- Lean Body Mass from Height and Weight Using the Method of Hume
- Lean Body Weight from Total Body Water
- Estimating Lean Body Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance and the Equation of Segal et al
- Estimating Fat Free Mass in Adults Over 60 Years of Age Using Bioelectrical Impedance and the Equations of Deurenberg et al.
- Estimating Lean Body Mass from Urinary Creatinine Excretion
- Estimating Percent Body Fat and Lean Body Mass in Children and Adolescents Using Bioelectrical Impedance and the Equations of Bunc et al
- Estimating Lean Body Mass from Height and Weight Using the Method of James
- Estimating the Body Cell Mass (BCM) and Extracellular Mass (ECM)
- Method of von Dobeln for Estimating Fat Free Mass from Anthropometric Measurements
- Equations of Brennan and Fuchs et al for Estimating Fat Free Mass from Anthropometric Measurements (U.S. Air Force Equations)
- Equations of Garrow and Webster for Fat Free Mass Based on the Quetelet Index
- Equations of Boer and Raes et al for Lean Body Mass for a Pediatric or Adult Patient Based on Height and Weight
- Equations of Deurenberg et al for Estimating Fat Free Mass in Pediatric and Adult Patients Using Bioelectric Impedance
- Equations of Janmahasatian et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Adults
- Equation of Janmahasatian et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in an Adult Using Hip and Waist Measurements
- Equations of Mourtzakis et al for Fat Free Mass (FFM) Based on an Abdominal CT Scan
- Equation of Brook Correlating Lean Body Mass and Total Body Water in Prepubescent Children
- Equations of Going et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) and Percent Body Fat in Adolescent Girls
- Equation of Goran et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Young Children Using Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equation of Schaefer et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in German Children
- Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Method of Bray et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Children
- Equations of Ellis et al for Estimated Fat and Fat-Free Mass in Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Burmeister and Bingert for Estimating Body Cell Mass (BCM)
- Body Density by Underwater Weighing and Calculation of the Fat Free Mass Using the Siri Equation
- Equation of Weststrate and Deurenberg for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Children from Body Density
- Equation of Lohman et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Children from Body Density
- Mid-Arm Circumference and Triceps Skinfold Measurements
- Mid-Arm Muscle Area
- Mid-Arm Fat Area
- Estimating the Percent Body Fat of Adult Mentally Retarded Males Using the Kelly-Rimmer Regression Equation
- Estimating the Percent Body Fat from Skinfold Thickness Using the Equations of Durnin and Rahaman
- Estimating Lean Body Mass and Body Density in Young Women Using the Equations of Wilmore and Behnke
- Predicting Body Density of Men from Body Measurements Using the Equations of Jackson and Pollock
- Predicting Body Density of Men from Body Measurements Using the Equations of Jackson, Pollock and Ward
- Predicting Body Density and Percent Body Fat of Adults from Skinfold Thickness Using the Equations of Durnin and Womersley
- Predicting Body Density, Lean Body Weight and Percent Body Fat in Older Adults Males Using the Equations of Latin et al.
- Estimating the Percent Body Fat from Skinfold Thickness Using the Equations of Ledesma
- The YMCA Formulas for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Adults
- Equations of Hodgdon and Beckett for Predicting Body Density and Percent Body Fat in Adults (U.S. Navy Equations)
- Equations of Wright et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat in Adults (U.S. Marine Corps Equations)
- Equations of Vogel et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat in Adults (U.S. Army Equations)
- Equations of Hodgdon and Friedl for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Adults (DoD Body Composition Equations)
- Equations of the Naval Health Research Center for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Adults
- Equations of Bonora et al for Estimating Subcutaneous and Visceral Abdominal Adipose Tissue (SAT and VAT)
- Equations of Gallagher et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Black and White Adults
- Ratio of Waist-to-Thigh Circumferences as an Index of Centralised Adiposity
- Fat Distribution (FD) Score of Ashwell et al in Females
- Fat Distribution (Circumference, CFD) Score of Ashwell et al in Females
- Equations of Han and Lean for Predicting the Percent Body Fat in a White Adult
- Formulas of Deurenberg et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Patients Based on Age, Gender and Body Mass Index
- Equations of Evans et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat from Skinfold Thickness in Athletes
- Formula of Demura et al for Estimating Visceral Fat at the L4-L5 Level From Anthropometric, Ultrasonographic and DXA Measurements
- American Council of Exercise Classification for the Percent Body Fat in an Adult
- Equations of Brook for Estimating Body Density in Prepubescent Children Using Skinfold Thickness Measurements
- Equations of Slaughter et al for Body Fat in Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Larsson et al for Estimating Body Fat in Adults from the Weight-to-Height Ratio
- Equations of Larsson et al for Estimating Body Fat in Adults Based on Height, Weight and Waist Circumference
- Equations of Pongchaiyakul et al for Percentage Body Fat in Thai Adults
- Equations of O'Connor et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Young Women
- Equations of O'Connor et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in Young Men
- Equations of Visser et al for Estimating Body Density in an Older Adult
- Equations of Johnston et al for Estimating Body Density in Children Using Skinfold Thickness Measurements
- Equation of Fuller et al for Determining the Weight of a Patient's Body Fat
- Linear Regression Equations of Davidson et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat for a Patient Based on Race, Skinfold Thickness Measurements and Other Data
- Equations of Davidson et al for Estimating Percent Body Fat in an Adult Based on Skinfold Thickness Measurements
- Body Adiposity Index (BAI)
- Equation of Bergman et al for Percent Body Fat in an Mexican-American Adult
- Equation of Loftin et al for Predicting Body Fat in Adolescent Girls in the Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG)
- Normalized Subcutaneous Fat in the Abdominal Midline
- Estimates of Ideal Body Weight in Adults (Devine and McCarron, Robinson, Hamwi)
- Metropolitan Standards for Ideal Weight in Adult Men and Women
- Estimating Adult Height for Blacks and Whites from Age and Knee Height
- Estimating Height in Adult Blacks and Whites from Knee Height
- Estimating Height and Weight in Chinese Adults Using the Equations of Peng et al
- Estimating Ideal Body Weight from Height in Chinese Adults Using the Equations of Huang et al
- Equations of Jarzem and Gledhill for Predicting Height in Children and Adults Based on Measurements of the Upper Extremities
- Equations of Parker et al for Predicting Body Height in Adults from Arm Span, Age and Gender
- Equations of Linderholm and Lindgren for Predicting Height in Caucasian Children and Adults Based on Age, Gender and Arm Span
- Age Adjustment of Trotter and Gleser for Height Estimates
- Estimation of Height in Bedridden Elderly Women Using Long Bone Measurements
- Determining the Height of a Patient by Summation of Body Segments
- Ratio of the Upper and Lower Body Segments
- Estimating Stature from Supine Length
- Factors of Rowland Affecting the Accuracy of Self-Reported Height and Weight in Adults
- Equations of Lorentz for Estimating Ideal Body Weight for an Adult
- Equations of Han and Lean for Predicting Height from Arm Span in White Adults
- Predicted Normal Weight (PNWT) Equation of Duffull et al for an Obese Patient
- Equations of Chumlea et al for Estimating the Height of Elderly Adult Causasian Patients Based on Knee Height With or Without Age
- Equations of Bassey for Estimating Height of a European Adult from Gender and Arm Demi-Span
- Ideal Body Weight Following an Amputation
- Equations of Jung et al for Estimating the Weight of Geriatric Chinese in Hong Kong from Knee Length and Mid-Arm Circumference
- Equations of Mohanty et al for Estimating the Height of South Indian Women from Arm Span and Leg Length
- Equations of Canda for Estimating the Height of a Young Spanish Adult Female Based on Various Body Segment Measurements
- Equations of Canda for Estimating the Height of a Young Spanish Adult Male Based on Various Body Segment Measurements
- Weight-Height Ratio (Broca Index)
- Body Mass Index (Quetelet's Index, BMI)
- Ponderal Index
- Obesity Index of Khosla and Lowe
- Obesity Index
- Fat Free Mass and Body Fat Mass Normalized for Height (FFMI and BFMI, Fat Mass Index)
- The Conicity ("C") Index
- Trunk Frame Index (TFI) of Ruff and Jamison
- Equations of Han and Lean for Predicting Body Mass Index in White Adults Based on Weight, Lower Leg Length and Arm Span
- A Body Shape Index (ABSI) of Krakauer and Krakauer
- Height Estimates in Children
- Weight Estimates in Children
- Ideal Body Weight Estimates in Children
- Equations of Zorab et al for Estimating the Height of Adolescents from the Length of the Tibia
- Neonatal Ponderal Index
- Estimation of Head Circumference from Body Length for Children 0-1 Years of Age
- Estimating Height for Black and White Children from Knee Height
- Predicted Adult Height for Girls Based on Height at Menarche
- Predicted Adult Height for a Child Based on Parental Height and Height at 2 Years
- Estimation of Height in Chinese Children from Body Measures Using the Equations of Cheng et al
- Estimation of Height in Chinese Children Based on Arm Span, Foot Length and Long Bone Lengths Using the Equations of Cheng et al
- Equations of Hibbert et al for Estimation of Height in Caucasian Children from Gender and Arm Span
- Equations of Weststrate et al for Estimating the Waist-to-Hip Circumference Ratio (WHR) in Dutch Children and Adolescents
- Mid-Parental Height (MPH) with Gender Adjustment
- Model of Sherar et al for Predicting Adult Height for an Older Child or Adolescent
- Equations of Luo et al for Predicting the Target Height for a Child Based on Parental Heights
- Multipliers of Garn for Predicting a Child's Adult Height Based on Current Age and Height
- The Khamis-Roche Method for Predicting a Child's Adult Height
- Analysis of Engstrom et al for the Difference Between Arm Span and Height in White Children
- Formula of Dubois and Dubois for Body Surface Area
- Lowe's Formula for Body Surface Area
- Boyd's Formulas for Body Surface Area
- Mosteller's Formula for Body Surface Area
- Formula of Gehan and George for Body Surface Area
- Formula of Haycock et al for Body Surface Area
- Linear Equation of Current for Body Surface Area in Infants and Children
- Formula of Nwoye for Predicting Body Surface Area in Adult African Males
- Equations of Lindahl and Okmian for Predicting Body Surface Area in Infants and Children
- Formula of Nwoye and Al-Shehri for Predicting Body Surface Area in Adult Saudi Males
- Equation of Jones et al for Predicting Body Surface in Young Caucasian Adult Females
- Formula of Isaksson for Estimating Body Surface Area from Height and Weight
- Formulas for Estimating Body Surface Area from Weight (Formulas of Biering, Lissauer, Rubner, Meeh and Vierordt)
- Equations of Ogunranti for Body Surface Area in Nigerian Children
- Formulas for Estimating Body Surface Area from the Sum of Height and Weight (Formulas of Breitmann and Jacobson)
- Formula of Bardeen for Estimating the Body Surface Area Using the Ratio of Weight to Height
- Equation of Mehra for Estimating the Body Surface of an Adult Male Indian
- Linear Equation of Howland and Dana for Predicting the Body Surface Area of Infants
- Formula of Reading and Freeman for Body Surface Area
- Formula of von Schelling for Body Surface Area
- Formula of Behnke et al for Body Surface Area Based on Girth and Height
- Formula of Huwez et al for Estimating the Body Surface Area of Pediatric Patient Based on Age in Months
- Equation of Banerjee and Sen for Determining the Body Surface Area of Indians
- Estimated Blood Volume Based on Body Surface Area
- Estimated Blood Volume in Adults Based on Body Weight
- Blood Volume from Height and Weight (Formulas of Allen and Nadler)
- Estimated Blood Volume in Infants Based on Body Weight
- Estimated Blood Volume from Red Cell or Plasma Volume and Hematocrit
- Estimated Blood Volume for Infants and Children Based on Height and Weight by Linderkamp et al
- Calculation of the Circulating Blood Volume Using Indocyanine Green (ICG) Pulse Dye Spectrophotometry
- Blood Volume after Amputation
- Equations of Cropp for Estimating Blood Volume in Children and Young Adults
- Modified Rule of Fives by Gilcher for Blood Volume
- Adjusted Fetoplacental Blood Volume Between 18 and 32 Weeks Gestation
- Method of Hoogeveen et al for Calculating the Fetoplacental Blood Volume
- Equations of Boer for Estimating Blood Volume
- Equations of Raes et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Pediatric Patients
- Method of Feldschuh and Enson for Estimating Blood Volume in an Adult Based on Body Habitus
- Nomogram of Rawlings et al for Blood Volume in a Polycythemic Neonate
- Estimates of Gibson and Evans for Blood Volume in an Adult Based on Body Surface Area (BSA)
- Equations of Wennesland et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Adult Males
- Equations of Brown et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Adult Females
- Equation of Brans et al for Predicting Blood Volume in a Neonate Based on Umbilical Vein Hematocrit
- Equations of Russell for Total Blood Volume in Pediatric Patients Based on Body Weight
- Calculating Plasma Volume from Body Surface Area
- Calculating Plasma Volume in Adults from Body Weight
- Calculating Plasma Volume in Infants from Body Weight
- Equation of Hakim and Siami for Calculating Plasma Volume from Lean Body Weight and Hematocrit
- Estimating Plasma Volume in Infants and Children from Weight Based on the Data of Linderkamp et al
- Equations of Cropp for Estimating Plasma Volume in Children and Young Adults
- Equation of Smith and Yarbrough for Predicting Plasma Volume in a Woman During a Normal Pregnancy
- Equations of Boer for Estimating Plasma Volume
- Equations of Raes et al for Estimating Plasma Volume in Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Wennesland et al for Estimating Plasma Volume in Adult Males
- Equations of Brown et al for Estimating Plasma Volume in Adult Females
- Equations of Retzlaff et al for Estimating Plasma Volume of an Adult
- Equations of Altman and Dittmer for Plasma Volume Based on Age and Body Weight
- Red Cell Volume in Adults based on Body Surface Area
- Red Cell Volume in Adults based on Weight
- Red Cell Mass Based on Lean Body Weight
- Red Cell Volume in Infants based on Weight
- Whole Body Hematocrit and Venous Hematocrit
- Estimating Red Cell Mass in Infants and Children from Weight Based on the Data of Linderkamp et al
- Equations of Boer for Estimating Red Cell Volume
- Equations of Raes et al for Estimating Red Cell Volume in Pediatric Patients
- Equation of Berlin and Lewis for Estimating Red Blood Cell Volume in an Adult Using Percent Body Fat
- Equation of Fairbanks for Estimating Red Cell Mass From the Hematocrit and Body Weight
- Equation of Bentley and Lewis for Estimating Red Cell Mass from the Hematocrit and Body Weight
- Equations of Wennesland et al for Estimating Red Cell Volume in Adult Males
- Equations of Brown et al for Estimating Red Cell Volume in Adult Females
- Equation of Brans et al for Predicting Red Blood Cell Volume in a Neonate Based on Umbilical Vein Hematocrit
- Estimates of Balga et al for Ratio f and Estimates of Whole Body Red Cell Mass (RCM)
- Equations of Retzlaff et al for Estimating Red Blood Cell Volume of an Adult
- Impact of Age and Weight on Intravascular Volumes
- Impact of Pregnancy on Intravascular Volumes
- Clinical and Laboratory Findings Associated with the Expansion in Intravascular Volume Duirng Pregnancy
- Method of Hume and Weyers for Estimating Total Body Water from Height and Weight
- Method of Hume and Weyers for Estimating Total Body Water from Body Surface Area
- Total Body Water from Lean Body Weight
- Total Body Water from Total Body Weight
- Equation of Kushner et al for Calculating Total Body Water from the Impedance Index
- Total Body Water from Height and Weight in Children and Young Adults Using the Equation of Mellits and Cheek
- Method of Watson et al for Estimating Total Body Water from Height and Weight
- Population-Specific Equation of Chertow et al for Estimating Total Body Water in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
- Equation of Schutte et al for Estimating Total Body Water from Plasma Creatinine
- Equations of Seidl et al for Calculating the Total Body Water to Blood Water Ratio (Correction Factor r for Ratio of Total Body to Blood Ethanol Concentration)
- Equation of Fusch et al for Estimating Daily Water Turnover in a Pediatric Patient
- Hydration Fraction of Fat-Free Body Mass
- Equations of Schoeller and Luke for Calculating Total Body Water in Caucasians and Afro-Americans Using the Impedance Index
- Equation of Lukaski and Bolonchuk for Total Body Water Using Tetrapolar Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equation of Gregory et al for Estimating Total Body Water in Pediatric Patients Using Bioelectrical Impedance and Body Height
- Equation of Segal et al for Estimating Total Body Water in an Adult Male Using Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equations of Kushner and Schoeller for Estimating Total Body Water Using Bioelectrical Impedance, Gender, Height and Weight
- Equations of Morgenstern et al for Estimating Total Body Water in Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Friis-Hansen for Predicting Total Body Water in a Child
- Equations of Mellits and Cheek for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in Children Based on Urine Creatinine Excretion
- Equation of Hytten and Leich for Predicting Total Body Water (TBW) of a Fetus
- Equations of Moore et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in an Adult from Gender, Age and Body Weight
- Equations of Cheek for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in a Pediatric Patient
- Suture Fusion and Skull Shape
- Head Length, Width and the Cephalic Index
- Analysis of Facial Symmetry
- Measurement of Inner Canthal, Outer Canthal and Interpupillary Distances in Children
- The ONO (Outer Canthal, Nasal, Outer Canthal) Angle in Children
- Estimating Cranial Capacity Using the Equation of Lee and Pearson
- The Palpebral Fissure Length in Fetus and Child (Caucasian)
- Estimating Mouth Width from the Inter-Canine Width
- Equations of Jorgensen et al for Estimating Brain Volume from the External Cranial Volume and Circumference
- Equations of Dekaban for Estimating Brain Weight for Age and Gender
- Slant (Obliquity) of the Palpebral Fissures
- Equations of Scammon and Dunn for Estimating Brain Weight in Pediatric Patients
- Body Length for Boys 0-3
- Body Length for Girls 0-3
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
- Weight for Boys 0-3
- Weight for Girls 0-3
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
- Head Circumference for Boys 0-3
- Head Circumference for Girls 0-3
- CDC 2000 Data for Head Circumference in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Head Circumference in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
- Height for Boys 2-18
- Height for Girls 2-18
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Boys 2-20 of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Length in Girls 2-20 of Age
- Weight for Boys 2-18
- Weight for Girls 2-18
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Boys 2-20 Years of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight in Girls 2-20 Years of Age
- Growth Index
- Tanner and Davies Data on Height Velocity for North American Boys
- Tanner and Davies Data on Height Velocity for North American Girls
- Equations of Mirwald et al for Years to Peak Height Velocity (PHV) in an Adolescent
- Body Weight for Height in Boys Under 4 Years of Age
- Body Weight for Height in Girls Under 4 Years of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Boys 0-36 Months of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Girls 0-36 Months of Age
- Body Weight for Height in Boys from Age 4 to Prepubescence
- Body Weight for Height in Girls from Age 4 to Prepubescence
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Boys 2-20 Years of Age
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Weight for Height in Girls 2-20 Years of Age
- Body Mass Index Percentile Curves in Children and Adolescents
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Mass Index in Boys 2-20 Years Old
- CDC 2000 Data for Body Mass Index in Girls 2-20 Years Old
- The SD Score and Body Mass Index for Pediatric Patients in the United Kingdom Using 1990 Reference Data
- Body Frame Size Determined by Frame Indices Based on Elbow Measurements
- Trunk Frame Size of Ruff and Jamison
- Predicting Bone Mineral Content of School-Aged Children Using the Models of Ellis et al
- Equations of Horlick et al for Calculating Bone Mineral Content of Pediatric Patients Using Total Body Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
- Equations of Horlick et al for Calculating Bone Mineral Density of Pediatric Patients Using Total Body Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
- Equations of Fuller et al for Calculating Total Body Mineral Content Using Total Body Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
- Using Bioelectrical Impedance to Monitor Lymphedema in Women with Breast Cancer
- Stages of Lymphedema in the Lower Extremity
- Etiologic Classification of Lymphedema
- Lymphoscintigram Transport Index for Evaluation of a Patient with Lymphedema
- Classification of the International Society of Lymphology for Lymphedema
- Clinical Features Distinguishing Lipedema from Lymphedema
- Estimating the Volume of a Swollen Limb Using a Series of Truncated Cones
- Method of Degnim et al for Identifying a Woman with Lymphedema of the Breast
- Clinical and Pathologic Features of Massive Localized Lymphedema
- Lymphorrhea
- Grading Dependent Edema
- Vasodilatory Edema Secondary to Antihypertensive Therapy
- Stages of Campisi for Peripheral Lymphedema
- Estimating Muscle Mass in Men Using the Equation of Martin et al
- Relative Skeletal Muscle Index (RSMI) of Baumgartner with Patient Categories Based on Body Fat and Muscle Mass
- Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult Using the Equation of Baumgartner
- Estimating Total Striated Muscle Mass Using the Equation of Schutte et al
- Equation of Poortmans et al Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Pediatric Patient From Urinary Creatinine Excretion
- Equations of Kuriyan and Kurpad for Total Body Muscle Mass in Young Indian Males
- Equation of Heymsfield et al for Estimating Total Body Muscle Mass Based on Height and Corrected Arm Muscle Area
- Equation of Marquis et al for Estimating the Cross-Sectional Muscle Area at the Mid-Thigh
- Anthropometric Formulae of Housh et al for Estimating the Cross-Sectional Area of Thigh Muscles
- Equation of Quiterio et al Using Height and Weight to Estimate Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue (ALST) in Adolescents
- Anthropometric Model of Lee et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult Based on Height, Weight and Race
- Anthropometric Model of Lee et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult Based on Limb Circumference, Height, and Race
- Equations of Shen et al for Estimating Skeletal Muscle and Adipose Tissue Mass in an Adult Based on a Single Abdominal Cross-Sectional Image
- Equations of Abe et al for Estimating Total and Regional Skeletal Muscle Mass in Young Japanese Adults
- Equations of Sanada et al for Estimating Total and Regional Skeletal Muscle Mass in Japanese Adults Using Ultrasound Measurement of Muscle Thickness
- Equation of Janssen et al for Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
- Equation of Kim et al for Predicting Total Body Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Measurement of Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue
- Equations of Kim et al for Predicting Intermuscular Adipose Tissue Free Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Adult from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
- Equations of Kim et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Pediatric Patient from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Measurement of Appendicular Lean Soft Tissue
- Criteria for Sarcopenia of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP)
- Classification of Sarcopenia Based on Cause
- Classification of Janssen et al for the Risk of Physical Disability in an Older Adult Based on Skeletal Muscle Mass
- Lumbar Skeletal Muscle Index (SMI) Based on Skeletal Muscle Area in an Abdominal CT Scan
- Equations of Wang et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass from Total Body Potassium (TBK)
- The Sacral Ratio
- Classification of Caldwell et al for Pelvic Types With the Pelvic Brim Index
- Anatomic Classification of Roubier for Hemihyperplasia
- Anatomic Criteria of Wijemanne and Jankovic for Hemiatrophy
- Equation of Waugh for Predicting the Amount of Water in Serum
- Method of Faye and Payne to Estimate Serum Water By Measuring Chloride Concentrations
- Method of Rawles for Estimating Serum Water by Measuring Osmolality and the Modification of Faye and Payne
- Equation of Peters for Estimating Plasma Water
- Method of Hirota et al for Estimating the Initial Distribution Volume of Glucose
- Equations of Boer for Estimating Extracellular and Interstitial Fluid Volumes
- Equation of Bird et al for Estimating Extracellular Fluid Volume (ECFV)
- Equation of Lukaski and Bolonchuk for Extracellular Water Using Tetrapolar Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equation of Segal et al for Estimating Extracellular Water in an Adult Male Using Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equations of Friis-Hansen for Predicting Extracellular and Intracellular Body Water in a Child
- Equations of Moore et al for Extracellular Water (ECW) in an Adult from Gender and Body Weight
- Equations of Moore et al for Intracellular Water (ICW) in an Adult as Percent of the Total Body Water (TBW)
- Equations of Cheek for Estimating Extracellular Volume (ECV) in a Pediatric Patient
- Equations of Cheek for Estimating Intracellular Volume (ICV) in a Pediatric Patient
- Thumb Length and Thumb Placement Index
- Second to Fourth Digit Length Ratio and Directional Asymmetry
- Wrist Index (Ratio of Depth to Width)
- Hand Length to Body Height Ratio
- Hand Width, Hand Length and Hand Shape Indices
- Digit Index for the Third Finger
- Carpal Height Ratio
- Thoracic Index
- Phase Angle from Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Jo et al for Estimating the Length of the Thoracic Aorta in a Pediatric Patient
- Equation of Bavdekar et al for Estimating the Body Weight of an Indian Child Based on Foot Length
- Method of Tschaikowsky et al for Measuring Blood Volume Using Hydroxyethyl Starch
- Equations of Paxton et al for the Change in Fat Mass During Pregnancy
- Equation of Burmeister for Estimating Lean Body Mass Based on Total Potassium Content and Body Surface Area
- Equation of Paxton et al for Fat Mass at Term for a Pregnant Woman
- Equation of Huston Presley et al for Fat Mass in a Pregnant Woman at 30 Weeks of Gestation
- Equations of van Raaij et al for Estimating Body Fat in a Pregnant Woman Using Total Body Water (TBW)
- Equations of van Raaij et al for Estimating Body Fat in a Pregnant Woman Using Body Density (Modified Siri Equation)
- Equations of Ludescher et al for Predicting Subcutaneous Fat Thickness in Adults Using Body Mass Index (BMI) for Drug Self-Injection
- Equations of Ludescher et al for Predicting Subcutaneous Fat Thickness in Adults Using Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) for Drug Self-Injection
- Equation of Ramiro et al for Estimating the Neutral Lateral Middle Fingertip-to-Floor Distance from Height
- Equations of Akhlaghi et al for Estimating Stature of a Young Iranian Adult Based on Upper Limb Measurements
- Equation of Burmeister for Estimating Total Body Water from Weight, Total Body Potassium Content and Body Surface Area
- Muscle Mass Index (MMI)
- Equation of Burmeister for Estimating Extracellular Fluid Volume from Body Surface Area
- Equations of Chittawatanarat et al for Estimating the Height of a Thai Male Based on Anthropometric Measurements
- Equations of Chittawatanarat et al for Estimating the Height of a Thai Female Based on Anthropometric Measurements
- Equations of Ruff et al for Estimating Body Mass from Stature and Bi-Iliac Breadth (STBIB)
- Equations of Ruff et al for Estimating Body Mass from the Diameter of the Femoral Head
- Equation of Grine et al for Estimating Body Mass from the Diameter of the Femoral Head
- Indexed Blood Volume of Lemmens et al for an Obese Patient
- Massive Localized Lymphedema (MLL) in a Morbidly Obese Patient
- Factors Associated with Post-Transplant Sarcopenia
- Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Healthy Asian Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and the Equation of Wu et al
- Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Young Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) and the Equation of Clasey et al
- Equation of Wang et al for Estimating Body Cell Mass (BCM)
- Secondary Lymphedema
- Stroke-Associated Sarcopenia
- Criteria of Fearon et al for Myopenia
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Classification of Lymphedema
- Equation of Cattermole et al for Estimating the Weight of an Adult or Adolescent from Mid-Arm Circumference
- Equations of Neder et al for Estimating Leg Mass in Adults
- Best Guess Method of Tinning and Acworth for Estimating Pediatric Weight
- Mercy Tape of Abdel-Rahman et al for Estimating Pediatric Weight
- Equation of Theron et al for Estimating the Weight of a Child in an Emergency
- Equation of Cattermole et al for Estimating Body Weight of Children from Mid-Arm Circumference (MAC)
- Predicted Neck Circumference and Percentage of Predicted Neck Circumference (PPNC)
- Clinical Features of Degnim et al Associated with Breast Lymphedema
- Sarcopenia Index (SI) of Kashani et al
- Indications for Measuring Finger Circumference
- Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) to Height Table of Mei et al for Male Children from 65 to 145 Centimeters in Height
- Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) to Height Table of Mei et al for Female Children from 65 to 145 Centimeters in Height
- WHO Subscapular Skinfold Thickness for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- WHO Triceps Skinfold Thickness for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- Equations of So et al for Estimating Body Weight in a Pediatric Patient
- Equations of Park et al for Estimating Body Weight in Korean Children
- Equation of Taufiq et al for Estimating a Newborn's Body Weight at Birth from Mid-Upper-Arm Circumference
- Equations of Leffler and Hayes for Estimating a Child's Body Weight
- Equation of Cattermole et al for Estimating Weight from Age in Chinese Children
- Equation of Argall et al for Estimating a Child's Weight from Age
- Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) Equations for Estimating the Body Weight of a Child
- Devised Weight-Estimating Method (DWEM) of Garland et al for Estimating the Weight of a Pediatric Patient
- Equations of Erker et al for Estimating a Pediatric Patient's Weight Based on Age and Body Habitus
- Estimating Weight for Age Using the WHO Child Growth Standards
- Equations of Cole et al for Estimating a Child's Target Adult Height Based on Parental Height
- Equations of van Dommelen et al for Adult Target Height of a Dutch Child Based on Parental Stature
- Formula of Costeff for Body Surface Area (BSA) for a Pediatric Patient
- Canthal Index (CI, Inner Canthal to Outer Canthal Distance Ratio)
- Occipitofrontal Circumference (OFC) to Interorbital Index
- Weight Change Nomogram of Paul et al for an Infant During the First Month After Vaginal Delivery
- Weight Change Nomogram of Paul et al for an Infant During the First Month After Cesarean Section
- Weight Change Nomogram of Miller et al for a Formula Fed Newborn During the First 2 Days After Vaginal Delivery
- Weight Change Nomogram of Miller et al for a Formula Fed Newborn During the First 3 Days After Delivery by Cesarean Section
- WHO Height for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
- WHO Height for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
- WHO Weight for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
- WHO Weight for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
- WHO Head Circumference Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
- WHO Head Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
- WHO Arm Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
- WHO Arm Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
- CDC 2000 Weight for Age Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- CDC 2000 Height for Age Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- CDC 2000 Weight for Age Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- CDC 2000 Length for Age Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- CDC 2000 Head Circumference for Age Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- Early Weight Loss Following Vaginal Delivery in a Breast Fed Neonate Based on the Study of Flaherman et al
- Early Weight Loss Following Cesarean Section in a Breast Fed Neonate Based on the Study of Flaherman et al
- WHO Height for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- WHO Weight for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- WHO Head Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- WHO Arm Circumference for Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Standards in Malnutrition: Weight for Length in Boys from 45 to 120 cm
- World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Standards in Malnutrition: Weight for Length in Girls from 45 to 120 cm
- WHO Weight for Length Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
- WHO Weight for Length Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
- WHO Body Mass Index (BMI) Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Percentage
- WHO Body Mass Index (BMI) Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score
- CDC 2000 Body Mass Index (BMI) for Age Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- CDC 2000 Weight for Height Tables in Patients from 2 to 20 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- CDC 2000 Weight for Length Tables in Patients from 0 to 3 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- WHO Weight for Length Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- WHO Body Mass Index (BMI) Age Tables for Infants and Children Up to 5 Years of Age: Z-Score from LMS Data
- Transverse Psoas Muscle Thickness to Height Ratio of Durand for Evaluating Skeletal Muscle Atrophy (Sarcopenia) in a Cirrhotic Patient
- Equation of Ben Jemaa et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass in a Child Based on Impedance and Body Measurements
- Equations of Cunningham for Lean Body Mass (LBM) of an Adult
- Equations of Sun et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Aglago et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in North African Adults
- Equations of Rush et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat of Children from Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Equation of Rush et al for Estimating the Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Hastuti et al for Body Fat in Indonesian Males
- Equation of Liu et al for Estimating the Fat-Free Mass (FFM) of an Asian Child
- Equations of van der Ploeg et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat of Young Adult Australian Males from Skinfold Thickness
- Equation of Heymsfield et al for Total Body Fat (TBF)
- Equations of Al-Gindan et al for Predicting Total Adipose Tissue Mass (TATM)
- Equations of Liu et al for Percent Body Fat in Chinese Adults
- Equations of Lean et al for Percent Body Fat of Adults
- Equations of de Lucia et al for Estimating the Height of an Ethiopian from the Armspan
- Equations of Shahar and Pooy for Estimating Height of Older Malaysian Adults from Arm Span and Knee Height
- Equations of Steele and Chenier for Height of Black and White Women Based on Age and Armspan
- Equations of Hirani and Aresu for Estimating Height from Arm Demi-Span
- Equations of Reeves et al for Estimating Height from Arm Span in Asian and Afro-Caribbean Adults
- Equation of Galloway for Stature Shrinkage in an Aging Adult
- Equations of Knous and Arisawa to Estimate Height of Elderly Japanese Adults from Knee Height
- Equations of Niewenweg et al for Estimating the Height of a Dutch Adult at 21 Years of Age Based on Current Height
- Equation of Jeong and Jantz for Decline in Height with Age for Adult Koreans
- Protocol of Kwok and Whitelaw for Approximating Body Mass Index (BMI) Using Armspan in the Elderly
- Equations of de Lucia et al for Estimating the Body Mass Index of an Ethiopian from the Armspan
- Equation of Takai and Shimaguchi for Estimating Body Surface Area (BSA) for a Young Japanese Adult Male
- Estimated Maternal Blood Volume at Delivery of a Term Pregnancy
- Model of Morgenstern et al for Predicting Total Body Water (TBW) in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis
- Equation of Ben Jemaa et al for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in a Child Based on Impedance and Body Measurements
- Equation of Wells et al for Estimating the Total Body Water of a Pediatric Patient
- Equations of Sun et al for Total Body Water (TBW) Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Aglago et al for Estimating Total Body Water (TBW) in North African Adults
- Equations of Hastuti et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Indonesian Males
- Equation of Liu et al for Estimating the Total Body Water (TBW) of an Asian Child
- Equations of Leman et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Nigerians Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Chumlea et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Adults
- Grading the Severity of Lymphosclerosis in Lymphatic Vessels
- Dermal Backflow Stage in Lymphedema of the Lower Extremity Based on Indocyanine Green (ICG) Lymphangiography
- Screening for Sarcopenia with SARC-F
- Algorithm of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) to Screen for Sarcopenia in an Older Adult
- Equations of Sergi et al for Extracellular Water Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Mylott et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) Using Biolectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Predictive Equation of Yu et al for Lean Body Mass of an Adult
- Equation of Kyle et al for Fat Free Mass in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (Geneva BIA Equation)
- Relative Fat Mass (RFM) of Woolcott and Bergman
- Equations of Kagawa et al for Percent Body Fat in Adult Australians
- Equations of Heitmann for Predicting Body Fat in Adults
- Equations of Gallagher et al for Percent Body Fat in Adults
- Equation of Deurenberg et al for Percent Body Fat in Adults
- Equation of Peterson et al for Estimating the Body Weight for an Adult Using the Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Tri-Ponderal Mass Index (TMI) of Peterson et al and Percent Body Fat
- Method of Tandon for Determining the Body Mass Index (BMI) for a Patient with Cirrhosis
- Body Surface Area Equations of Tikuisis et al
- Equations of Shuter and Aslani for Body Surface Area (BSA)
- Formula of Lee et al for Body Surface Area Using the Alginate Method
- Estimates of Tikuisis et al for the Percent Body Surface Area of Different Body Segments
- Formula of Fujimoto et al for Body Surface Area
- Formula of Kurazumi et al for Body Surface Area in Japanese Adults
- Formula of Sendroy and Cecchini for Body Surface Area
- Formula of Choi for Body Surface Area in Korean Adults
- Formula of Yu et al for Body Surface Area of a Chinese Adult
- Formula of Niya et al for Body Surface Area in a Japanese Adult
- Equations of Yu et al for Body Surface Area in Taiwanese Adults
- Equations of Hannan et al for Total Body Water (TBW) Using Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Kyle et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASMM) in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Hannan et al for Extracellular Water (TBW) Using Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- CUN-BAE Equation of Gomez-Ambrosi et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat of an Adult
- Body Roundness Index (BRI) of Thomas et al
- Equations of Lee et al for the Surface Area of the Hand
- Equation of Dubois and Dubois for the Surface Area of the Hand
- Equation of Mignano and Konz for the Surface Area of the Hand
- Equation of Wen et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Chinese Adult
- Equation of Sergi et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASMM) in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of De Rui et al for Estimating Lean Mass of Limbs By Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): Arms
- Equations of De Rui et al for Estimating Lean Mass of Limbs By Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): Legs
- Estimate of Matsuzawa et al for Ideal Body Weight in a Middle-Aged Japanese Adult
- Equations of Miller et al for Predicting Ideal Body Weight in Adults
- Equations of Hammond for Predicting Ideal Body Weight in Adults
- Cormic Index (Ratio of Sitting to Standing Height)
- Average Body Circumference (ABC) and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Adult Women
- Ratio of Height Cubed to Waist Circumference Cubed
- Sitting-Height Index of Build (SHIB)
- Equations of Zhu et al for Estimating Weight in a Child Less Than 6 Years Old: Using Forearm Width
- Equations of Zhu et al for Estimating Weight in a Child Less Than 6 Years Old: Using Forearm Circumference
- Equation of Mandelbrot et al for Fetoplacental Blood Volume
- Equations of Lee et al for Measuring Total Body Water in Korean Adults on Hemodialysis
- Equations of Johansson et al for Measuring Total Body Water in Adults on Peritoneal Dialysis (Sahlgrenska Equations)
- Equations of Gudivaka et al for Total Body Water, Extracellular Water and Intracellular Water Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Differential Diagnosis of Leg Edema
- Drug-Related Leg Edema
- Idiopathic Edema
- Equation of Rangel Peniche et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass of an Older Mexican Adult Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Yoshida et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in Older Japanese Adults Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Macdonald et al for Estimating Appendicular Lean Muscle Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Santos et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Using Calf Circumference
- Equations of Heymsfield et al for Predicting Skeletal Muscle Mass
- Waist-to-Hip Ratio
- Equation of Vermeiren et al for Appendicular Lean Mass in an Adult >= 80 Years of Age and Its Use to Diagnose Sarcopenia
- Equation of Scafoglieri et al for Appendicular Lean Mass
- Equations of Yamada et al for Appendicular Lean Mass (ALM) Based on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Castro-Porras et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Mexican Adult
- Equation Cordoba for Estimation of Body Fat (ECORE-BF) of Molina-Luque et al
- Palafolls Formula of Mill-Ferreyra et al for Percentage Body Fat
- Equations of Lahav et al for Estimating Body Fat in an Adult
- Equations of Henry et al for Estimating the Percent Body Fat in a Chinese Adult
- Equations of Zanovec et al for Predicting the Percent Body Fat of an Adult
- Log-Transformed Body Shape Index (LBSI) and Its Z-Score (LBSIZ) of Chung et al
- Equations of the United States EPA for Surface Area of the Hand
- Surface Area of the Fingers
- Equations of Sprenger et al for Predicting a Patient's Plasma Volume
- Benchmarks of Madea et al for Expected Growth of a Healthy Infant or Young Child
- Lymphatic Clinical Severity Score (LCSS) of Michelini et al
- Criteria of Bahat et al for Sarcopenia Based on Handgrip Strength and Calf Circumference
- Mini Sarcopenia Risk Assessment (MRSA) Questionnaire of Rossi et al
- Equation of Kim et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass in a Korean Adult
- Equation of Kim et al for Estimating Body Muscle Mass from Serum Creatinine and Cystatin C
- Equations of Yamada et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Noori et al for Estimating Lean Body Mass in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis
- Equation of Prado et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) from Skeletal Muscle Area at L3
- Equations of Sandhu et al for Fat Mass in a Young Indian Adult
- Body Fat Prediction Models of Merrill et al for an American Adult: Model for a Female
- Body Fat Prediction Models of Merrill et al for an American Adult: Model for a Male
- Equations of Aristizabal et al for Body Fat Estimation in an Adult Columbian Female
- Equations of Kwok et al for Estimating Body Fat in an Older Chinese Adult
- Equation of Schifferli et al for Body Mass in an Adult Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Effect of Clothing on Body Weight of an Adult
- Equations of Strauss et al for Estimating the Change in Plasma Volume for a Patient
- Equation of Kaplan for Estimated Plasma Volume (EPV)
- Equations of Jeon et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass of an Older Korean Adult Using Multifrequency Bioimpedance
- Taiwan Risk Score for Sarcopenia (TRSS)
- Equations of Fatmah for Estimating Height from Arm Span in Indonesian Adults
- Equation of Cordain et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in an Adolescent Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Van Loan and Mayclin for Estimation of Lean Body Mass
- Equation of Kourkoumelis et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of de Lorenzo et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Children
- Equation of Scafoglieri et al for Appendicular Fat Mass
- Model of Plows et al for the Fat Mass of an Infant
- Waist Circumference to Body Mass Index Ratio
- Equation of Van Loan and Mayclin for Estimation of Total Body Water
- Equation of Kourkoumelis et al for Predicting Total Body Water in a Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equation of Wabitsch et al for Predicting Total Body Water (TBW) in an Obese Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Joffe et al for Total Body Water in an HIV-Positive Pediatric Patient
- Equation of Masuda and Komiya for Total Body Water in a Young Japanese Child
- Equation of Danford et al for Total Body Water in a Child
- Equation of Davies and Gregory for Total Body Water in a Pediatric Patient
- Equation of Fjeld et al for Total Body Water in a Young Pediatric Patient
- Equation of Borgonha et al for Total Body Water in an Adult Indian Male
- Equation of Arpadi et al for Estimating Total Body Water in an HIV-Infected Pediatric Patient
- Grip Strength Adjusted for BMI as a Measure of Low Muscle Mass in an Older Adult
- Equation of Albanese et al for Peritoneal Surface Area
- Subparts of Albanese et al for Peritoneal Surface Area
- Equation of Nguyen et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Vietnamese Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance
- BIA Equation of Houtkooper et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Pediatric Patients
- BIA Equation of Horlick et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Tin et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in an Asian Neonate
- Equation of Nguyen et al for Predicting Fat Mass (FM) in a Vietnamese Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equation of Nguyen et al for Predicting Percent Body Fat in a Vietnamese Child Using Bioelectrical Impedance
- Equations of Weinbrenner et al for Estimating the Height of an Older Adult from the Arm Demi-Span
- BIA Equation of Horlick et al for Total Body Water (TBW) in Pediatric Patients
- Risk Factors of Boughey et al for Breast Lymphedema Following Breast Surgery
- Prognostic Body Composition Measures of Fujiwara et al for a Patient with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- U-TEST of Kamitani et al for the Diagnosis of Sarcopenia in an Orthopedic Patient
- Screening for Sarcopenia with SARC-CALF (SARC-F+CC)
- Consensus Criteria of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS): Primary Care Screen
- Consensus Criteria of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS): Health Care Setting
- Screening Test of Ishii et al for Sarcopenia for an Older Male
- Screening Test of Ishii et al for Sarcopenia for an Older Female
- Equations of Dung et al for Estimating Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Preterm Caucasian Infant
- Neck Circumference as a Marker of Obesity
- Visceral Fat Area (VFA) on an Abdominal CT Image
- Lusaka Formula for Estimating Weight of a Child in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Medline Method for Frame Size Based on Wrist Circumference
- Body Frame Size Index and Height to Wrist Circumference Ratio
- Factitious Lymphedema (Secretan Syndrome)
- Equations of Sagayama et al for Estimating Skeletal Muscle Mass in an Active Young Male from Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Data
- Equations of Kim et al for Estimating Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass from Height and Total Body Fat
- Equation of Rolland et al for Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASMM) in Edlerly French Women
- Measurements of Salk et al for a Gynecoid Pelvis
- Equation of Hudda et al for Predicting Fat Mass in a Child or Adolescent
- Equations of Samouda et al for Visceral Adipose Tissue (VA) in Pediatric Patients of White European Ethnicity
- Equations of Samouda et al for Predicting Visceral Adipose Tissue in French Adults
- Equations of Clasey et al for Estimating Abdominal Visceral Fat in Adult Men and Women
- Equation of Owens et al for Predicting Visceral Adipose Tissue in Obese Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Kekes-Szabo et al for Estimating Abdominal Adipose Tissue Distribution
- Equations of Brundavani et al for Estimating Deep Abdominal Adipose Tissue (DAAT) in an Indian Adult
- Tools of Ralston and Myatt for Estimating Weight of a Child 6 to 59 Months of Age in a Limited-Resource Setting: Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)
- Tools of Ralston and Myatt for Estimating Weight of a Child 6 to 59 Months of Age in a Limited-Resource Setting: Height
- Tools of Ralston and Myatt for Estimating Weight of a Child 6 to 59 Months of Age in a Limited-Resource Setting: Stratification by Mid Upper Arm Circumference
- Sarcopenia Score of Wang et al
- Equations of Hogler et al for Lean Tissue Mass and Height in Pediatric Patients
- Four Compartment Model of Fuller et al for Determining the Weight of a Patient's Body Fat
- Equations of Enderle et al for Body Fat Mass and Visceral Adipose Tissue
- Equations of Hogler et al for the Ratio of Bone Mineral Content to Lean Tissue Mass and Height in Pediatric Patients
- Equations of Hogler et al for the Ratio of Bone Mineral Content to Lean Tissue Mass and Age in Pediatric Patients
- Clinical Score of Gelbart et al for Quantifying Edema in a Mechanically Ventilated Child with Congenital Heart Disease
- Screening for Sarcopenia with Calf Muscle Circumference (CMC) in an Older Adult
- Model of Zhang and Zhu for Predicting Sarcopenia in a Patient with Colorectal Cancer
- Equations of Enderle et al for Skeletal Muscle Mass
- Equations of Sardinha et al for Lean Soft Tissue Mass in an Adult Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis
- Equations of Enderle et al for Extracellular Water
- Equation of Lyons-Reid et al for Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a Preschool Child
- Equation of Rush et al for Predicting Fat-Free Mass in 2-Year-Old Children Using Dual X-ray Absorptiometry and Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA)
- Equations of Brambilla et al for Assessing Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Children
- Equation of So et al for Estimating Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) Volume in a Japanese Adult Male
- Equation of Swainson et al for Percent Fat Mass from the Waist to Height Ratio
- Waist Circumference to Square Root of Height (WHT0.5R) of Nevill et al
- Equations of Hilberath et al for Estimating Blood Volume in Adults
- Equation of Duarte et al for Estimated Plasma Volume
- Equation of Montagnese et al for Total Body Water in a Pediatric Patient Using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
- Models of Lu et al for Predicting Total Body Water in Pediatric Patient
- Equation of Slater and Preston for Total Body Water