- Target Heart Rates During Exercise
- The Borg RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) Scale
- Target Percent Oxygen Consumption Reserve (VO2R) During Exercise
- The Physiological Cost Index of Walking (PCI)
- Target Heart Rates of Mottola et al for a Pregnant Woman During Exercise
- Formula of Tanaka et al for Predicting Maximal Heart Rate in Healthy Adults
- Formulae of Gellish et al for Predicting Maximal Heart Rate in Healthy Adults
- Equations of Gulati et al for Predicting Exercise Capacity in METs for a Woman Based on Age
- Formulae and Nomograms of Morris et al for Predicting Maximal Heart Rate and Exercise Capacity in Adult Males
- Equation of Lee et al for Estimating the MET of an Activity for a Patient with Paraplegia Using the Heart Rate Ratio
- Chronotropic Incompetence (CI) and Heart Rate Impairment
- Maximal Heart Rate Equations of Zhu et al from the CARDIA Study
- Equation of Wicks et al for Estimating MET of an Activity Using the Heart Rate Index (Heart Rate Ratio)
- Duke Activity Status Index
- The Questionnaire of Baecke et al for Measurement of a Person's Habitual Physical Activity
- The Physical Activity History (PAH)
- The Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire of Godin and Shephard
- The FIT (Frequency, Intensity, Time) Index of Kasari
- The Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ)
- Activity Questionnaire of Rantanen et al for Older Women in the Women's Health and Aging Study (WHAS)
- The PACE+ (Patient-Centered Assessment and Counseling for Exercise Plus Nutrition) Adolescent Physical Activity Measure
- Identifying a Person's Perceptions Associated with Adopting and Maintaining a Physically Active Lifestyle
- Assessing a Person's Stage for Change in Physical Activity
- Criteria of Kruger et al for a Weekend Warrior
- Physical Activity Rating (PA-R) of Jackson et al (NASA Code for Physical Activity)
- Exercise Deficit Disorder (EDD)
- Estimating Maximum Oxygen Consumption During Exercise
- The Rockport One Mile Walking Field Test Equation
- Using the Canadian Home Fitness Test to Predict Maximum Oxygen Consumption
- The Cooper 12 Minute and Balke 15 Minute Field Test Equations
- The 1.5 Mile Field Test for Young Adult Women Joggers
- Predicting Maximal Oxygen Consumption in Middle-Aged Men Using the Equation of Mastropaolo
- Predicting Maximal Oxygen Uptake Using a Bicycle Ergometer and the Equation of Fox
- Predicting Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Boys Aged 7-15 Years Using the Equations of Bonen et al
- Equation of Myers et al for Predicting a Person's Exercise Capacity Using the Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire
- Equation of Matthews et al for Predicting Maximum Oxygen Uptake and Fitness in Adults Without Exercise Testing
- Prediction of Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Adults Using Cycle Ergometry and the Equations of Mertens et al
- Prediction Equation of Lee et al for Maximum Oxygen Uptake Based on the Specific Activity Scale
- Equation of Mottola et al for Peak Oxygen Consumption in a Pregnant Woman
- Impact of Total Hemoglobin Mass on Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max)
- Equation of De Backer et al for Predicting Peak Oxygen Uptake in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Oxygen Uptake During Walking
- Oxygen Uptake During Running
- Oxygen Uptake During Stepping
- Oxygen Uptake Using the Leg Cycle Ergometer
- Oxygen Uptake Using the Arm Ergometer
- Predicting Oxygen Uptake in Children 6-10 Years of Age During Walking Using the Equation of Morgan et al
- Equation of Lang et al for Predicting Oxygen Uptake During Cycle Ergometry
- Using Oxygen Uptake During Exercise to Predict Fat Loss
- Equations of Fudge et al for Predicting Oxygen Uptake While Using the 3dNX Accelerometer
- Stride Rate and Oxygen Consumption While Walking Based on the Equation of Rowe et al
- Stride Rate and Oxygen Consumption While Walking Based on the Equations of Tudor-Locke et al
- Functional Aerobic Impairment
- Grading Injury Severity Based on Functional Impairment
- Guidelines of Cantu for Concussion Following Athletic Head Injury
- Player Assessment Instrument of Maddocks et al for Orientation and Memory Following Head Injury
- McGill Grading System for Concussion Following Athletic Head Injury
- Contraindications to Participation in Contact Sports Related to Potential for Serious Outcome Following Head Injury
- Criteria for the Second Impact Syndrome
- The Virginia Neurological Institute Scale for Concussion in Athletics
- The Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC)
- The 1997 Practice Parameter of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) for Concussion in Sports
- Sideline Evaluation from the Practice Parameter of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) for Concussion in Sports
- Grading Concussion According to the Criteria of the Colorado Medical Society
- Risk Factors of Makdissi et al for Delayed Return to Play After a Major Concussion
- Clinical Features of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
- Grading Tendinitis
- The VISA Score for Grading Patellar Tendinosis (Jumper's Knee)
- Lewis Nomogram and Jump-Reach Test
- Margaria-Kalamen Power Test
- Equations of Harman et al for Predicting Power Output During a Vertical Jump
- Equations of Johnson and Bahamonde for Predicting Power Output During a Vertical Jump
- Twelve Minute Wheel Distance Test for Fitness Level
- Power Output Requirements for Moving a Wheelchair
- University of Toronto Arm Crank Protocol
- 6-Minute Push Test (6MPT)
- Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)
- Contraindications to Exercise during Pregnancy
- Indications for Exercise Stress Testing in Asymptomatic Adults Before Exercise
- Indications for Disqualifying an Athlete with Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Evaluation of a Person with a History of Epilepsy
- Screening Questionnaire of Blum for Cardiovascular Risk Factors Prior to Sports or Exercise Participation
- Screening Questionnaire of Blum to Identify Previous Injury or Medical Conditions Prior to Sports or Exercise Participation
- Conditions Disqualifying a Person from Sports Participation
- Contraindications to Exercise in an Older Adult
- Contraindications to Exercise in a Patient with a Cytopenia
- Recommendations of the American Heart Association for Physical Activity and Sports Participation in a Patient with a Genetic Cardiovascular Disease
- NFL Athlete Rating Systems
- Prodromal Symptoms of Northcote et al for Patients Who Suffered Sudden Death During Vigorous Exercise
- Indications for Evaluating a Diabetic Prior to Starting a Vigorous Exercise Program
- Recommendations of Wu and Gaines for Restrictions on a Pediatric Patient with a Solitary Kidney
- Evaluation of a Patient with Asthma for Sports Participation
- Evaluation of a Patient with Liver Disease for Sports Participation
- Evaluation of a Patient with Splenomegaly for Sports Participation
- Risk Factors for Hypertension in a Physically Active Person or Athlete
- Management Decisions for a Physically Active Person or Athlete with Hypertension
- Evaluation of a Hypertensive Patient Who Is Starting an Exercise Program
- Exercise-Induced Pancreatitis and/or Cholangitis
- Evaluation of a Patient with Cancer Prior to Starting an Exercise Program
- Barriers to Sport Participation By a Pediatric Patient with Juvenile Arthritis
- Recommendations of Clifford and Mallon for Sports Participation by a Patient with a Total Joint Prosthesis
- Evaluation of a Patient with Osteoarthritis Prior to Starting an Exercise Program
- Assessment of a Patient with von Willebrand’s Disease Prior to Sports Participation
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Alonso-Blanco et al for Evaluating a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis Prior Starting an Exercise Program
- The Female Athlete Triad
- Breast Discomfort Associated with Physical Activity
- Risk Factors of Bennell et al for Stress Fractures in Female Track and Field Athletes
- Impaired Aerobic Exercise in a Young Woman Associated with Perihepatic Adhesions Secondary to the Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome
- The Free Running Athletic Screening Test for Exercise-Induced Asthma
- Clinical Features of Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis
- Distinction of Exercise-Induced Hyperventilation from Exercise-Induced Asthma
- When to Screen a Person for Exercise-Induced Asthma (Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm)
- Evaluation of an Athlete for Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction
- Clinical Features of Food-Dependent, Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (FDEIA)
- Exercise-Induced Rhinitis (EIR)
- Contraindications for Therapeutic Heat Including Diathermy
- Contraindications for Therapeutic Cold Treatment (Cryotherapy)
- Risk Factors for Injuries Sustained While Running a Marathon
- Injury Prevention for In-Line Skating
- Risk Factors of Brockett et al for Hamstring Strain Injury
- Runner's Anemia (Foot-Strike Hemolysis, March Hemoglobinuria)
- Risk Factors for Friction Blisters
- Gastrointestinal Blood Loss in Long Distance Runners
- Risk Factors of Kelsey et al for Stress Fracture in a Young Female Cross Country Runner
- Hematuria in Long Distance Runners
- Risk Factors of Moran et al for Stress Fracture in a Young Female Military Recruit During Basic Training
- Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) and the Rate of Unsuccessful Completion of a Marathon Run at a Latitude Greater than 40 Degrees
- Risk Factors for Injury During Freerunning (Parkour)
- Complications Caused by the Wearing of Toning (Rocker Bottom) Shoes
- Clinical Findings of Malleolar Bursitis in Figure Skaters
- Classification of Sports Based on Dynamic and Static Components and on Risks
- Use of the Arch Index to Classify the Arch of a Person's Foot
- Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis (Mechanical Plantar Heel Pain)
- Clinical Findings in Plantar Fasciitis (Mechanical Plantar Heel Pain)
- Diagnosis of Mechanical Posterior Heel Pain
- Black Heel Associated with Intraepidermal Hemorrhage
- Subungual Hematomas in a Toe
- Corn (Clavus or Heloma)
- Foot Posture Index (FPI) of Redmond et al
- Clinical Features of Turf Toe (Hallux Rigidus)
- Advice on Swimming for Patients With Tympanostomy Tubes
- Complications Associated with Swimming Goggles
- Checklist for Selecting Swimming Goggles
- The Overtraining Syndrome
- Flow Diagram for Recognition of the Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)
- The Score of Lysholm and Gillquist for Evaluating Athletes After Knee Ligament Surgery
- The Score of Marshall et al for Followup Evaluation of Athletes After Knee Ligament Surgery
- Functional Assessment in the Cincinnati Knee Rating System
- Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
- Risk Factors for a Tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) During Athletics
- Acute Traumatic Primary Patellar Dislocation
- Nomogram of Myer et al for Identifying a Female Athlete at High Risk for Injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
- Preoperative Factors of Quelard et al Predicting a Prolonged Range of Motion Deficit Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Algorithm of Jain et al for Treating an Athlete with a Primary Patellar Dislocation
- Grading of a Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Scale from Kumbhare and Basmajian to Grade an Ankle Sprain
- Questionnaire of de Bie et al for Evaluating a Patient with an Ankle Sprain
- Function and Prognostic Scores of de Bie et al for a Patient with a Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Risk Factors for an Inversion Ankle Sprain
- Risk Factors of Waterman et al for Medial or Syndesmotic Ankle Sprain in College Athletes
- Burner (Stinger) Syndrome in Football and Other Contact Sports
- Spear Tackler's Spine
- Vertebral Body (Pavlov or Torg) Ratio in Evaluating Athletes for Cervical Spine Stenosis
- Field Equation of Cheuvront et al for Estimating Sweat Loss in a Female Running in Warm Weather
- Equation of Shapiro et al for Estimating Sweat Loss Based on Work Load, Climate and Clothing
- Monitoring Urine Osmolality with a Portable Conductivity Meter
- Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia
- Rectus Abdominis Syndrome
- Prognostic Factors of Pomeranz and Heidt for Hamstring Muscle and Tendon Injury Identified on MRI
- Grades of Muscle Strain
- Risk Factors for Exercise-Associated Muscle Cramping (EAMC)
- Clinical Findings in Acute Rupture of the Pectoralis Major Muscle
- Risk Factors for Rupture of the Pectoralis Major Muscle
- Classification Scheme of Teitjen for Injury to the Pectoralis Major Muscle
- Functional Outcome Criteria of Bak et al for Treatment of a Ruptured Pectoralis Major Muscle
- Risk Factors for Rhabdomyolysis Following a Workout Involving Exercises with Eccentric Contractions
- MRI Grading System of Shelly et al for a Hamstring Injury
- MRI Scoring System of Cohen et al for a Hamstring Injury
- Risk Factors of Cohen et al for Prolonged Recovery Following a Hamstring Injury
- 1984 Recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics for Patients with Down Syndrome and Atlantoaxial Instability Participating in Special Olympics
- Equation of Mayhew et al for Predicting the One Repetition Maximum (1-RM) Bench Pressing Weight
- Weight Lifting Schedule
- Equation of Brzycki for Predicting the One Repetition Maximum (1-RM) Bench Pressing Weight
- Equation of Epley for Predicting the One Repetition Maximum (1-RM) Bench Pressing Weight
- Modified YMCA Bench Press Test for Predicting the One Repetition Maximum (1-RM) Bench Pressing Weight
- Equation of Invergo for Predicting the One Repetition Maximum (1-RM) Bench Pressing Weight Using Barbell Repetitions
- Equation of Walsworth et al for Predicting the 10 Repetition Maximum (10 RM) for Short-Arc Quadriceps Exercise
- Equation of O'Connor et al for Predicting the One Repetition Maximum (1-RM)
- Ratio of Urinary Testosterone to Epitestosterone to Detect Anabolic Steroid Use
- Ratio of Urinary Testosterone to Luteinizing Hormone (LH) to Detect Anabolic Steroid Use
- Evaluating an Athlete for Artificial Erythrocytosis (Blood Doping)
- Masking the Use of a Performance Enhancing Drug
- Predictors of Wichstrom for Future Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Use
- Evaluating a Male Athlete for Physical Effects of Anabolic Steroid Abuse
- Evaluating a Female Athlete for Physical Effects of Anabolic Steroid Abuse
- Ratio of Soluble Transferrin Receptor (STfr) to Serum Protein Ratio for Detection of Recombinant Erythropoietin (EPO) Use By an Athlete
- ON and OFF Model Scores of Parisotto et al for Detecting Use of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
- Measuring Electrophoretic Mobility of Erythropoietin to Detect Recent Recombinant Erythropoietin Use
- Screening for Blood Transfusion in an Athlete By Measuring Urinary Levels of Plasticizer Metabolites
- Adverse Effects of Growth Hormone (GH) Abuse in an Athlete
- GH-2000 Score for Detection of Growth Hormone Misuse in an Athlete
- Growth Hormone Isoforms in Detection of Growth Hormone by an Athlete
- Insulin Abuse as an Anabolic Agent By a Body Builder
- Stress Fracture of the Proximal Humeral Physis (Little League Shoulder)
- Risk Factors for Spiral Throwing Fracture of the Humeral Shaft
- Risk Factors for Shoulder Pain in Pediatric-Aged Baseball Pitchers
- Risk Factors for Elbow Pain in Pediatric-Aged Baseball Pitchers
- Clinical Features of Little Leaguer's Elbow
- Clinical Features of Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)
- Clinical Features of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
- Clinical Features of Osteochondritis Dissecans in the Humeral Capitellum
- Clinical Features of Acute Exertional Compartment Syndrome of the Forearm
- Injuries Associated with Arm Wrestling
- Dead Arm Syndrome (Recurrent Anterior Transient Dislocation of the Shoulder)
- Insertional Tendinopathy of the Pectoralis Minor Muscle Associated with Overuse Injury (Bench-Presser’s Shoulder)
- Anatomic Classification of Bhatia et al for Shoulder Pain in a Weight Lifter
- Borg Rating Scale for Dyspnea
- Equation of El-Manshawi et al for Predicting Breathlessness During Exercise
- Barriers to and Enabling Techniques for Exercise in the Healthy Geriatric Population
- Recommendations for Strength Training in Older Adults
- Considerations for Exercise in Older Adults with Comorbid Conditions
- Barriers to Exercise for a Patient Who Is Overweight
- Identifying an Obese Patient Likely to Benefit from an Exercise Regimen
- Adverse Outcomes Associated with Anticholinergic Agents During Exercise
- Effects of Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agents on Exercise
- Risk Factors for Heat-Related Injury During Exercise
- Heat Illness Severity Index (HISI)
- Risk Factors Associated with Shin Splints in Runners
- Differential Diagnosis of Shin Pain
- Criteria of Pedowitz et al for Chronic Compartment Syndrome of the Leg
- Clinical Features of the Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)
- Clinical Features of a Partial Rupture of the Medial Head of the Gastrocnemius Muscle (Tennis Leg)
- Clinical Features of a Fascial Defect in the Lower Leg
- Clinical Features of Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES)
- Lower Limb Pain Associated with Nerve Entrapment
- Clinical Features of Exercise-Induced Venous Thrombosis in the Lower Leg
- The Slipping Rib Syndrome
- Stress Fractures in the Ribs of a Rower
- Jogger's Nipples
- Punch Drunk Syndrome in a Boxer
- Risk Factors for Late Neurologic Sequelae in a Boxer
- Late Central Neurologic Complications in Boxers
- Criteria of Jordan for Different Types of Knockout
- Boxer Knuckle
- Dementia Pugilistica
- Hazards for a Boxer Outside of the Ring
- Risk Factors for Saddle Sores in a Bicyclist
- Road Conditions Contributing to Bicycle Accidents
- Risk Factors for Bicycle Accident with Injury Associated with the Bicycle and Rider
- Risk Factors for Injury During a BMX (Bike Moto-Cross) Event
- Risk Factors for Injury During Mountain Biking
- Risk Factors for a Motor Vehicle Driver Hitting a Bicyclist
- Risk Factors for Ulnar Neuropathy in a Bicyclist (Cyclist Palsy)
- Iliac Syndrome in a Competition Cyclist Due to Stenotic Intimal Thickening of the External Iliac Artery
- Lesions Seen on Ultrasonography of the Scrotum in Extreme Mountain Bikers
- International Olympic Committee Criteria for Eligibility of a Transsexual (Transgendered) Athlete
- Recommendations of Clark for Recovering from an Exhaustive Workout
- Snapping Hip Syndrome in Runners
- Tears of the Acetabular Labrum
- Hip Pain Associated with Apophysitis in an Adolescent Athlete
- Hip Pain Associated with an Avulsion Fracture in an Adolescent Athlete
- Ischiatic Intersection Syndrome (IIS) with Sciatic Nerve Pain About the Ischial Tuberosity
- Clinical Features of the Proximal Hamstring Syndrome (PHS)
- Evaluating Outcome of Surgery for the Proximal Hamstring Syndrome (PHS)
- Clinical Features of a "Sports Hernia" (Inguinal Pain)
- Strain of the Hip Adductor (Groin Pull)
- Clinical Features of Osteitis Pubis in an Athlete
- Conditions Associated with Deconditioning
- Guidelines Related to Glucose Levels in an Exercising Diabetic
- Precautions to Be Taken By a Diabetic When Exercising
- Exercise in a Patient with Sickle Cell Trait
- Exercise-Induced Cyanosis in a Patient with Methemoglobinemia
- Reducing the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis in an Athlete with Sickle Cell Trait
- Exercise-Induced Dilutional Pseudoanemia
- Conditions That May Cause Exercise-Induced Acute Renal Failure
- Classification of the American College of Physicians for Risk During Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Contraindications of the American College of Physicians for a Patient Participating in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
- Exercise in a Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Exercise-Associated Diarrhea
- Yips
- Factors Associated with Choking During a Competition
- Stress Fractures Associated with Various Sports or Activities
- Risk Factors of Purnell et al for Injury in Adolescents Engaged in Aerobatic Gymnastics
- Acquired Madelung Deformity of the Wrist in a Gymnast Secondary to Premature Closure of the Distal Radial Epiphyseal Plate
- Recommendations of Priest for Reducing the Risk of Significant Injury in Gymnastics
- Algorithm of Auwaerter for Return to Play By an Athlete with Infectious Mononucleosis
- Evaluation of a Patient with Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE) for Sports Participation
- Recommendations of the National Marfan Foundation for Exercise in a Patient with Marfan's Syndrome
- Recommendations for Sport and Exercise for a Patient with Loeys-Dietz Syndrome (LDS)
- Friction Burn or Bruising Associated with Vibration Plates
- Equation of Keteyian et al for Predicting Maximal Heart Rate for a Patient with Heart Failure on Beta-Blocker Therapy
- Power Output in Climbing
- Post-Traumatic Migraine in Sport-Related Concussion
- Graded Symptom Checklist (GSC) of Mihalik et al for an Athlete Following Sport-Related Concussion
- Barriers to Exercise in a Patient with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- Exercise-Induced Inflammation with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- Risk Factors of Tenforde et al for Stress Fracture in an Adolescent Runner
- Hoffa’s Syndrome (Hoffa’s Fat Pad Disease)
- Exertional Muscle Pain Syndrome (EMPS)
- Formula of Owens et al for Predicting Normal Glenoid Bone Width from the Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) of the Affected Shoulder
- Excessive Nicotine Levels Associated with Wearing a Transdermal Nicotine Patch During Exercise
- Participation of a Patient with Hemophilia in Sport and Exercise
- Risks Associated with Being a Cheerleader
- Exercise in a Patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Pediatric Injuries Associated with Home Treadmills
- Risk Factors for Home Exercise Equipment-Related Injuries
- Categories of Catastrophic Injury in Sports
- Sports at High Risk for Catastrophic Injury
- Risk Factors of Kamitani et al for Catastrophic Head and Neck Injuries in Judo Players
- Clinical Features of Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction (EILO) in an Athlete
- Graduated Return to Play Protocol of the 4th International Conference in Sport
- Prevalent Indicators of Carney et al Seen in Patients with a Concussion
- Exercise Avoidance in Patients with Panic Disorder
- Barriers to Exercise in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
- Evaluation of a Patient with Angioid Streaks in the Eye
- Severity Grades of Turf Toe
- Indications for Surgery to Repair a Turf Toe Injury
- Haglund Deformity and Disease (Haglund Painful Heal Syndrome, Pump Bump)
- Muscle Herniation in an Extremity
- Weight-Lifter's Blackout
- Classification of Furushima et al for Olecranon Stress Facture (OSF) in Young Japanese Baseball Players
- Stages of Furushima et al for Olecranon Stress Facture (OSF) in Young Japanese Baseball Players
- Weight Stigma and Exercise Avoidance
- Catastrophic Brain or Eye Injury Associated with Weight-Lifting
- Catastrophic Cervical Neck Injuries in Football and Other Collision Sports
- Boosting (Intentional Autonomic Dysfunction) in Paralympic Athletes with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
- Evaluating a Patient with Intellectual Disability for Barriers to Physical Activity
- March Fracture (Stress Fracture in the Lower Extremity Associated with Marching, Pied Force)
- Biomechanical and Anthropometic Measures of Nunns et al for Avoiding Tibial Stress Fractures in Military Recruits
- Predictors of Warren et al for an Athlete with a Hamstring Strain
- Classification of Peetrons and Davis for Grading Hamstring Injuries on Imaging and Clinical Findings
- Risk Factors of De Vos et al for Hamstring Re-Injury
- Muscle Injury Grading System of Pollock et al (British Athletic Medical Team Injury Classification)
- Risk Factors of Knutsen et al for Surgical Management of Lateral Epicondylitis
- Equations of Giles et al for Estimating Glenoid Bone Width from CT Measurement of Glenoid Bone Height
- Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Score (MTSS) of Winters et al
- Clinical Risk Score of Zemek et al for Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms Among Children with Acute Concussion in the Emergency Department
- Concussion Symptom Inventory (CSI) of Randolph et al
- Exercise in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Differential Diagnosis of Exertional Syncope
- Findings of Chotel et al for Fracture of the Cartilaginous Tibial Eminence of the Knee in a Young Child
- Achilles Tendon Total Rupture Score (ATRS) of Nilsson-Helander et al
- Warwick Agreement Criteria for the Diagnosis of the Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS)
- Serious and Catastrophic Injuries in Baseball
- Equation of Nes et al for Predicting Maximum Heart Rate in a Healthy Adult Based on the HUNT Fitness Study
- Equation of Neder et al for Oxygen Consumption During Cycling
- Risk Factors of Wylie et al for Failure after Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
- Intentional Water Loss to Lose Weight (Weight Cutting, Body Wrap, Saran Wrap, Plastic Wrap, Sauna Use)
- Acute Tear of the Fascia Cruris at the Attachment to the Achilles Tendon in Athletes
- Clinical Features of Rectus Femoris Muscle Strain
- Complications of Significant Muscle Strain
- Risk Factors for Symptoms of Digital Ischemia in a Volleyball Player
- Physical Activity Levels for Adults in Australia
- Stages of Blazina et al for Jumper's Knee (Patellar Tendinopathy)
- Differential Diagnosis of Patellar Tendinopathy (Jumper's Knee)
- Risk Factors for Jumper's Knees (Patellar Tendinopathy)
- Sever's Disease (Calcaneal Apophysitis)
- Sinus Tarsi Syndrome with Lateral Ankle Pain
- Clinical Features of Achilles Tendinopathy in an Athlete
- Risk Factors for Achilles Tendinopathy in an Athlete
- Exercise-Induced Metabolic Acidosis
- Equation of Marinho et al for Predicting 6-Minute Walking Distance (6MWD) in an Adult with Sickle Cell Anemia
- Renal Subcapsular Hematoma Associated with Exercise or Sport
- Exercise-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome Associated with Strenuous Exercise
- Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (Exercise-Induced Hemoptysis)
- Exercise-Induced Pneumothorax
- Recommendations of Brenner et al for Reducing Overtraining in Child and Adolescent Athletes
- Beijing Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ)
- Equation of Flouris et al for Estimating the Maximal Oxygen Uptake During a 20 Meter Multistage Shuttle Run Test
- Equations of Roza and Shizgal for Estimating the Resting Oxygen Consumption
- Classification of Hoksrud et al for Changes Seen in Jumper's Knee on Ultrasound
- Modified Bonar Score for Histologic Changes in Tendons
- Histopathologic Score of Movin et al for Tendinopathy
- Evaluation of a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis Prior to an Exercise Program
- Exercise Recommendations for a Patient with Cancer
- Frostbite Associated with Cryotherapy of Sports Injury
- Pool Toe
- Diagnosis of a Tear in the Anterior Cruciate Ligement (ACL) with the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Index
- Risk for Malignant Hyperthermia in a Patient with Exercise-Induced Rhabdomyolysis
- Munich Classification of Muscle Injury in Sport
- Hooking Thumb
- Inadvertent Doping
- Classification of Noakes et al for Exercise-Related Heat Illness
- Risk Factors for Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS, Exercise-Induced Compartment Syndrome) in Military Personnel
- Atypical Claudication in an Athlete
- Avulsion Fracture of the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
- Exertional Collapse and Sudden Death in Sickle Cell Trait
- Exercise Intolerance in a Patient with Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP)
- Exercise-Associated Postural Hypotension (EAPH)
- Exercise-Associated Hypotension
- Differential Diagnosis of Exercise-Associated Collapse
- Bone Marrow Edema in an Athlete
- Catastrophic Injuries Associated with Pole Vaulting
- Focal Erythema Associated with High-Velocity Ball Impact (Ball Sports-Induced Targetoid Erythema or SITE Sign)
- Rower's Rump
- Black Palm (Tache Noir)
- Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Injury Associated with Break Dancing
- Foul Play (Unsportsmanlike Conduct)
- Risk Factors of Nagashima et al for Lumbar Disc Degeneration in a High School Player of American Football
- Exercise-Associated Headache
- Equation of Leger and Gadoury for Predicting VO2max in an Adult from the 20 Meter Shuttle Test
- Score of Agostini et al for Predicting Peak Oxygen Consumption During Exercise
- Peak Exercise Oxygen Pulse
- Risk Prediction Model of Bruce et al for a Professional Hockey Player with Possible Concussion
- Concussion Prediction Log of Bruce et al for a Professional Hockey Player with Possible Concussion
- Sports and Exercise Recommendations for a Patient with Axial Spondyloarthritis
- Physical Activity During Pregnancy
- Barriers to Exercise for a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Evaluation of a Patient with Arnold Chiari Type 1 Malformation Prior to Sports Participation
- Ammonia Inhalant Ampule (Smelling Salts)
- Exertional Dyspnea Associated with Excessive Dynamic Airway Collapse (EDAC)
- Injuries in Lacrosse
- Hospital for Special Surgery Pediatric Functional Activity Brief Scale (HSS Pedi-FABS)
- Exercise for a Patient with Fontan Circulation
- Skin Lesions Associated with Scuba Diving or Wearing a Diving Suit
- Criteria of Rambaud et al for the Return to Running After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Recommendations of Hutchison et al to Reduce Concussion in Participants of Mixed Martial Art Competitions
- Criteria for Reinjury (Recurrent Injury)
- Return to Sport (RTS) Continuum
- Heart Rate Reserve and Chronotropic Incompetence for a Patient with Congenital Heart Disease
- Serum Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) Following Sports Concussion
- Indications of Mallery et al for Resistance Exercise for a Hospitalized Older Adult
- Evaluation of an Adult Survivor of Childhood Cancer
- Loss of Swimming Ability and Other Complex Motor Behaviors Associated with Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease
- Swimmer's Shoulder
- Short Version of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Return to Sport After Injury (ACL-RSI) Scale of Webster and Feller
- Risk Factors for Exercise Intolerance in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)
- Predictors of Diller et al for Exercise Intolerance in an Adult with Congenital Heart Disease
- Athlete's Heart
- Exercise Intolerance for a Patient with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
- Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension
- Exercise-Induced Purpura (Sports Purpura, Effort Purpura)
- Exercise-Induced Vertigo in a Patient with an Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma)
- Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dyskinesia (PED)
- Sport-Related Laryngeal Trauma
- Mouthguard
- Equations of Lopes et al for Predicting Handgrip Strength in a Young or Middle-Aged Adult
- Equations of Wang et al for Predicting Handgrip Strength in an Adult
- Sports Injuries Associated with Delayed Respiratory Compromise
- Exercise Impairment and Percent of Predicted Peak Oxygen Uptake
- Postconcussion Syndrome Symptom List of the National Athletic Trainers' Association
- Evaluation of a Patient with Fear of Movement (Kinesiophobia) or Reinjury
- Exercise-Induced Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in a Male Endurance Runner
- When to Suspect Abuse of a Performance-Enhancing Drug (PED) in an Athlete
- Exercise Intolerance in Heart Failure and the H2FPEF Score
- Predictors of Ness et al for Exercise Intolerance in an Adult Survivor of a Childhood Cancer
- Exercise Intolerance Associated with Sarcoidosis
- Exercise Intolerance in Males Associated with Hypogonadism
- Differential Diagnosis of Exercise-Associated Hyperammonemia
- Head Injury Scale (HIS) of Kozlowski et al for an Athlete with Postconcussion Syndrome
- Equations of Aadland et al for Predicting Peak Oxygen Consumption for a Pediatric Patient Completing the Andersen Aerobic Fitness Test
- Evaluation of a Pediatric Patient with a Craniopharyngioma Prior to Starting an Exercise Program
- Criteria of Jiang et al for Wheat-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (WDEIA) in China
- Recommendations of Jiang et al for Management of a Patient with Wheat-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (WDEIA)
- Prognostic Factors of Fokkema et al for Running-Related Injuries in a Novice Runner
- Urine Cortisol to Cortisone Ratio As a Marker of Overtraining
- Chondromalacia Patella in a Rower
- Lacertus Syndrome of the Elbow
- Extensor Tenosynovitis of the Wrist in a Rower
- Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS) versus Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) in an Older Adult with Exercise-Induced Lower Limb Pain
- Fatigue Questionnaire of Atalaoui et al for an Athlete in a Training Program
- Exercise-Induced Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Renal Hypouricemia
- Post-Traumatic Pleurisy Associated with Exercise
- Risk Factors for Injury in Rugby Players
- Risk Factors for Shoulder Injury in a Rugby Player
- Risk Factors for Injury in a Rodeo Athlete
- Occipital Neuralgia Associated with Contact Sports
- Exercise Intolerance in an Athlete with Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS)
- Post-Exertional Malaise in Patients with a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Exercise Intolerance in a Patient Who Received a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) for a Childhood Cancer
- Exercise Intolerance in a Patient with Propionic or Methylmalonic Acidemia
- Exercise Intolerance in Adolescents and Adults Born Small for Gestational Age (SGA)
- Model of Jalili et al for Predicting Maximum Oxygen Uptake in a Healthy Boy
- Predictors of Vargas et al for Postconcussion Depression in a College Athlete
- Muscle Power Prediction Equation of Gucluover and Gulu for Vertical Jump by Adolescent Females
- Equation of Sayers et al for Peak Power During a Vertical Jump By a College Student
- Equation of Canavan and Vescovi for Peak Power for Vertical Jumping by a Female College Student
- Peak Power Equation of Tufano et al for a Young Athlete
- Equation of Amonette et al for Peak Power During a Vertical Jump in an Adolescent or Young Adult
- Peak Power Equation of Gulu and Akalan for a Young Turkish Soccer Player
- Peak Power Equation of Lara-Sanchez et al for Adolescents
- Peak Leg Power Equation of Shetty for an Athlete
- Peak Power Equation of Lara et al for a College Athlete
- Predictors of Someya et al for Exercise-Induced Oxygen Desaturation in Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)
- Equations of Stickland et al for Predicting Maximum Aerobic Power During the 20-Meter Multi-Stage Shuttle Run Test
- Equations of Voutilainen et al for Estimating Maximal Oxygen Uptake from the Ratio of Heart Rates at Maximum Exertion and at Rest in a Middle-Aged Male
- Buffalo Concussion Physical Examination Risk of Delayed Recovery (RDR) Score in Pediatric Athletes
- Prescription of Alberts and Rosenfeldt for Aerobic Exercise in Parkinson's Disease
- Equations of Blitvich et al for Predicting the Depth of Various Dives
- Exercise Programs to Reduce Falls in the Elderly
- Exercise in a Patient with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve (BAV)
- Exercise-Associated Numbness in an Extremity
- Cut-Offs of Ramirez-Velez et al for Handgrip Strength for Adults in Columbia
- Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dyskinesia (PED)
- Use of Supplemental Oxygen During Exercise By a Patient with Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF, Interstitial Lung Disease, ILD)
- Reasons for Not Exercising
- University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Activity Scale
- Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Screening Tool (PFD-SENTINEL) of Giagio et al for a Female Athlete: Initial Screen
- Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Screening Tool (PFD-SENTINEL) of Giagio et al for a Female Athlete: Follow-Up Questionnaire
- Framework of Donnelly et al for Return to Sport Postpartum
- Isolated Popliteus Muscle Injury
- Risk Factors of Hadjisavvas et al for Shoulder Injury in Handball
- Injury to the Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) of the Elbow
- Grading Injury to the Ulnar Collateral Ligament at the Elbow on MRI
- Screening Criteria of Buller et al for Detecting Impending Exertional Heat Stroke
- CoSy (Compartment Syndrome) Score of Trew et al for Predicting Outcome After Fasciotomy for Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS)
- Problems Associated with Impaired Bicycle Riding
- Hazards of Cheerleading at a Young Age
- Catastrophic Injuries in Cheerleaders
- Injuries Associated with Pediatric Basketball
- Hypopituitarism Associated with Participation in Contact Sports
- Supplemental Oxygen During Exercise in Patients with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
- Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Concussion Outcome Determination and Rehab Recommendations (TRICORDRR) for Predicting Risk of Prolonged Post-Concussion Symptoms
- Lateral Foot Pain Associated with the Fibularis Intersection Syndrome
- Hiker's Feet or Rash Associated with Exercise-Induced Vasculitis
- Risk Factors of Feijen et al for Shoulder Pain in a Swimmer
- Intersection Syndrome of the Wrist (Ice Axe Wrist, Oarsman's Wrist, Crossover Syndrome)
- Jersey Finger (Rugby Finger)
- Risk Factors of Kekelekis et al for Upper Limb Injury in Tennis Players
- Exercise-Induced Oxygen Desaturation in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
- Exercise-Induced Vasospasm
- Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Edema
- Injuries Associated with Pickleball
- Maximum Heart Rate Equation of Astrand
- Equations of Brawner et al for Maximum Heart Rate
- Equations of Ahmed et al for Predicting Maximum Heart Rate
- Equations of Silva et al for Maximum Heart Rate in a Heart Failure Patient Being Treated with a Beta-Blocker
- Equation of Arena et al for Predicted Maximum Heart Rate in an Adult
- Equations of Fairbarn et al for Predicting Maximal Heart Rate
- Criteria of Dittmer et al for Compulsive Exercise
- Post-Concussion Symptoms Rule (PoCS Rule) of Le Sage et al: Initial Assessment
- Post-Concussion Symptoms Rule (PoCS Rule) of Le Sage et al: Follow-Up Assessment
- FIT Treadmill Score of Ahmed
- Evaluation of a Patient with Congenital Long QT Syndrome Prior to Exercise: Precautionary Measures
- Evaluation of a Patient with Congenital Short QT Syndrome (SQTS) Prior to Exercise
- Evaluation of a Patient with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT) Prior to Exercise
- Evaluation of a Patient with Brugada Syndrome Prior to Exercise
- Evaluation of a Patient with a Pacemaker or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Prior to Sport Participation
- Acute Kidney Injury in an Ultramarathoner
- Myositis Ossificans Traumatica
- Limb Amputee Classification for Sports
- Injury to the Latissimus Dorsi or Teres Major Muscle in Sports or Exercise
- Indications for Surgical Repair of Injury to the Latissimus Dorsi or Teres Major Muscle
- Estimates of Blaha et al for Biological Age of an Adult Based on Exercise Capacity: Males
- Estimates of Blaha et al for Biological Age of an Adult Based on Exercise Capacity: Females
- Equations of Kim et al for Chair Stand and Timed Up-and-Go Tests in an Older Korean Adult
- Precordial Catch Syndrome (Texidor's Twinge)
- Non-Cardiac Causes of Chest Pain in an Athlete
- Equations of Kim et al for Handgrip Strength in an Older Korean Adult
- Equation of Keteyian et al for Maximum Heart Rate in a Heart Failure Patient Receiving a Beta Blocker
- Evaluation of a Patient with Osteoporosis Prior to Starting an Exercise Program
- Evaluation of a Patient with Cerebral Palsy for Exercise and Sport