- American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System
- Cardiac Anesthesia Risk Evaluation (CARE) Scale
- Modification of the Anesthetic Risk Assessment by Peter and Lutz
- Preoperative Fasting Protocol Recommended by the American Society for Anesthesiologists Task Force on Sedation and Analgesia for Non-Anesthesiologists
- Deciding Whether to Preadmit or Plan to Discharge the Diabetic Patient Having Ambulatory Surgery
- Operation Complexity Grades in the Veterans Administration (VA)
- Formulas Used by Aust et al for Predicting 30-Day Surgical Mortality Based on the Veterans Administration 1997 NSQIP Risk Factors
- Bedside Risk Formula of Aust et al for Predicting 30-Day Surgical Mortality
- Preparations for Reducing Perioperative Complications in a Patient with Morbid Obesity
- Classification of Cohen et al for the Complexity of a Surgical Procedure
- Categories of Buth et al Used to Determine If a Patient Is Unfit for General Anesthesia and/or Major Surgery
- Preoperative Questionnaire of Garcia-Miguel et al for a Pediatric Patient
- WHO Recommendations for Preoperative Care of a Pediatric Patient When Resources Are Limited
- Preparation of a Patient with Asthma Prior to Surgery
- Preoperative Smoking and Drinking Cessation
- NARCO Score of Malviya et al for Preoperative Risk Assessement in Children
- Preoperative Checklist for a Geriatric Patient from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and the American Geriatrics Society
- Recommendations of Breuing et al for Preparing a Patient for Repair of an Incisional Ventral Hernia
- Equations of Englesbe et al for Determining a Patient's Morphometric Age Prior to Surgery
- Checklist for Equipment and Supplies Prior to Conscious Sedation
- Contraindications for Conscious Sedation Being Performed by Non-Anesthesiologists
- Contraindications to the Use of Nitrous Oxide for Procedural Sedation
- Guided Risk Assessment (GRA) Tool for Pediatric Sedation
- Contraindications of Simpson et al for Sedation of a Pediatric Patient Undergoing CT Scan
- Sedation Scale of Cook and Palma
- Sedation Scoring System of Nisbet and Norris
- Modified Sedation Score in Children of Barker and Nisbet
- Sedation Score of Mackenzie and Grant
- Ramsay Sedation Score
- Sedation Score of Skeie et al
- Sedation Score of Sury and Cole
- Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (OAA/S) Scale
- Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Sedation Scale
- Summary Table for Sedation Scores
- The Brussels Sedation Scale for Patients on Mechanical Ventilation
- Bloomsbury Sedation Score
- Cambridge (Addenbrooke's) Sedation Score
- Sedation Score of Cohen and Kelly
- Sedation Using Modified Glasgow Coma Score
- Linear Sedation Scale
- Sedation Score of McMenemin et al
- Sedation Score of Yate et al
- Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS)
- Sedation Scale of Chamorro et al
- Sedation Effectiveness Scale of Chamorro et al
- Sedation Scale of Hughes et al for Children in the Intensive Care Unit
- Motor Activity Assessment Scale (MAAS)
- Clinical Sedation Score of Hartwig et al for Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- The Minnesota Sedation Assessment Tool (MSAT)
- The Vancouver Interaction and Calmness Scale for Evaluating an Adult Receiving Mechanical Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit
- Indications of Crain et al for Monitoring the Bispectral Index (BIS) in a Pediatric Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Sedation-Agitation Scale of Riker et al
- Recommendations of the NHS to Reduce the Risk of Midazolam Overdosage During Patient Sedation
- Ketofol (Mixture of Ketamine and Propofol) for Brief Sedation During a Painful Procedure
- Mallampati Score
- Laryngoscopy Viewing Grade (Cormack-Lehane Laryngoscopy Grade)
- Risk Index of El-Ganzouri for Difficult Tracheal Intubation
- Algorithm for Recognition of the Difficult Airway for Tracheal Intubation
- A Comprehensive Scoring System for Predicting Difficult Intubation
- Predictive Rule for Difficult Intubation of Wilson et al
- Risk Factors of Jaber et al for Immediate Complications Following Endotracheal Intubation in the Intensive Care Unit
- Predicting Difficult Endotracheal Intubation Using the Equation of Bellhouse and Dore
- Risk Factors for a Difficult Airway in Children with Microtia (Congenital Hypoplasia or Aplasia of the Auricle)
- Discriminant Functions of Naguib et al for Predicting Difficult Laryngoscopy and Intubation
- Risk Factors of Wang et al Causing a Difficult or Complicated Intubation
- Intubation Difficulty Scale (IDS) of Adnet et al
- Submental Intubation in a Patient with Maxillofacial Trauma
- Classification of Jaber et al for Immediate Complications Following Endotracheal Intubation in the Intensive Care Unit
- Risk Factors for Laryngeal Edema Following Intubation
- Predictors of Mashour et al for Difficult Laryngoscopy of a Morbidly Obese Patient
- Risk Factors of Heffner et al for Postintubation Hypotension (PIH) Associated with Emergency Airway Management
- Criteria for an Inadequate Level of Anesthesia During a Procedure
- Guedel's Stages and Planes of Anesthesia
- The PRST Score of Evans and Davies for Depth of Anesthesia
- Reasons Why General Anesthesia May Be Preferred Over Local Anesthesia for Minor Surgery or an Endoscopic Procedure
- Malignant Hyperthermia Clinical Grading Scale
- Identification of Susceptibility to Malignant Hyperthermia By Measuring Carbon Dioxide Production After Injection of Caffeine Into Skeletal Muscle
- Perioperative Hyperthermia in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Risk Indicators of Pedersen et al for Mortality in Hospital After Anaesthesia and Surgery
- Mortality Risk in Patients with Coexisting Conditions Undergoing Elective Surgery
- Model of Wolters et al for Predicting Postoperative Complications from ASA Classification and Perioperative Variables
- Predicting Perioperative Mortality Using ASA Classification and Cardiac Risk Index
- Prognostic Index of Reiss et al for Predicting Operative Mortality in Geriatric Patients
- Prediction of Severe Perioperative Adverse Outcomes Using the Data of the Multicenter Study of General Anesthesia
- Equation of Tiret et al for Predicting Risk of Anesthesia Complications in Patients Over 40 Years of Age
- Risk of Serious Perioperative Complications Based on Patient and Surgical Characteristics Including Self-Reported Exercise Tolerance
- Identification of Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Cancer Surgery at High Risk for Medical Complications
- Risk Factors of Boyd et al for Complications Following Colon Resection
- Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS), with Preoperative Risk Score (PRS), Surgical Stress Score (SSS) and Comprehensive Risk Score (CRS)
- Criteria of Shoemaker et al to Identify High Risk Surgical Patients
- Risk Factors of Palmberg and Hirsjarvi for Post-Operative Mortality in Geriatric Patients
- Risk Factors of Pedersen et al for Cardiopulmonary Complications After Anesthesia and Surgery
- Risk Factors of Alves et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Colorectal Surgery
- Model of Longo et al from the VA NSQI Program for Predicting 30 Day Mortality After Proctectomy for Rectal Cancer
- Risk Factors of Longo et al from the VA NSQI Program for Postoperative Complications Following Proctectomy for Rectal Cancer
- Risk Factors of Harris et al for Prolonged Hospitalization with Critical Care After Elective Cervical Spine Surgery
- Risk Factors of Roche et al for Postoperative Complications Following Repair of a Hip Fracture
- Comorbid Risk Factors of Kikura et al for Perioperative Thromboembolic Events
- Preoperative Risk Factors of Hollenbeck et al for Predicting Complications in a Patient Undergoing Transurethral Resection of a Bladder Tumor
- Acute Postoperative Frailty in an Elderly Patient
- Risk Factors of Cohen et al for Predicting Mortality Within 7 Days of Surgery
- Risk Factors of Seymour and Pringle for Postoperative Complications in an Elderly Patient
- Surgical Outcome Score of Gawande et al (Surgical Apgar Score)
- Outpatient Surgery Admission Index (OSAI) of Fleisher et al for Predicting Inpatient Hospital Admission Following Outpatient Surgery
- Preoperative Risk Factors of McLaughlin et al for Complications Following Surgery for Hip Fracture
- Risk Factors of Tait et al for Perioperative Adverse Respiratory Events in a Pediatric Patient
- Risk Factors of Ryan et al for Complications Following Esophagectomy
- Risk Factors of Farwell et al for Perioperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Surgery
- Risk Factors of McLaughlin et al for 30-Day Morbidity After Urological Surgery from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
- Risk Factors of Park et al for Complications Following Esophagectomy in a Patient with Esophageal Cancer
- Risk Factors of Leitman et al for Intra-Abdominal Complications Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
- Nottingham Hip Fracture Score for Predicting Mortality Within 30 Days of Hip Fracture Surgery
- Risk Scoring System of Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan et al for a Woman Undergoing Gynecological Cancer Surgery
- Predictors of Hughes et al for Complications Following a Pancreaticoduodenectomy
- Scores of Weinberg et al for Predicting Major Complications in Pediatric Surgery (Childrens Hospital Boston Scores)
- Perioperative Risk Factors of Freilich et al for Surgical Complications in a Pediatric Patient Following a Urologic Operation
- Risk Index of Canet et al for Predicting Pulmonary Complications Following Surgery
- Accumulated Frailty Characteristics of Robinson et al For Identifying a Geriatric Patient Who May Be Institutionalized Following Surgery
- Targeted Risk Prediction Score of Kwok et al for Evaluating a Very Elderly Patient Undergoing Emergency Colon Surgery
- Surgical Risk Scale (SRS)
- Nomogram of Dalton et al for Predicting 30-Day Postoperative Mortality Following Noncardiac Surgery
- Nomogram of Dalton et al for Predicting 30-Day Postoperative Morbidity Following Noncardiac Surgery
- Cumulative Odds Ratio for Morbidity and Mortality for a Patient Undergoing Colorectal Surgery Based on the ACS NSQI Program
- Association Francaise de Chirurgie (AFC) Colorectal Index for Predicting Postoperative Mortality for a Patient Undergoing Colorectal Surgery
- Risk Factors of Belmont et al for 30-Day Morbidity and Mortality Following a Below-the-Knee Amputation
- Complications Associated with Severe Hypophosphatemia in the Perioperative Period
- Factors of Masoomi et al Predictive of In-Hospital Mortality Following Colorectal Surgery
- Microscopic Foreign Debris from the Operating Room and Postoperative Complications
- Simplified Scoring System for the Post-Operative Recovery Room
- Postanesthetic Recovery Score of Aldrete and Kroulik
- Postanesthetic Scoring System of Notre Dame Hospital
- Postanesthetic Recall Score in Children
- Postanesthetic Recovery Score of Robertson et al
- Post-Anesthetic Discharge Score System
- Fast-Track Discharge of Outpatients Following Ambulatory Surgery
- Discharge Criteria Following Sedation or Ambulatory Surgery
- The Vancouver Sedative Recovery Scale for Children
- The Short-Stay Surgery Discharge Score (SSSDS)
- The Quality of Recovery (QoR) Score of Myles et al.
- The 40 Item Quality of Recovery (QoR-40) Score of Myles et al
- Adverse Effects Following Sedation of a Child in the Emergency Department
- Clinical Findings of Lamont et al That May Indicate the Presence of a Complication Following Laparoscopic Surgery
- Questionnaire to Identify Specific Sources of Pre-Operative Anxiety for Parents
- Risk Factors of Caumo et al for Postoperative Anxiety in Adults
- The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS)
- The Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL) for Assessing Pre-Operative Anxiety in Patients
- Factors of Ramsay Associated with Pre-Operative Anxiety
- Risk Factors of Kain et al for Preoperative Anxiety and Postoperative Behavioral Problems in Children
- Risk Score of Apfel et al for Predicting Postoperative Vomiting in Adults
- Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Following Outpatient Tympanomastoidectomy
- Probability of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Using the Equation of Sinclair et al
- Guidelines of Watcha for Cost-Effective Management of a Patient with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Guidelines of Gan for Reducing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Predictive Model of Palazzo and Evans for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Risk Scores of Koivuranta et al for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Clinical Record of Koivuranta et al for Evaluating Patients with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
- Simplified 4-Item Risk Score of Apfel et al Predicting Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Risk Factors of Cohen et al for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Risk Model of Scholz et al for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
- Risk Score of Apfel et al for Predicting Postoperative Vomiting in an Adult Based on the Type of Surgery
- Model of Eberhart et al for Predicting Postoperative Vomiting in a Pediatric Patient (POVOC-Score)
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
- Preoperative Hemodilution in a Patient with Polycythemia Associated with Cyanotic Heart Disease
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Methemoglobinemia
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
- Hazards of Hypothermia During Surgery in a Patient with a Significant Cold Agglutinin
- Management of Urinary Retention Following Outpatient Surgery
- Criteria for Perioperative Renal Dysfunction
- Predictive Index of Wijeysundera et al for Renal Replacement Therapy Following Cardiac Surgery
- Bedside Tool of Mehta et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Postoperative Renal Failure and Dialysis Following Cardiac Surgery
- Risk Factors of Keita et al for Early Postoperative Urinary Retention
- Risk Factors of Musselwhite et al for Acute Postpartum Urinary Retention
- Criteria for the Diagnosis of Acute Postpartum Urinary Retention
- Algorithm of Luger et al for Managing Urinary Retention in a Patient Undergoing Knee Arthroscopy
- General Surgery Acute Kidney Injury Risk Index of Kheterpal et al
- Grades of Dittmann et al for Severity of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
- Classification and Severity Grades of Corbey et al for Post-Dural Puncture Headache
- Risk Factors Affecting the Probability of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
- Clinical Criteria for the Diagnosis of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
- Epidural Blood Patch in a Patient with a Post-Dural Puncture Headache
- Predicting the Risk of Post-Dural Puncture Headache Using the Model of Lybecker et al
- Risk Factors for Perioperative Pulmonary Aspiration
- Risk Factors for Postoperative Macroglossia
- Airway Hyperreactivity Score of Pappas et al for Airway Hyperreactivity Associated with Anesthesia
- Risk Factors Associated with Laryngospasm During Anesthesia
- Risk Factors of Nuara et al for Perioral Burns Complicating an Adenotonsillectomy
- Infants and Young Children at Risk for Postanesthetic Apnea
- Calculating the Cost of Anesthetic Vapors Using the Equation of Dion
- Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale (ISAS)
- Factors Associated with Preventable Incidents in Anesthesia Administration
- Strategies of Jensen et al for Preventing Drug Administration Errors During Anesthesia
- WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
- Postoperative Megaloblastic Anemia and Neuromyelopathy Following Nitrous Oxide Exposure
- The Propofol Infusion Syndrome in Children
- Paradoxical (Disinhibition) Reactions to Benzodiazepines During Conscious Sedation
- Hepatitis Associated with Halogenated Anesthetics (Halothane Hepatitis)
- Complications Associated with Local Anesthetic Agents
- Risk Factors for Toxicity Associated with a Local Anesthetic Agent
- Muscle Rigidity Associated with Parenteral Fentanyl and Other Opioids
- Risk Model of Fong et al for Predicting Mortality in a Patient with Propofol Infusion Syndrome
- Paradoxical Excitement or Arousal Associated with a Barbiturate
- Train of Four (TOF) Stimulation for Assessing Neuromuscular Blockade
- ASHP Algorithm Use of Neuromuscular Blockade in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Bolus Test Dose Technique of Harrison for Predicting the Infusion Rate of Rocuronium
- Bolus Test Dose Technique of Harrison for Predicting the Infusion Rate of Vecuronium
- Guidance Graph of Simpson and Souter for the Infusion Rate of Atracurium
- Bolus Test Dose Equations of Morgan and Pollard for Predicting the Infusion Rate of Vecuronium
- Indications for Monitoring Neuromuscular Function During and After Surgery
- Diagnosis of Subcutaneous Emphysema and Capnothorax During Laparoscopy with Carbon Dioxide Insufflation
- Diagnosis of Carbon Dioxide Embolism During Laparoscopy with Carbon Dioxide Insufflation
- Reasons for Conversion from a Laparoscopic to an Open Surgical Procedure
- Airway Fire During Laser Surgery in the Upper Airway
- Risk Factors for a Fire During Surgery
- Prevention of a Fire During Surgery
- Fire Risk Score of Silverstein et al for Avoiding Fires in the Operating Room
- OSHA Recommendations for Handling Waste Anesthetic Gases
- Risk Factors for Excessive Exposure to Anesthetic Gases in the Operating Room
- Risk Factors of Amar et al for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation
- Index of Mathew et al for Post-Operative Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation
- Index of Mathew et al for Post-Operative Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation
- Risk Factors of Mueller et al for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
- Predictors of Selim for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery
- Identifying Patients Who Use Alternative Medicines Prior to Surgery
- Risk Factors for Epidural or Spinal Hematoma Associated with Epidural Anesthesia or Spinal Puncture
- Indications for Thoracic Paravertebral Block (TPVB)
- Equations of Hasan et al for Estimating the Depth of the Epidural Space in European Children
- Equation of Bonadio et al for Estimating Lumbar Puncture Depth in Children
- Equations of Lonnqvist and Hesser for Needle Insertion into the Thoracic Paravertebral Space in Infants and Children
- Model of Hartmann et al for Hypotension Following Spinal Anesthesia Induction
- Bedside Tests of el-Behesy et al for Distinguishing Injected Saline from Cerebrospinal Fluid During Epidural Anesthesia
- Bromage Scale for the Degree of Motor Block Associated with Epidural Anesthesia
- Modified Bromage Scale of Breen et al for Grading the Motor Block Associated with Epidural Anesthesia
- Risk Factors of Kinney et al for Perioperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Intra-Abdominal Surgery for Metastatic Carcinoid Tumors
- Risk Factors of Kinney et al for Perioperative Adverse Effects in Patients Undergoing Resection of a Pheochromocytoma or Paraganglioma
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Conn's Syndrome (Primary Hyperaldosteronism)
- Algorithm of Kohl and Schwartz for Perioperative Steroid Administration in a Patient with Adrenal Insufficiency
- Indications of Buhre and Rossaint for Monitoring Blood Pressure with an Intra-Arterial Catheter
- Causes of Intraoperative Cardiac Collapse
- Causes of Hypertension During Anesthesia
- Immediate Postoperative Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Reactive PAH)
- Late or Delayed Postoperative Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
- Physiologic Targets of Eissa et al for a Septic Patient Undergoing Anesthesia
- Recommendations of Krishnan et al for Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Achondroplasia
- Recommendations of Yamashita et al for Anesthetic Management of a Patient with the Cri du Chat (Partial Deletion 5p) Syndrome
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Achondroplasia
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b
- Risk Factors for Problems Administering Anesthesia to a Patient with a Mucopolysaccharidosis
- Recommendations of Walker et al for Administering Anesthesia to a Patient with a Mucopolysaccharidosis
- Recommendations of Spitz and Kiely for Administering Anesthesia to Conjoined Twins
- Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Familial Dysautonomia
- Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis
- Preoperative Evaluation of a Patient with a Congenital Malformation of the Spine Prior to Neuraxial Anesthesia
- Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome)
- Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Porphyria
- Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Epidermolysis Bullosa
- Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Nesidioblastosis
- Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Hereditary Nephrogenic Diabetes Inspidus (DI)
- Anesthesia Concerns for a Patient with Turner Syndrome
- Anesthesia Concerns for a Patient with Focal Dermal Hypoplasia
- Biochemical Criteria for Perioperative Biliary Dysfunction
- Postoperative Pancreatitis
- Oropharyngeal Leak Pressure (OLP)
- Algorithm of Berry et al for Selecting the Size of Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) for a Normal Adult
- Scoring System of Brimacombe and Berry to Describe the Position of the Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Using a Fiberoptic Laryngoscope
- Modified Score of Miller for Evaluating a Supraglottic Sealing Airway
- Risk Factors Associated with Awareness and Recall Following Anesthesia
- Recommendations for Administration of Anesthesia in a Patient with a Systemic Mast Cell Disorder
- Risk Factors of Laxenaire et al for Histamine Release During Anesthesia
- Anesthesia in a Patient with Urticaria Pigmentosa (Cutaneous Mastocytosis)
- Preoperative Screening of a Patient for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Recommendations of Esclamado et al for Perioperative Management of a Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Risk Factors of Gootjies et al for Postoperative Stupor and Coma
- Pneumocephalus After Cranial Surgery
- Risk Score of Marcantonio et al for Predicting Postoperative Delirium Following Elective Noncardiac Surgery
- Risk Factors of Wang et al for Postoperative Delirium Following Major Head and Neck Surgery
- Preoperative Risk Factors of Weed et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Delirium Following Major Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
- Preoperative Risk Factors of Litaker et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Postoperative Delirium (Cleveland Clinic Acute Confusion Score, CCC)
- Risk Factors of Kalisvaart et al for Postoperative Delirium in an Elderly Patient Undergoing Hip Surgery
- Risk Factors of Selim for Perioperative Stroke
- Prediction of Encephalopathy or Stroke After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
- Model of Charlesworth et al for Predicting Perioperative Stroke in a Patient Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
- Predictive Model of Likosky et al for Perioperative Stroke in a Patient Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
- Risk Factors of Monk et al for Cognitive Dysfunction Following Major Noncardiac Surgery
- Risk Factors for Delirium Following Spine Surgery
- Risk Factors of Robinson et al for Postoperative Delirium in an Older Adult Patient Undergoing Major Surgery
- Classification of Casey et al for Shivering During Epidural Anesthesia
- Grades of Singh et al for Post-Anesthesia Shivering
- Grades of Pauca et al for Shivering
- Adverse Effects of Shivering for the Post-operative Patient
- Modified Scales of Kurz et al for Postoperative Thermal Comfort and Shivering
- Risk Factors for Unintended Perioperative Hypothermia
- Causes of Postoperative Hiccups
- Risk Factors of Thomas et al for Severe Post-Operative Pain
- Model of Kalkman et al for Predicting Severe Postoperative Pain
- Risk Factors of Bisgaard et al for Early Pain in a Patient Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Clinical Features of Persistent Postoperative Neuropathic Pain
- Clinical Signs of Ray and Paplham for Abnormal Pain Following an Outpatient Procedure
- Postoperative Chondrolysis Associated with Use of an Intra-Articular Pump for Pain Control
- Indications for Measuring a Patient's Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Prior to Surgery
- Indications for Performing Liver Function Tests on a Patient Prior to Surgery
- Indications for Measuring BUN and Creatinine on a Patient Prior to Surgery
- Indications for Performing a Chest X-ray on a Patient Prior to Surgery
- Indications for Performing an ECG on a Patient Prior to Noncardiac Surgery
- Indications for Measuring Glucose on a Patient Prior to Surgery
- Indications for Measuring Pulmonary Function Prior to Surgery
- Indications for Measuring the PT and aPTT Prior to Surgery
- Recommendations of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology for Preoperative Bleeding Risk
- Perioperative Serum NT-pro-BNP in a Patient Undergoing Emergency Non-Cardiac Surgery
- Model of Fein et al for Predicting Use of a Topical Anesthetic Agent Before Insertion of an Intravenous Catheter in a Pediatric Patient in the Emergency Department
- Risk Factors for Serious Adverse Effects Following Use of Topical Anesthetics
- Predictive Criteria of Langeron et al for Difficult Mask Ventilation
- Risk Factors of Kheterpal et al for Difficult Mask Ventilation
- Ventilation of a Man with a Beard Causing a Poor Mask Seal
- Mask Ventilation Scale of Han et al
- Classification of Yildiz et al for Mask Ventilation
- Score of Kheterpal et al for Predicting Impossible Mask Ventilation
- Identifying a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Should Be Screened for Cervical Spine Disease Prior to Surgery
- Identifying a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Should Be Screened for Laryngeal Disease Prior to Surgery
- Contraindications to Regional Anesthesia
- Complications Associated with Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections (CTFESI)
- Recommendations to Reduce the Risks Associated with Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections (CTFESI)
- Contraindications to Beta-Blocker Therapy Prior to Surgery
- Use of a modified Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) by Lindenauer et al to Select a Patient for Perioperative Beta-Blocker Therapy in Major Noncardiac Surgery
- Recommendations of Denner and Townley for Managing a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa in the Perioperative Period
- Risk Factors for Air Embolism in the Perioperative Period
- Clinical Findings That May Indicate the Presence of Air Embolism During or After Surgery
- Staging the Extent of Venous Air Embolism with Doppler Ultrasonography
- Volume of Air Required for a Lethal Air Embolism
- Paradoxical Systemic Emboli with Venous Air Embolism
- Clinical Findings in a Patient with a Post-Thyroidectomy Cervical Hematoma
- Risk Factors of Campbell et al for Post-Thyroidectomy Cervical Hematoma
- Goal-Directed Intraoperative Fluid Therapy Protocol of Mayer et al.
- Criteria of Wengritzky et al for Major Surgery
- Preoperative Placement of an Airway for a Morbidly Obese Patient
- Fremantle Score for Videolaryngoscopy
- Predictors of Liedman et al for Postoperative Complications Following Surgery for a Gasto-Esophageal Carcinoma
- Perioperative Mortality Risk Score of Story et al for an Older Adult
- The Surgical Mortality Probability Model (S-MPM) of Glance et al for Non-Cardiac Surgery
- Vascular Biochemistry and Haematology Outcome Model (VBHOM) of Tang et al for a Patient Undergoing Lower Limb Amputation for Critical Ischemia
- Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Bypass (CRAB) Score of Meltzer et al for Evaluating a Patient with Critical Limb Ischemia
- Risk Calculator of Gupta et al for 30-Day Mortality Following Infrainguinal Bypass Surgery
- Anterior Dislocation of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) in the Perioperative Period
- PONV Intensity Scale of Wengritzky et al: General Equation
- Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) Intensity Scale of Wengritsky et al: 6 Hour Score
- Managing the Bleeding Airway
- Risk Factors of Bruynzeel et al for Hemodynamic Instability During Surgery in a Patient with Pheochromocytoma
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Short-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (SCAD) Deficiency
- Risk Factors for Corneal Abrasion During General Anesthesia for Nonocular Surgery
- Model of Kuo et al for Mortality of a Moribund General Surgical Patient Taken to Surgery Within 24 Hours of Admission
- Model of Kuo et al for Mortality of a Moribund General Surgical Patient Taken to Surgery More Than 24 Hours After Admission
- Monitoring Sedation or Opioid Analgesia with Pulse Oximetry and Capnography (End-Tidal CO2)
- Friedman Tongue Position (FTP, Modified Mallampati Classification)
- Score of Hua et al for Predicting Unplanned Intubation Following a Major Surgical Procedure (Unplanned Intubation Risk Index, UIRI)
- Narcotrend Index and Stages
- Equation of Mapleson for Predicting the Age-Associated Change in the Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC) for an Anesthetic
- Risk Factors of Abraham et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Thyroid Surgery
- Differential Diagnosis of Bradycardia in the Perioperative Period
- Model of Santoro et al for Predicting Local and Systemic Complications Following Surgery for a Cancer of the Oral Cavity or Oropharynx
- Risk Index of Ramanan et al for 30-Day Mortality Following Open Repair of an Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Risk Factors of Iannuzzi et al for Death or Major Complication Following Bowel Resection in a Patient with Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Renal Failure
- Mayo Adhesive Probability Score of Davidiuk et al for Predictiing Adhesive Perinephric Fat
- Risk Factors of Meeks et al for Urine Leak After Partial Nephrectomy
- Risk Factors of Alp et al for Early Postoperative Arrhythmias in Pediatric Patients Following Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease
- Clinical Outcome Score of Mackie et al for Predicting Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) in an Infant Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease
- Causes of Perioperative Eye Injury
- SCOPE Score of Braunstein et al for Predicting Sedation Outcomes in a Patient Undergoing Upper GI Endoscopy
- SCOPE Score of Braunstein et al for Predicting Sedation Outcomes in a Patient Undergoing Colonoscopy
- Predictors of Leslie et al for Difficult Tracheal Intubation
- Indications and Contraindications for Awake Intubation
- Risk Factors of Bartlett et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Total Gastrectomy for a Gastric Malignancy
- Nomogram of Dhir et al for Predicting Risk of Perioperative Mortality Following Resection of a Malignant Gastric Tumor
- Risk Factors of Whippey et al for Unanticipated Admission Following Ambulatory Surgery
- Risk Assessment and Prediction Tool (RAPT) of Oldmeadow et al for an Adult Patient Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA)
- Predictors of Pearse et al for a High-Risk Surgical Patient
- Perioperative Rhabdomyolysis
- Risk Factors of Chiulli et al for Failure to Rescue (FTR) Following a Perioperative Adverse Event
- Risk Factors for the Propofol Infusion Syndrome (PRIS)
- Predictors of Kiernan et al for Hemodynamic Instability During Surgical Resection of a Pheochromocytoma
- Upper Airway Stenosis Following Interventions in a Patient with Myhre-LAPS Syndrome
- Recommendations of Katus and Shtilbans for the Perioperative Management of a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
- Total Airway Score (TAS) of Seo et al (Rules for Evaluating Airway Score)
- Upper Lip Bite Test (ULBT) for Predicting Difficult Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation
- Modified LEMON Law for Difficult Intubation
- Score of Arne et al for Predicting a Difficult Endotracheal Intubation
- Model of Buettner et al for Predicting 1 Year Mortality Following Gastrointestinal Surgery for a Malignancy
- Score of Murphy et al for Predicting Complications Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Score of Huisman et al for Identifying an Elderly Cancer Patient at Risk for Complications Following Surgery
- Risk Factors of Kezirian et al for Serious Complications After Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation Risk Model for Mortality Following Surgery for Colorectal Carcinoma
- Preoperative Esophagectomy Risk (PER) Score of Reeh et al for Complications Following Resection of an Esophageal Cancer
- Preoperative Risk Assessment of Bartels et al for a Patient with Eosphageal Cancer
- NUn Score of Noble et al for Predicting Major Complications Following Esophageal Resection
- The Arterial Based Complexity (ABC) Classification of Spaliviero et al for Predicting Morbidity After a Partial Nephrectomy
- Risk Factors of Vaught et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Associated with Major Gynecological Surgery
- Traumatic Turbinectomy (Avulsion of a Turbinate) Associated with Nasotracheal Intubation
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Walker-Warburg Syndrome
- Preoperative Prediction Rule of Rudolph et al for Delirium After Cardiac Surgery
- Risk Factors of Samdani et al for Perioperative Complications Following Spine Surgery in a Patient with Cerebral Palsy
- Risk Factors of Boling et al for Perioperative Complications Associated with Transnasal Endoscopic Resection of a Pituitary Adenoma
- Risk Factors of Lin et al for Hypotension After Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) in the Emergency Department (ED)
- Indications of Williams et al for Intubation and Early Tracheostomy for a Patient with Stevens Johnson Syndome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)
- Risk Factors of Martin et al for 30-Day Morbidity and Mortality After Knee Arthroscopy
- Risk Factors for Postoperative Oxygen Desaturation
- Hazards of the Surgical Smoke Plume
- Equation of Bailie et al for Estimating Spinal Canal Depth in a Pediatric Patient Based on Weight
- Equation of Arthurs et al for Estimating Neonatal Mid-Spinal Canal Depth (MSCD) Based on Ultrasonography
- Equation of Bilic et al for Lumbar Puncture Depth in Children
- Equation of Arthurs et al for Mid-Spinal Canal Depth (MSCD) in a Neonate Based on MRI
- Equation of Craig et al for Estimating the Depth of Insertion of a Lumbar Puncture Needle
- Equations of Ozer et al for Posterior Lumbar Dural Depth in Children
- Equation of Chong et al for Predicting the Needle Depth Required for Lumbar Puncture in a Pediatric Patient
- Equation of Abe et al for Lumbar Puncture Needle Length
- Equations of Ma et al for Estimating the Length of a Lumbar Puncture Needle in Taiwanese Adults
- Formula of Uemura and Yamashita for Determining the Distance from the Skin Surface to the Lumbar Epidural Space in Infants and Children
- Equation of Stocker and Bonsu for Predicting the Optimum Depth of Spinal Needle Insertion for a Lumbar Puncture in a Pediatric Patient
- Equations of Razavizadeh et al for Depth of Spinal Needle Insertion in Adults
- Equation of Shenkman et al for Distance from Skin to the Subarachnoid Space in an Infant Born Prematurely
- Equations of Bosenberg and Grouws for Skin to Epidural Distance in Children
- Mortality Index of Froehner et al for a Patient Undergoing Radical Cystectomy or Radical Prostatectomy
- Model of Abdollah et al for Postoperative Mortality Following Radical Cystectomy
- Abbreviated Vulnerable Elders Surgical Pathways and Outcomes Assessment (VESPA)
- Risk Factors of Moorjani et al for Perioperative Mortality Following Non-Traumatic Splenectomy
- Score of Johnson et al for Postoperative Respiratory Failure Following General and Vascular Surgery
- Risk Index of Passias et al for Early Complications After Cervical Spine Surgeries
- Conditions Associated with Clinical Surprises in the Postoperative Periods
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Dubowitz Syndrome
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
- Airway Management in a Patient with Klippel-Feil Syndrome (KFS)
- Anesthesia Concerns for a Patient with Noonan Syndrome
- Management of a Patient with Leigh Syndrome in the Perioperative Period
- Screening an Older Adult Undergoing Major Noncardiac Surgery for Risk of Delirium Using Serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Based on the Study of Vasunilashorn et al
- Postoperative Respiratory Complications in a Patient with Myasthenia Gravis
- Models of Vu et al for Predicting Complications After Abdominoplasty: Medical and Surgical Complications
- POAF Score (Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Score) of Mariscalco et al for a Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Geriatric Rescue After Surgery (GRAS) Score of Kahn et al for a Geriatric Patient Undergoing Emergency General Surgery
- Score of Ohkura et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Postoperative Complications Following Laparoscopic Gastrectomy
- Models of Wang for Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Cystectomy
- Difficult Airway Associated with Lingual Tonsillar Hypertrophy
- Malignant Hyperthermia in a Patient with King-Denborough Syndrome (KDS)
- Malignant Hyperthermia Associated with Succinylcholine-Induced Masseter Muscle Rigidity (MMR, Anesthesia-Induced Masseter Muscle Spasm, MMS, "Jaws of Steel")
- Scores of Ballian et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Surgical Repair of a Giant Paraesophageal Hernia
- Risk Factors of Ishino et al for Postoperative Complications for a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer
- Risk Factors of Villanueva et al for Complications During and After Gluteal Fat Transplantation (Gluteal Fat Augmentation)
- Risk Factors of Winocour et al for Complications After Abdominoplasty
- Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality of Le Manach et al (POSPOM): Subscore for Comorbidities
- Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality of Le Manach et al (POSPOM): Subscore for Surgical Procedure
- Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality of Le Manach et al (POSPOM): Total Score
- Predictors of Kim et al for Complications After Resection of a Carotid Body Tumor
- Surgical Outcome Risk Tool (SORT) of Protopapa et al
- Risk Factors of Anderson et al for Complications Following Adrenalectomy
- Risk Factors of Simoes et al for Complications Following Elective Abdominal Surgery in a Cancer Patient
- HIV Surgical Mortality Score (HSMS) of Wiseman et al for 30-Day Mortality After Surgery for an HIV-Positive Patient
- Predictors of Mari et al for Postoperative Complications After Partial Nephrectomy
- Anesthesia Management of a Patient with Glucagonoma
- Risk Factors of Sukegawa et al for Perioperative Stroke in a Patient Undergoing Surgery for a Head and Neck Cancer
- Risk Factors of Janowak et al for 30-Day Major Morbidity After Esophagectomy and the Esophagectomy Surgical Apgar Score (eSAS)
- Risk Factors of Parikh et al for Pancreatectomy
- Difficult Airway Due to Subglottic Tumor
- Outcomes of Foglia et al for Neonatal Intubations
- Hyomental Distance Ratio and Difficult Laryngoscopy
- VIA Score of Truong and Truong for Airway Assessment and Management
- Risk Factors of Thomas and Leitman for 30-Day Postoperative Complications After Endovascular Aortoiliac Surgery
- 30-Day Mortality Risk Calculator of Haskins et al After Emergency General Surgery
- Risk Factors of Karam et al for Complications After Vascular Surgery
- Preoperative Pancreatic Resection (PREPARE) Score of Uzunoglu et al
- Emergency Surgery Acuity Score (ESAS, Emergency Surgery Score, ESS)
- Nomogram of Ge et al for Predicting Postoperative Hypoxemia in a Patient with Acute Aortic Dissection
- Risk Factors of Mizota et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Associated with Major Intra-Abdominal Surgery
- New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
- Risk Factors of Zhang et al for Early Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) After Colorectal Surgery
- Nomogram of Xin et al for Predicting Delirium After Hip Fracture Surgery in An Elderly Adult
- Perioperative Cardiac Abnormalities in a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa
- Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality (POSPOM) of Le Manach et al
- Simple Preoperative Questions of Reponen et al for Predicting Adverse Outcomes After Elective Cranial Neurosurgery
- Helsinki Modification of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status Classification
- SKALE (Sex, Karnofsky, ASA, Location and Edema) Score of Sacko et al for Intracranial Meningioma in an Elderly Patient
- Clinical-Radiological Grading System (CRGS) for an Intracranial Meningioma
- Milan Complexity Scale for Evaluating a Patient Prior to Brain Tumor Surgery
- Model of Fischer et al for Predicting 30-Day Mortality Following Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Clinical Prediction Rules of Ballian et al for a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Repair of a Giant Paraesophageal Hernia: Model for Mortality
- Clinical Prediction Rules of Ballian et al for a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Repair of a Giant Paraesophageal Hernia: Model for Morbidity
- Risk Factors for Postoperative Delirium (PODE) After Vascular Surgery
- Risk Factors of Kleimeyer et al for Postoperative Hypothermia After Orthopedic Surgery
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Segawa's Syndrome (Dopa-Responsive Dystonia)
- NSQIP Definition of Functional Health Status Prior to Surgery
- Bedside Preoperative Mortality Predictor Scoring System of Vaid et al
- Pediatric Sedation State Scale (PSSS)
- Classification Tree of Chatzakis et al for Difficult Airway Management with Maxillofacial Trauma
- CCR-CARESS Score of Bare et al for Predicting Mortality Following Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
- Adrenalectomy Risk Score of Caiazzo et al
- African Surgical Outcome Study (ASOS) Surgical Risk Calculator
- CARES Surgical Risk Calculators of Chan et al: 30-Day Mortality Score
- CARES Surgical Risk Calculators of Chan et al: ICU Stay
- CARES Surgical Risk Calculators of Chan et al: Combined Outcome Score
- Predictors of McGuckin et al for Outcomes After Unscheduled Surgery Performed on an Elderly Patient
- Risk Factors of Schoenfeld et al for Postoperative Complications Following Spine Surgery
- Risk Score of Ragulin-Coyne et al for Perioperative Mortality After Pancreatectomy
- Risk Score of Hill et al for Perioperative Mortality After Pancreatectomy
- Predictors of Wright et al for Complications Following Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer
- Risk Factors of Sangal et al for Unplanned Reoperation in Major Head and Neck Surgery
- Risk Factors of Kaw for Postoperative Complications in a Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension
- Head and Neck Surgery Risk Index (HNSRI)
- Postoperative Morbidity Survey (PMS) of Bennett-Guerrero et al
- Risk Factors of Dewi et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) After Emergency Laparotomy
- Algorithm of Hunningher and Saunders for Managing Post-Induction Vomiting
- Fentanyl-Induced Cough (FIC) and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
- Impact of Intraoperative Hypotension Severity and Duration on Postoperative Complications
- Predictive Model of Fisher and Flowerdew for Postoperative Delirium in an Older Adult Undergoing Elective Orthopedic Surgery
- Delirium Elderly At-Risk (DEAR) of Freter et al
- Complications of Overhydration in the Perioperative Period
- Model of Donati et al for Predicting Operative Risk for a Surgical Patient
- Predictors of Chiu et al for Futile Laparotomy on a Patient Classified as Extreme Risk
- Emergency Surgery Frailty Index (EmSFI) of Costa et al
- Scores of Chereau et al for Predicting Neck Hematoma in a Patient Undergoing Thyroid Surgery
- Score of Yin et al for Perioperative Airway Management for a Neonate with Pierre Robin Sequence
- Craniofacial CT Measurements of Mao et al and Difficulty Intubation for a Child with Robin Sequence
- Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Cardiac Complications
- Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Gastrointestinal Complications
- Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Hematological Complications
- Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Neurologic Complications
- Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Pulmonary Complications
- Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Urologic Complications
- CART Model of Berry et al for Predicting Postoperative Physiologic Decline of a Pediatric Patient Following Elective Surgery
- CELIOtomy Risk Score of Kao et al for Early Postoperative Mortality After Emergency Laparotomy
- Model of DeWane et al for Predicting Early Mortality Following an Emergency Colon Resection
- Model of Veltkamp et al for Predicting Serious Complications in a Patient Admitted to a Surgical Ward
- Nomogram of Jiang et al for Intestinal Complications Following Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
- SASA Score of Kinoshita et al for Predicting Postoperative Mortality
- Sudden Perioperative Hypoxemia Associated with Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM) of the Mitral Valve
- WCRDA Score of Wu et al for Predicting Postoperative Renal Dysfunction Following Open Surgical Repair of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Equation of Yi et al for Predicting the Risk of Intraoperative Hypothermia in a Patient Receiving General Anesthesia
- Clinical Prediction Rules of Janssen et al for Severe Postoperative Pain: Inpatient Surgery
- Clinical Prediction Rules of Janssen et al for Severe Postoperative Pain: Outpatient Surgery
- Chronic Postsurgical Pain Score (CPSP) of Montes et al
- Predictors of Schnabel et al for Severe Postoperative Pain
- Questions of Pan et al for Predicting Acute Pain Following a Cesarean Delivery
- Operative Stress Score (OSS)
- Preoperative Risk Score of Lian et al for Predicting Postoperative ICU Admission or Death
- Preoperative Risk Score of Lian et al for Predicting Postoperative ICU Admission or Death
- Preoperative Risk Score of Fernandes et al for a Patient Undergoing Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery
- Thyroid Lobectomy (TL) and Total Thyroidectomy (TT) Scores of Chereau for Predicting Postoperative Neck Hematoma Following Thyroidectomy
- Risk Factors of Owodunni et al for Loss of Independence Following Surgery for an Adult 65 Years of Age or Older
- Devastating Intracardiac and Pulmonary Thromboembolic Index (DICPTEI) Following Liver Transplant for End-Stage Liver Disease
- Staging System of Smith et al for Severe Postoperative Complications For Vestibular Schwannoma
- Criteria of Tavernier et al for Safe Early Discharge After Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
- Model of Parise et al for Predicting Delayed Discharge Following Gastrectomy
- Risk of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury Based on Preoperative GFR and Proteinuria
- Nomogram of Wang for Predicting Severe Morbidity Following Surgery on a Pheochromocytoma
- End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring During Emergency Trauma Surgery
- Anesthesia Management for a Patient with Marshall-Smith Syndrome
- CranioScore of Cinotti et al for Complications Following Craniotomy for a Brain Tumor
- DIFFMASK Score of Lundstrom et al for Predicting Difficult Facemask Ventilation
- Pulse Oximeter Perfusion Index Ratio and Success of a Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
- Anesthesia Management of a Patient with Traumatic Globe Rupture
- Evaluation of a Patient with Fibromyalgia Prior to Elective Orthopedic Surgery
- 6-Minute Walk Test and Serum NT-ProBNP in the Preoperative Assessment of a Patient Prior to Major Surgery
- BIMS Score of Roshanov et al for the Risk of Bleeding After Noncardiac Surgery
- Prehospital Difficult Airway Identification Tool (PreDAIT) of Carlson et al
- Hypotension Prediction Score (HYPS) of Smischney et al for Post-Intubation Hypotension in a Critically-Ill Adult: Model for the Full Cohort
- Hypotension Prediction Score (HYPS) of Smischney et al for Post-Intubation Hypotension in a Critically-Ill Adult: Model for the Stable Cohort
- Risk Factors of Chhina et al for Difficult Intubation
- Clinical Prediction Rule of Mao et al for Difficult Intubation in a Child with Robin Sequence
- Decision Tree of Rosenblatt and Yanez for Airway Management
- Complications Associated with Awake Tracheal Intubation (ATI)
- Risk Factors of Christoffersen et al for Well Leg Compartment Syndrome (WLCS) Following Abdominal Surgery
- Score of Er et al for Predicting Mortality for a Patient Undergoing Emergency Colorectal Surgery
- USEM (Urgent Surgery Elderly Mortality) Formula of Cordoba et al
- Risk Calculator of Cham et al for Adverse Perioperative Outcomes for a Woman with Ovarian Cancer
- FAS Score of Asuzu et al for Predicting Post-Operative Complications After Open Surgical Adhesiolysis for Small Bowel Obstruction
- Scores of Margenthaler et al for a Patient Undergoing Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO): Risk of 30-Day Morbidity
- Scores of Margenthaler et al for a Patient Undergoing Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO): Risk of 30-Day Mortality
- Model of Gabriel et al for Predicting Extended Postanesthesia Care Following Outpatient Surgery
- Duke Risk Score for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) Following Cesarean Section
- Predictors of Kheterpal et al for Postoperative Acute Renal Failure Following Noncardiac Surgery
- HART Score of Stronati et al for Predicting Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) After Noncardiac Elective Surgery
- Risk Factors for a Difficult Airway in a Patient with Stickler Syndrome
- Risk Score of Kim et al for Post-Hip Fracture Delirium (PHFD)
- Delirium Risk Prediction Preoperative Model for Cardiac Surgery Patients (DELIPRECAS) of de la Varga-Martinez et al
- Score of Saito et al for Predicting Failed Facemask Ventilation
- Pre-Operative (Perioperative) Nutrition Screen (PONS) Score
- ELPO Score of Lopes et al for Assessing Risk of Surgical Positioning Injury
- Risk Mitigation for Positioning Injury in a Morbidly or Super Obese Patient in a Dorsal Lithotomy Position
- Modified Johns Hopkins Classification of Surgical Procedures
- General Categories of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) for Emergency Surgery
- Risk Stratification of Nasr et al for a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Surgery
- Risk Analysis Index (RAI) of Hall et al
- Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Subscore for Procedure
- Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Subscore for the Disease
- Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Subscore for the Patient
- Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Total Score
- Prospectively Determined Revised Risk Analysis Index (rRAI-C)
- Physiological Emergency Surgery Acuity Score (PESAS)
- Risk Model of Lin et al for Airway Management in a Patient with a Deep Neck Space Abscess
- Prediction Model of Cheon et al for Unplanned Postoperative Intubation for a Pediatric Surgical Patient
- Predictors of Rogerson for Complications Following 1 or 2 Level Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion
- Score of Franchin et al for 30-Day Survival Following Major Lower Limb Amputation for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- Model of Cao et al for Prolonged Postanesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Length of Stay After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Use of an Early Warning Score (EWS) for Early Identification of Critical Postoperative Complications
- EXPO Score of Iden et al for Predicting Prolonged Postoperative Care
- Prediction Model of Wei et al for Postoperative Urinary Retention Following Thoracic Surgery
- Nomogram of Bai et al for Predicting Cardiovascular Morbidity After Pheochromocytoma Surgery
- Risk Factors of Alnsasra et al for Stroke Following Cardiac Transplantation
- Predictors of Riegger et al for Intraoperative Hypoglycemia in a Pediatric Patient
- Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Demographic, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary and Genitourinary Risk Factors
- Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Endocrine, Infectious, Neurological, Gastrointestinal, Hematologic and Oncologic Risk Factors
- Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Musculoskeletal, Soft Tissue, Traumatic and Perinatal Risk Factors
- Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Total Score
- Risk Factors of Yang et al for Peri-Intubation Cardiac Arrest (PICA) the Emergency Department
- Early Warning Criteria of Hoehn et al for Peri-Intubation Cardiac Arrest (PICA) in the Pediatric Emergency Department
- Risk Factors of Morisaki et al for Wound Complications and 30-Day Mortality After Major Lower Extremity Amputation in Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
- Early Prediction for Prognosis of Colorectal Perforation (EPPoC) Score of Matsuoka et al
- Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia or Infarction
- Surgical Risk Preoperative Assessment System (SURPAS) for Predicting Discharge Destination
- Risk Factors of Tomaszewski et al for Urine Leak After Partial Nephrectomy
- Predictors of Cosgrove et al for Laryngospasm in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Procedural Sedation
- Postoperative Infusion Thrombophlebitis
- Risk Factors of Mecoli et al for Intraoperative Intravenous Catheter Extravasation in a Child
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Risk Score of Li et al for Postoperative Delirium After Major Abdominal Surgery
- Cryoshock
- Predictors of Khan et al for Persistent Incisional Pain After Noncardiac Surgery
- Block Failure (Unsuccessful Block)
- Rebound Pain After Regional Nerve Block
- Oxford Anaesthetic Complexity (OxAnCo) Score: Patient Subscore
- Oxford Anaesthetic Complexity (OxAnCo) Score: Technical Subscore and Total Score
- Sickness Assessment (SA) of Kennedy et al for Surgical Emergency in an Older Adult
- Preoperative Myocardial Injury and Other Predictors of Zimmerman et al for Outcomes Following Emergency General Surgery
- Model of Donati et al for Predicting Mortality Following Surgery
- COLDS Score of Lee and August for Evaluating a Pediatric Patient with an Upper Respiratory Infection Prior to Elective Surgery
- Model of Kim et al for Predicting Pulmonary Adverse Events in a Pediatric Patient with an Upper Respiratory Infection Prior to Elective Surgery
- Risk Factors of Lee et al for Perioperative Respiratory Adverse Effects in a Child with a Recent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
- Operation Frailty Risk Score (OFRS) of Lee et al for an Older Adult
- Nomograms of Wang et al for Predict Difficult Laryngoscopy: Nomogram 1
- Nomograms of Wang et al for Predict Difficult Laryngoscopy: Nomogram 2 for Difficult Tracheal Intubation
- Postintubation Tracheal Rupture
- The 3-3-2 Rule for Endotracheal Intubation
- Simplified Predictive Intubation Difficulty Score (SPIDS) of L'Hermite et al
- Ratio of Height to Thyromental Distance (RHTMD)
- Ratio of Height to Sternomental Distance (RHSMD)
- Ratio of Neck Circumference to Thyromental Distance in the Prediction of Difficult Laryngoscopy
- Predictors of Stevens et al for Early Free Flap Failure on the Head and Neck
- Nomograms of Burkhard et al for Evaluating Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstructions: Need for Surgical Revision
- Nomograms of Burkhard et al for Evaluating Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstructions: Flap-Related Complications
- Model of Cook and Day for Predicting Hospital Mortality for an Older Adult Undergoing Urgent or Emergent Laparotomy
- Predictors of Mihailov et al for Postoperative Mortality After Emergency Surgery for Obstructive Colon Cancer
- Risk Factors of Manceau et al for 30-Day Mortality After Emergency Surgery for Obstructing Colon Cancer
- Risk Score of DeCarlo at el for Predicting the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome After Endovascular Repair of a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Surabaya Scoring System for a Early Mortality After Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
- Postpartum Urinary Retention
- Risk Factors of Croghan et al for Postoperative Urinary Retention (POUR) Following Elective Inguinal Hernia Repair
- Nomogram of Jing et al for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass
- Model of Yu et al for Acute Kidney Injury in an Older Adult Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
- Recurarization
- Risk Factors of Saager et al for Residual Neuromuscular Block
- Predictors of Prince-Wright et al for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) and Mortality
- Predictors of Hu et al for Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation Following Burn Surgery
- Prediction Rule of Feng et al for New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
- Postoperative Gastroparesis Associated with GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Therapy
- PROPDESC Model of Menzenbach et al for Preoperative Screening for Postoperative Delirium
- Predictors of Dumfarth et al for Postoperative Stroke After Emergent Surgery for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
- Nomogram of Wang et al for Preoperative Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia Following Cardiac Surgery
- Logistic Regression Model of Wang et al for Preoperative Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia Following Cardiac Surgery
- Nomogram of Wang et al for Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia After Cardiac Surgery
- Logistic Regression Model of Wang et al for Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia After Cardiac Surgery
- Types and Possible Causes of Hyperlactatemia After Cardiac Surgery
- Postoperative Hyperlactatemia and In-Hospital Mortality After Acute Type A Aortic Dissection Surgery Based on the Study of Bennett et al
- Predictive Model of Wang et al for Postoperative Hyperlactatemia in a Patient with Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
- Preoperative Score of Zorbas et al for Predicting 30-Day Mortality After Major Hepatectomy
- Preoperative Assessment of Martin et al Prior to Minimally Invasive Pituitary Surgery
- Difficult Intubation in a Diabetic with Limited Joint Mobility (Stiff Joint) Syndrome
- Difficult Airway Associated with Osseous Torticollis
- Predictors of Xin et al for Postoperative Septic Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Perioperative Sepsis
- Decortication Prognostic Score (DPS) of Zorbas et al for Predicting Postoperative Mortality Following Lung Decortication
- Risk Factors of Arenal and Bengoechea-Beeby for Short-Term Mortality After Emergency Abdominal Surgery in an Older Adult
- Clinical Score of Eleiba et al for Complications After Breast Reduction Surgery
- Breast Reduction Score of Baltodano et al Following Reduction Mammoplasty
- Nomogram of Wang et al for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury Following On-Pump Cardiac Surgery
- Intraoperative Anaphylaxis Associated with a Hydatid Cyst
- Score of Shen et al for Postoperative Delirium in an Older Adult with Hip Fracture
- Postoperative Analgesic Intake Needs (PAIN) Score of Johnson et al Following Spinal Surgery
- Risk of Hemorrhage Following Regional Nerve Block
- Risk Factors for Neuropathy Following Regional Nerve Block
- Predictors of Jorgensen et al for Preventable Morbidity in a Patient Undergoing Fast-Track Knee or Hip Arthroplasty
- Difficult Airway Associated with Laryngeal Papillomatosis
- Risk Factors of Braz et al for Perioperative Cardiac Arrest in a Trauma Patient
- Nomogram of Berardi et al for Predicting Complications Following Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Patient with the Metabolic Syndrome
- Model of Shulman et al for Predicting Disability or Death After Surgery for an Older Adult
- Model of Freundlich et al for Predicting Reintubation After Cardiac Surgery
- STAGE Score of Xu et al for Predicting Extubation Readiness in a Neurosurgical Patient on Mechanical Ventilation
- Nomogram of Fang et al for Predicting Prolonged Stay in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit After Elective Surgery
- Score of Bulatao et al for Fast-Tracking a Patient Undergoing Liver Transplant
- Score of Haque et al for Fast-Tracking a Patient Undergoing Liver Transplant (Modified Fast-Track Score of Bulatao et al, mFT)
- Nomogram of Zhong et al for Predicting Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) After Emergency Surgery
- Perioperative Management of a Patient with Glutaric Aciduria Type I
- Risk Factors of Wang et al for Delayed Neurocognitive Recovery for an Older Adult After Thoracic Surgery
- Nomogram of Lin et al for Predicting Delirium in a Pediatric Patient After Cardiopulmonary Bypass
- Models of Huang et al for Predicting Postoperative Delirium in a Neurosurgical Patient (E-PREPOD-NS)
- Risk Factors of Qi et al for Intraoperative Shivering During a Cesarean Section
- Recommendations of Conover et al for Managing a Child on a Ketogenic Diet
- Dosing Propofol in Pediatric Patients Using the Equations of van Dijk et al: Maintenance Dose