on Microscopic Examination of Internal Organs
- Postmortem Findings in a Neonate or Infant Distinguishing Stillbirth from Live Birth
- Diagnosis of Syphilis in a Stillborn Fetus
- Algorithm of Wigglesworth for Diagnosing a Stillborn Fetus with Hydrops Fetalis
- Criteria for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) of the 1991 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Expert Panel
- Criteria of Koehler et al for Simultaneous Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SSIDS)
- Risk Factors for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Classification Schema of Randall et al for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
- The San Diego Definition for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS)
- Criteria for Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
- Evaluation of Sudden Death During Sexual Intercourse
- Commotio Cordis
- Differential Diagnosis of Sudden Death in a Patient with Asthma
- Sudden Death Associated with Anaphylaxis
- Air Embolism in a Woman Associated with Sexual Activity
- Sudden Death Associated with Morbid Obesity
- Evaluating a Person Dying from a Fulminant Bacterial Infection
- Criteria of Greene et al for Sudden Cardiac Death
- Risk Factors for Sudden Death in a Person with Hobble Restraint for Excited Delirium
- Risk Factors of Reay and Eisele for Death or Serious Complications Following Restraint with a Neck Hold (Carotid Sleeper, Choke Hold)
- Clinical Classification of Marzuk et al for Murder-Suicide
- Classification of Dietz for Mass, Serial and Sensational Homicides
- Running Amok
- Risk Factors for Infant Homicide (Infanticide) in the United States
- Risk Factors of Craig for Infanticide and Neonaticide
- Features of a Homicide Suggesting a Professional Contract Killing
- Features of an Apparent Homicide Suggesting Staging By a Family Member
- Features of a Murder Associated with Illegal Drug Trafficking
- Homicide Using Herbal or Native Poisons
- Homicide Injury Scale (HIS) of Safarik and Jarvis
- Criteria for First Degree Murder, Secondary Murder and Manslaughter
- Warning Signs of a Healthcare Provider Who Is a Serial Killer
- Administrative Barriers in a Hospital Preventing Recognition of a Healthcare Provider Who Is a Serial Killer
- FBI Criteria for Distinguishing Between Mass, Spree and Serial Homicide
- Homicide as Management Policy in a Criminal Organization
- Killing Execution-Style
- Familicide-Suicide
- Coup de Grace
- Deciphering the Message of a Mafia Murder
- Commercial Profit Murder
- Error Reduction in Performing a Medicolegal Post-Mortem Examination
- Error Reduction in Collecting Specimens for Toxicologic and Chemical Analysis During a Medicolegal Post-Mortem Examination
- Error Reduction in Analyzing and Reporting the Findings from a Post-Mortem Examination
- How to Avoid Not Being Intentionally Misled in a Death Investigation
- Scale of Pritt et al for Grading Errors in a Death Certificate Completed by a Clinician
- Error Reduction in the Examination of a Gunshot Victim
- Error Reduction in Evaluating a Fire Victim
- Error Reduction in Evaluating Bite Marks
- Death After Being Gored By an Animal
- Pseudo-Rigor Mortis (Putrefactive Rigor Mortis or Body Freezing)
- Vital Reaction
- Profile of the Typical Infant Abductor
- Common Clues in Package or Mail Bombs
- Checklist for a Person Receiving a Bomb Threat by Telephone
- Classification of Marshall for Injuries Associated with an Explosive Device
- Bomb Crime Scene Operation (SCENE Protocol)
- The Stalking Behavior Checklist of Coleman
- Risk Level for a Person Being Stalked
- Classification of Wright et al for Interpersonal Stalking
- Guidelines for the Determination of Death
- Criteria of Goraya et al for Coronary Heart Disease Being the Cause of Death
- Criteria of Elliott et al for Ketoacidosis Preceding Death
- Armanni-Ebstein Phenomenon in the Kidneys of a Patient Dying of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Differential Diagnosis of Foam at the Mouth and Nostrils
- Karoshi Death (Death from Overwork)
- Health Risks in Victims of Human Trafficking
- Factors Restraining a Female Victim of Human Trafficking
- Factors Impacting the Success of Human Trafficking
- Clues of Burke for Identifying a Sex Slave in the Emergency Department
- Ways for People Involved in Body Recovery to Psychologically Handle the Task
- Recommendations of Watson et al for the Management of Dead Bodies During a Natural Disaster
- Risk Factors of Salter et al for Sexually Abusive Behavior in Sexually Victimised Males
- Sexual Abuse Risk Factor Checklist of Finkelhor for Sexual Victimization of Girls
- FBI Classification of Rapists
- Forensic Evidence to Collect from a Rape Victim
- Laboratory Analysis to Document the Presence of Semen
- Risk Factors of Sugar et al for Physical Injury After Sexual Assault of an Adolescent or Adult Female
- FBI Criteria for a Preferential Child Molester (Pedophile)
- FBI Classification for Collectors of Child and Adolescent Pornography
- Evaluation of a Possible Victim of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault (Date Rape Drug)
- Risk Factors of Mitchell et al for Sexual Solicitation of a Pediatric Patient Over the Internet
- Anal Lesions in a Child That May Indicate Sexual Abuse
- Material That May Fluoresce Under a Wood's Lamp
- Use of an Alternative Light Source (ALS) for Detection of Semen on a Surface
- Criteria of Reza et al for Different Types of Sexual Violence
- Physical Findings of Hornor That May Be Misdiagnosed As Sexual Abuse
- Physical Findings That May Be Seen After Sexual Assault with a Foreign Body
- Consequences of Sexual Abuse During Childhood
- Risk Factors of Kushel et al for Sexual Assault of a Homeless or Marginally Housed Person
- Screening Tool of Floyed et al for a Evaluating a Pediatric Patient Following Sexual Assault
- Factors of Thackeray et al Affecting Collection of DNA Evidence Following Acute Pediatric Sexual Assault
- Body Packing
- Potential Hazards Associated with a Clandestine Drug Laboratory
- Hazards of Body Stuffing
- Gross Pathologic Features in Strangulation
- Accidental Asphyxiation During Hypoxia-Induced Sexual Stimulation or Autoerotic Practices
- Determining the Distance That a Person Must Drop When Hanged
- Causes of Death for a Person Being Hanged
- Factors Affecting the Outcome of a Hanging
- Criteria of Bell et al for Diagnosing Positional Asphyxia
- Risk Factors of Byard et al for Positional Asphyxia
- Pneumomediastinum and Cervical Soft Tissue Emphysema Associated with Hanging
- Indicators of Financial Difficulties
- Personation and Signature Behavior at a Crime Scene
- Features of a Hate Crime
- Modus Operandi (MO)
- Copycat Crime
- Criteria of DeHaan for Arson
- Findings at a Fire That May Indicate a Profit-Motivated Arson
- Major Reasons of Eckert for Fire Setting
- Types of Witnesses
- Criteria of Pollanen et al for the Diatom Test in Drowning
- Sodium and Chloride Concentration in the Pleural Fluid of a Drowning Victim
- Washerwoman Skin on a Body Immersed in Water
- Suicide by Insulin Injection
- Suicide by Sulfonylurea Ingestion
- Risk Factors Associated with Workplace Violence
- Risk Factors for Workplace Violence Involving Emergency Department Physicians
- Prevention Strategies to Reduce or Prevent Workplace Violence
- Phenolphthalein Test for Presumptive Identification of Blood
- Orthotolidine (o-Tolidine) Test for Presumptive Identification of Blood
- Impact Angle for a Blood Stain
- Determining the Point of Origin from a Group of Blood Stains
- Factors Affecting the Ability to Determine the Direction of a Blood Trail
- Expiratory Blood Stains
- Blood Stains From an Arterial Wound
- Skeletonized Blood Stain
- Epidermal Erosions Caused by Cockroaches, Ants or Other Insects
- Features of Hesitation Marks in Suicide
- Features of Defense Wounds
- Distinction Between a Sharp and Blunt Force Wound
- Abdominal Wounds Associated with Hara-Kiri
- Pseudo-Stab Wounds Due to Dehiscence of Old Surgical Incisions
- Classification of Caplan for the Cause of Death in a Patient Receiving Medical Care
- Procedure of Reay et al for Investigating an Anesthetic or Surgical Death
- Fatal Complications Associated with Migration of a Greenfield Filter Placed in the Inferior Vena Cava
- Reviewing a Patient’s Medication History As Part of a Postmortem Examination (Drug Autopsy)
- Fatal Complications of a Tracheostomy
- Criteria of Fischer et al for Distinguishing Human from Dog Bites
- Method of Sciulli and Pfau for Estimating a Child's Weight from Midshaft Diameter of the Femur
- Risk Factors for a False Confession
- Features of a Voluntary False Confession
- Features of a Coerced (Involuntary) False Confession
- Motivations for Assault By Burning
- Complications in a Survivor of an Assault By Burning
- Findings That May Identify the Driver in an Automobile or Pilot in an Airplane Accident
- Dissolving a Body in Chemicals
- Disposing of Body Under Water
- Disposing of a Body with a Wood Chipper
- Disposing of a Body By Feeding It To Pigs
- Disposing of a Body By Dismemberment
- Disposing of a Body By Burial
- Reasons Why a Murderer May Not Dispose of a Body
- Disposing of a Body By Burning
- Complex Suicide (Combined Suicide)
- Complicated Suicide
- Precautions Needed at the Scene of a Toxic Chemical Suicide
- Risk Factors of Henderson and Joseph Indicating That a Driver Tried to Commit Suicide
- Equations of Felby et al for Estimating Ketone Bodies in the Blood Based on Levels in the Cerebrospinal Fluid or Vitreous Humor
- Specimens to Collect and Store From a Patient with a Possible Inherited Metabolic Disorder
- Ratio of Strontium Isotopes in Skeletal Remains to Determine the Victim's Region of Origin
- Risk Factors for Hyperthermia Death of a Child Left in a Parked Vehicle
- Pseudo-Washerwoman Skin in a Burnt Body
- Possible Causes of Decapitation
- Bloodletting Sign of Drug Overdose (Sole Incision, Phlebotomy, Etc)
- Identification of Bone Marrow Edema on a Postmortem MRI to Distinguish Antemortem from Postmortem Fractures
- Transverse Lacerations of the Carotid Artery Intima (Amussat's Sign)
- Equations of Mohanty et al for the Length of the Humerus from Fragments
- Equations of Hoppa and Gruspier for Estimating Diaphyseal Length of a Pediatric Long Bone from Incomplete Fragments
- Vulnerable Persons At Risk for Abuse
- Psychological Abuse
- Tulip Classification of Perinatal Mortality
- Risk Factors for Infant Suffocation Related to Nighttime Parenting Strategies
- Sudden Death Secondary to Untreated Lyme Carditis
- Double Deaths of a Married Couple (Philemon and Baucis Syndrome)
- Homicide Associated with Delusional Jealousy (Othello Syndrome)
- Sex Offender Levels
- Causes of Unexpected Death After Discharge from the Emergency Department
- Camouflaging Facial Emphysema from Repeated Valsalva Maneuvers
- Sudden Death Secondary to Hyperthyroidism (Thyroid Storm, Thyroid Crisis)
- Sudden Death Due to Hemorrhage from a Choroid Plexus Vascular Malformation
- Homicide with an Ice Pick
- Honor Killing (Honor Crime)
- Human Trophy Killers
- Differential Diagnosis of a Person Who Has Died While Intoxicated
- Penn Injury Classification System (PICS) of Sommers et al: Genital Injury
- Penn Injury Classification System (PICS) of Sommers et al: Nongenital Injury
- Genital Injury Severity Scale (GISS)
- Simon's Bleedings (Hemorrhage of the Intervertebral Disks)
- Bowel Wall Hemorrhage Associated with Strangulation or Hanging
- Summation of Sodium, Chloride and Potassium Concentrations in the Pleural Fluid of a Drowning Victim
- Model of Zilg et al for Estimating the Post-Mortem Interval (PMI) from Vitreous Potassium Concentration
- Fatal Injury from a Blank Cartridge
- Estimating the Stature of an Adult Spaniard from Metatarsal Bones Using the Equations of Rodriguez et al
- Equations of Trotter and Gleser for Estimating Stature from Gender, Race and Length of the Femur
- Equations of Sciulli and Giesen for Estimating Stature from Gender and the Length of the Femur
- Equation of Olivier for Estimating Stature of Pygmies from the Lengths of the Femur and Tibia
- Equations of Genovese for Estimating Stature of an Hispanic Adult from Gender and Length of Leg Long Bones
- Equation of Allbrook for Estimating Stature from the Length of the Tibia
- When to Consider Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV) at Peritnatal Autopsy
- Sudden Death Associated with Pheochromocytoma
- Sentinel Clot Sign and the Source of Hemorrhage
- Homicide Using a Syringe-Like Dart Shot from a Crossbow
- Prostitute (Sex Worker) Homocide
- Incaprettamento (Ritual Ligature Strangulation) of the Italian Mafia
- Necklacing (Burning a Tire Around the Neck)
- Contract Killing
- Execution by Burning in a Microwave Oven (Variant of Necklacing)
- Kill Kit of a Serial Killer
- Forensic Implications of Tattoos
- Direct and Indirect Causes of Weather-Related Death
- Evaluation of a Patient Who Has Died for Helium Gas Asphyxiation
- Behaviors That Can Help to Identify a Person Who May Become an Active Shooter
- Preventable Causes of Unexpected Death in a Patient in the Emergency Department
- Burial in a Septic Tank
- Suicide by Charcoal Burning with Generation of Carbon Monoxide
- Equation of De Luca et al for Estimating Skeletal Age of an Italian Infant or Child from Wrist X-Ray
- Equations of Curate et al for Determining Gender of Portugese Human Remains Based on Measurements of the Proximal Femur
- Markings Associated with Blows from a Claw Hammer
- Equations of Chavez-Martinez et al for Estimating the Age of Mexican Fetal Remains
- Dead-in-Bed Syndrome in Diabetes Mellitus
- Possible Clues to a Bomb's Location
- Causes of Death for Someone Stuck in a Chimney
- Differential Diagnosis of Drowning in a Bathtub
- Ratio of Diatoms in Lung Tissue to Drowning Medium in the Diagnosis of Drowning
- Unidentified and Unclaimed Bodies
- Classification of Sauvageau and Boghossian for Asphyxia
- Home Invasion
- Common Causes of Neonatal Death in Singleton Term Pregnancies Delivered at Home
- Suicide By Vehicle Assisted Ligature Strangulation (VALS)
- Postmortem Analysis of a Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device (CIED)
- Abuse Using Pepper or Hot Pepper (Capsicum, Caspaicin) As an Irritant
- Pittsburgh Infant Brain Injury Score (PIBIS) of Berger et al to Screen for Abusive Head Trauma
- Pet Depredation of a Dead Owner
- Sudden Death Associated with an Occult Malignancy
- Sudden Death Associated with Cardiac Sarcoidosis
- Risk Factors of Wang et al for Sudden Death After Atrioventricular Junction Ablation and Pacemaker Implantation
- Investigation of Unexplained Sudden Death in a Psychiatric Patient
- History of Animal Cruelty in Serial Killers and the MacDonal Triad
- Impact of Stalking on a Victim
- Definition of Stalking
- Stalking Behaviors
- Classification of Holmes for a Stalker
- Classification of Workplace Violence Based on the Perpetuator and Situation
- Suicidal Asphyxia Associated with a Vitiated (Oxygen-Depleted) Atmosphere
- The United Nations Definition for Human Trafficking from the Palermo Protocol
- Duodenal Injuries in Children Associated with Physical Abuse
- Postmortem Pink Teeth
- Sudden Death Associated with an Intracranial Tumor (Meningioma, Glioblastoma)
- Sudden Death Associated with a Pituitary Adenoma
- Sudden Death in Craniosynostosis
- Sudden Death Associated with Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Sudden Death in a Patient with Hypocalcemia
- Risk Factors of Lindbohm et al for Sudden Death Due to Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Sudden Unexpected Death in Parkinson's Disease (SUDPAR)
- Sudden Death Associated with Anabolic Steroids
- Sudden Death Associated with an Atrial Myxoma
- Sudden Death Associated with Chiari Type 1 Malformation
- Sudden Death Associated with Infectious Aortitis
- Differential Diagnosis of Death Associated with a Voodoo Curse
- Genocide
- Common Actions in a Genocide
- Pseudo-Gunshot Wound Due to a Compound Rib Fracture
- Postmortem Examination in a Person Who Has Died in a Grain Silo
- Intravenous Injection of a Potassium Salt
- Signs of Human Trafficking on an Airline
- Grooming By a Sexual Predator
- Warning Signs in a Child Suggestive of Grooming by a Sexual Predator
- Criteria of Hall and Hall for a Child Molester
- Types of Female Sex Offenders
- Asphyxiation During Nitrous Oxide Inhalation
- Brassiere Sign in Crush Asphyxia
- The Choking Game
- Isadora Duncan Syndrome (Strangulation by Scarf Caught in a Wheel Spoke)
- Extortion (Blackmail, Protection Racket, Shakedown)
- Drowning Index (DI)
- Intentional Poisoning of Coworkers
- Indicators of Potential Violence by an Employee
- Flight as Response to an Active Shooter
- Hiding as Response to an Active Shooter
- Taking Physical Action Against an Active Shooter
- Law Enforcement Response to an Active Shooter Situation
- Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in Active Shooter Preparedness
- Training and Drills for an Active Shooter Incident
- Facility Preparations for an Active Shooter Event
- Responsibilities of the Human Resources Department in Avoiding Active Shooter Incidents
- Follow-Up of Active Shooter Event
- Description and Motives of an Active Shooter
- Strangulation Caused by a Feeding Tube
- Suicide By Self Immolation (Setting Yourself on Fire)
- 4-Variable Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) Clinical Prediction Rule of Hymel et al
- Estimating Living Stature from Skeletal Height
- Adipocere
- Sudden Death Due to Massive Hemopericardium
- Lethal Injection
- Capital Punishment
- Suicidal Decapitation Using Detonating Cord (Det Cord)
- Evaluation of a Patient with Enuresis for Abuse
- BuRN-Tool of Kemp et al for Maltreatment from Burns: Scalds
- BuRN-Tool of Kemp et al for Maltreatment from Burns: Nonscald burn
- Nonexertional Sudden Death in Sickle Cell Disease
- Sudden Death in Alcohol Misuse (SUDAM)
- Causes of Sudden Death in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT, Osler-Weber Rendu Syndrome)
- Differential Diagnosis of Liver Rupture After Blunt Force
- Buried Alive
- Screening Tool of Greenbaum et al for Child Sex Trafficking
- Risk Factors for a Male Being Sexually Assaulted
- Iatrogenic Death in Hereditary Fructose Intolerance (HFI)
- Asphyxia Due to Blood Aspiration Following a Medical Procedure
- Regression Tree of Moore and Schaefer to Estimate Body Weight from the Skeleton
- Suicide by Oral Explosive
- Suicide By Fire Extinguisher
- Suicide Tourism
- Suicide Hotspot
- Screening Questionnaire of Snider et al for Intimate Partner Violence
- DETECT Screening Tool of Cannell for Elder Mistreatment
- Screen for Child Abuse with SPUTOVAMO-R
- Equations of Garmendia et al to Estimate Stature for Adult Mexicans Using Long Bone Measurements
- Mandibular Canine Index (MCI)
- Decision Tree of Langley et al for Determining the Sex of Human Remains from the Skull
- Method of Kim et al for Determining the Total Body Scoer (TBS) for a Decomposing Corpse
- Sudden Death Associated with Scurvy
- Sudden Death Due to Blood Aspiration or Intrapulmonary Hemorrhage
- Sudden Death in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML)
- Sudden Death During Pregnancy Associated with Rupture of a Splenic Artery Aneurysm
- Sudden Death Due to Acute Epiglottitis
- Coprophagic Asphyxiation (Coprophagic Cafe Coronary)
- Sudden Death Due to a Laryngeal Lesion
- Sudden Cardiac Death in a Hemodialysis Patient
- Sudden Death Associated with a Dental Abscess
- Sudden Death Due to Acute Pancreatitis
- Sudden Death Secondary to Advanced Penile Cancer
- ST2-SCD Score of Lupon et al for Sudden Cardiac Death in an Outpatient with Heart Failure
- Sudden Cardiac Death in a Patient with Cardiac Sarcoidosis
- Sudden Death Associated with Carnitine Deficiency
- Sudden Death Associated with an Impacted Esophageal Food Bolus
- Police Use of Force Continuum (UFC)
- Pathologic Findings Following a Fatal Neck Hold
- Overkill
- Grannicide
- Total Number of Injuries (TNI)
- Sum of All AIS Scores (SAIS)
- Feud, Vendetta and Faida
- Misdiagnosis of an Occult Overdose or Fatal Drug Interaction
- Serial Bomber
- Causes of Death in a Patient Abusing Opioids
- Electric Fence Related Death
- Fatal Hemorrhage from Varicose Veins
- Explosion of a Fire Extinguisher
- Death Associated with an Elevator
- Models of Casali et al for Fatal Falls from a Height: Organ Model
- Models of Casali et al for Fatal Falls from a Height: Region Model
- Gross Pathologic Changes of Starvation
- Findings of Simonsen Associated with Jumping from a Bridge into Water
- Differential Diagnosis of Genital Mutilation at Autopsy
- Traumatic Asphyxia (Perthes Syndrome, Thoracic Compression Syndrome)
- Misplaced Intubation Tube During Prehospital Care
- Death Following Elective Nasal Polypectomy
- Parachuting-Related Suicide
- Death Associated with a Dental Procedure
- Sudden Death Associated with Chordoma or Ecchordosis Physaliphora
- Sudden Death in Light Chain Cardiac Amyloidosis
- Sudden Death Associated with Syphilitic Aneurysm
- Sudden Death in a Patient with Rett Syndrome
- Injury Patterns in Fatal Falls from Buildings in India
- Selfie-Related Accidental Death
- Classification of Tritschler et al for Cause of Death in a Patient with a Pulmonary Embolism
- Troubleshooting a Drug Overdose Death with Negative Toxicology Testing
- Alcohol (Ethanol) Implicated in the Cause of Death, Including Alcohol Poisoning
- Death Associated with an Intragastric Balloon for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity
- Fatal Urinothorax Secondary to Nephrolithotomy or Other Urinary Tract Procedure
- Acid Violence (Acid Attack, Vitriolage, Vitriolism)
- Aquatic Decomposition Score (ADS): Facial and Body Subscore (FADS, BADS)
- Aquatic Decomposition Score (ADS): Limb Subscore (LADS) and Total (TADS)
- Accumulated Degree Days (ADD) for a Body Drowning in Water
- Equation of Reijnen et al for Estimating the Total Aquatic Decomposition Score (TADS) from the Accumulated Degree Days (ADD) for a Body Drowning in Water
- Sudden Death Due to Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus
- Sudden Death Associated with Hemoptysis
- Sudden Death in a Patient with Craniopharyngioma
- Sudden Death Due to Coronary Artery Vasculitis with Thrombosis
- Sudden Death Due to Spontaneous Rupture of a Ductus Arteriosus Aneurysm
- Failure to Report the Death of a Patient to the Coroner
- Acid Bomb (Chemical Bomb)
- Differential Diagnosis of Death Caused By Food
- Investigation of a Sauna Death in Korea
- Changes in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells Associated with Ketoacidosis
- Screening Questions of Mumma et al to Identify a Victim of Sex Trafficking
- Suicide with an Explosive
- Differential Diagnosis of a Green Discoloration of the Brain at Autopsy
- Comet-Tailing at the Entrance Wound from a Plated Bullet (Pseudo-Gunpowder Stippling)
- Criteria for a Mass Shooting (Mass Shooting Event)
- Measurements of Savall et al for Sex Determination from the Coxal Bone
- Heel-Ball (HB) Index
- Drug Testing in Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID)
- Indications for Genetic and Metabolic Testing in a Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
- Sudden Death in Cryptococcosis
- Pokkuri Disease and Sudden Unexpected Cardiac Death (Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome, SUNDS)
- Sudden Death Associated with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) Cardiotoxicity
- Causes of Death Associated with Pica
- Vera Institute of Justice Screening Tool for Human Trafficking: Shortened Scale (Rapid Appraisal for Trafficking, RAFT)
- Preventable Death of a Trauma Patient
- Equations of Zhang et al for Estimating Stature of a Chinese Adolescent or Adult From Lower Limb Bone Length
- Sudden Death in a Patient with Coarctation of the Aorta
- Sudden Death Associated with Coronary Artery Anomalies (CAA)
- Risk Factors of Oliver et al for Sudden Cardiac Death in an Adult with Congenital Heart Disease
- Sudden Death in a Patient with Myotonic Dystrophy Type I
- Sudden Death in Cold-Induced Sweating Syndrome (CISS, Crisponi Syndrome)
- Twinkie Defense
- Fire or Explosion of a Medical Device Containing a Lithium Battery
- Descriptive Features of a Mass Grave
- Methods of Detection for a Mass Grave
- Suicidal Iron Overdose
- Cannibalism
- Vampirism
- Cerebral Tissue Pulmonary Embolism After Severe Head Trauma
- Fetal Death Associated with Maternal Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- SUDEP-CARE Score for Predicting Sudden Death in an Adult with Drug-Resistant Focal Epilepsy
- Revised SUDEP-7 Inventory
- Sudden Death Associated with a Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection of the Neck
- Sudden Death in a Video Gamer
- Prone Restraint Cardiac Arrest (PRCA, Restraint Asphyxia)
- Depravity Standard
- Snuff Film
- Parental Motives for Child Murder (Filicide)
- Wischnewsky (Wischnewski) Lesions, Spots or Ulcers
- Atrial-Esophageal-Thoracic Fistula After Radiofrequency Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
- Predictors of Yu et al for the Repeated Occurrence of Domestic Violence
- Child Neglect Associated with Video or Internet Gaming Disorder
- PredAHT Model for Abusive Head Trauma: Full Regression Model
- PredAHT Model for Abusive Head Trauma: REduced Regression Model
- PredAHT Model for Abusive Head Trauma: Clinical Rule
- Retinal Hemorrhages and Abusive Head Trauma
- Rankings of Certainty When Reviewing a Case of Alleged Pediatric Abusive Trauma
- Risk Factors for Domestic Abuse Against the Husband (Battered Husband Syndrome)
- Reasons Why a Husband May Not Report Being Domestically Abused (Battered Husband Syndrome)
- Formula of Yamashita et al for Estimating Age in Postmortem Examinations of Japanese Adults
- Sex Determination of a Palm Print from an Adult
- Predictive Score of Polavarapu et al for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Sudden Death due to Brainstem Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
- Risk Factors for Sudden Death in a Patient Being Treated for Head and Neck Cancer
- Sudden Death Due to Sequestration Crisis in a Patient with a Sickle Cell Hemoglobinopathy
- Sudden Death Due to Kawasaki Disease
- Sudden Death in a Woman with a History of Preeclampsia or Eclampsia
- Sudden Death Associated with a Laryngeal Tumor
- Causes of Haghighat et al for Sudden Death in the Homeless
- Differential Diagnosis of Death Soon After Arrest
- Homicidal Poisoning with Paraquat
- Hyperthermia-Related Death in Multiple Sclerosis, Including Death While Bathing
- Grades of Adams et al for Cerebral Contusions
- Grades of Omalu et al for Cerebral Contusions
- Total Contusions Index (TCI)
- Drug-Facilitated Assault with Scopolamine
- Equations of Rognum et al for Estimating the Time Since Based on Vitreous Analysis and Ambient Temperature
- Sudden Unexpected Death Due to Clostridial Sepsis
- Sudden Cardiac Death in a Patient with a Deficiency of PPA2 (Mitochondrial Inorganic Pyrophosphatase)
- Death of a Prisoner Due to Withdrawal or Detoxification
- Justifiable Homicide
- Matricide
- Criteria of Nielsen et al for the Postmortem Diagnosis of Lymphocytic Myocarditis
- Screening Tool of Hurst et al for Identifying a Minor in the Emergency Department Who Is Being Sex Trafficked
- War Crime
- Fecal Pulmonary Embolism
- Absence of Fingerprints