30,000 Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Support Tools
Use analytics in medical teaching and seminar papers
Support diagnostic results and document medical necessity
Automate medical guidelines and go for EHR integration
How It Works?
Our decision support tools serve the needs of healthcare systems and insurance companies, covering a broad range of diagnostics, treatment, and readmission predictors.
Your Invitation to the Open Marriage of FHIR, BPM+ Health and Medical AlgorithmsWhile open relationships can be problematic, combining the open standards FHIR and BPM+ Health with Medical Algorithms i [...]
Every winter, millions of people travel to the mountains to ski, snowboard, and just relax amid the beautiful scenery. With the nearly 10 million estimated ski/snowboard participants each year, there [...]
Prior Authorization - Using Medical Algorithms to Increase Likelihood for CoverageEvidence-based medical algorithms can help to streamline processes in physicians’ offices by speeding up the time it [...]